I handed over to another world

Chapter 221 Kara Virus Research Institute

Chapter 221 Kara Virus Research Institute
The Jiaolong steadily began to drift along the underground river. As the depth gradually approached the 1500 meters mentioned at the beginning, the originally bustling crater and Leviathan disappeared, and the surrounding area fell into a brief silence. middle.

"We are almost reaching the underwater area."

The driver quickly detected the height between the ground and them on the sonar radar. What the shadow said was true. 1500 meters was indeed the depth limit here.

As the depth gradually increased, a huge underwater building complex finally appeared in the sight of everyone on the Jiaolong.

"Another alien relic..."

"I've kind of gotten used to it, and I don't feel any surprise anymore."

"Haha, this is really another village with dark flowers and bright flowers. Who would have thought that there are alien buildings in such a deep seabed?"

"This is obviously an experimental site. I hope we won't need any keys after we get down there."

"That's killing us!"

"You can see the true form of the shadow in the next two moments. I guess she is a creature imprisoned by aliens."

Yang Li scanned the people present, squinted his eyes and said, "I'm afraid the shadow we saw was transmitted to us by her telepathy ability."

Someone agreed with Yang Li's guess, and the submarine slowed down again. Although the propulsion device at their tail was damaged, the booster thrusters on both sides could still be used, but the speed was slower.

Seeing the huge underwater building complex getting closer and closer, everyone stopped talking. They all obviously felt the pressure.

"There seems to be a passage on the left that can be walked through. Try to go that way."

Yang Li pointed at the huge square building in the distance. As the depth of the submarine reached the same level, everyone noticed that there was a huge door-like structure there.

The Jiaolong sailed towards this side immediately. After passing through a thin white energy shield-like film, the entire hull suddenly hit the ground - at the same time, the alarm sounded suddenly.

"Captain, there is no water around!"


Yang Li looked outside in surprise, his eyes widening in disbelief. They had entered the interior of the building, and the previous seawater was blocked by the energy shield!
Under the command of Yang Li, everyone quickly put on their diving suits and tentatively came out of the Jiaolong. They soon discovered that there was no water pressure in the building and the oxygen supply was normal.

"It's amazing!"

Yang Li stood in front of the energy shield, looked at the sea water outside, and said with incredible emotion: "It would be great if the association also had this kind of alien technology. We will also build a submarine base in the deep sea..."

"team leader!"

Before he could finish his words, the members of the Azure Dragon Team behind him were already shouting.

Yang Li hurried back and noticed that a bunch of team members were gathered at the door, looking at him with a confused face: "There is no need for keys here, even we can't understand what is written on it. Don’t dare to press it casually.”

Yang Li stuck his head out and glanced at the right side of the door. It was similar to a console design, but it was engraved with explanations in special alien language. Several large buttons made them unable to choose for a while.

"This obviously allows us to enter after pressing the door opening button, but if we press the wrong button, what will happen if the energy shield here is released?"

"Then everyone has to finish playing."

Everyone laughed, and Yang Li regained his composure and said directly: "Contact the northern base. I remember that Colonel Chen seems to be here all the time." "The safest way to deal with this problem is to find him."

The correspondent of the Qinglong Team immediately contacted the northern base urgently. After briefly explaining the situation, Chen Lin quickly established contact with them.

"Colonel Chen, look at what's going on."

The team members showed the camera to the alien's console, and those strange alien languages ​​appeared in front of Chen Lin. After he glanced at it, he immediately smiled and said: "The one on the left is to turn on the laser on the inside. The gate, the one on the right is to activate the internal force field control facility."

"Press the button on the right first, then the button on the left to open the door."

The team members were quite surprised by Chen Lin's magical ability, but the first task at the moment was to enter the building. They didn't care to say anything more and directly pressed the button on the right, accompanied by a strange alien language. The sound resounded throughout the building, and everyone suddenly felt a sudden weight beneath their feet.

"The sound just now is reminding you that the force field inside this building is now normal."

Chen Lin reminded everyone loudly, and everyone in the Qinglong Team was overjoyed.

As the button on the left was pressed, the laser door blocking the way opened. Yang Li thanked Chen Lin and quickly hung up the communication.

Chen Lin in the observation room received special attention from other people present. This group of researchers obviously wanted to know how Chen Lin recognized those alien languages, but due to Chen Lin's special status, no one dared to take the initiative to step forward. Ask about this.

In the undersea research base on the other side, Yang Li and the members of the Qinglong Team filed in. Captain Yang, holding the huge plasma weapon, was the first to confirm that the space inside was safe, and only then did the subsequent team members follow.

What came into view was a long uphill road. People walked up carefully on both sides, and the lights on both sides lit up.

The radio sound in the alien language sounded again, and Yang Li quickly switched to the communication channel of the northern base. Chen Lin's voice soon came out - "It's about [the Kara virus vaccine development plan failed, and the Neptune Egg The incubation project is terminated, and all biological samples are required to be killed and the research base evacuated.]"


Yang Li listened carefully to Chen Lin's translation, and his brows were almost furrowed: "What kind of Kara virus are we infected with? Damn it... It seems that these aliens left a mess and ran away, this They should have caused the planet’s viruses.”


Chen Lin spoke up: "This is their virus research base, for the purpose of developing a vaccine for the Kara virus... I don't know what happened here, which led to the withdrawal of these aliens called Pioneers."

"I won't tell you anymore, but we seem to have discovered their biological archives."

Yang Li and his team members walked up and looked up in amazement: "What a guy...these aliens have collected all the creatures on the planet here!"

Everything they looked at was a square glass structure, with various marine creatures placed inside. These marine creatures did not seem to be dead, but were kept in a stagnant state.

"Isn't this the biota they used to study the Kara virus?"

A soldier stared at the huge sea creature in the square glass cabinet and said, "No wonder it covers such a large area!"

Yang Li made a gesture, and everyone immediately spread out and started looking for useful clues around them.

After patrolling around, in addition to various biological samples, everyone actually found a passage deeper into the building.

There are still two buttons and a string of incomprehensible pioneer language at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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