Chapter 262 Show
Chen Lin couldn't care less about his excitement. He first confirmed the main purpose of his trip with Wang Wei.

The location for activating the teleportation array was outside. Chen Lin did not ask why that area was selected. He directly activated the teleportation array first and established contact with the outpost. After doing all this, Chen Lin asked Xiao Wu to Call the office staff to inform them that the area here is open to traffic normally.

Less than 10 minutes after the call was made, the first empty semi-trailer truck appeared directly in the huge teleportation array.

Wang Wei watched excitedly as his men guided the truck out of the teleportation array. He turned to Chen Lin and said, "The first batch of materials we sent to Blue Sea Star is not much, it should only be a few kilograms."

"But looking at the current situation, I'm afraid hundreds of tons and thousands of tons will have to be sent away."

Chen Lin smiled and said nothing. The outpost base has always done things on a large scale, starting with a few hundred tons. After all, semi-trailers have been pulled here, and this thing starts with a few dozen tons per trip!
As expected, it was similar to what Chen Lin and Wang Wei had guessed. Nine more semi-trailers came out of the teleportation array within half an hour, and ten six-axle semi-trailers were lined up in the Stuttgart Mountains. Under the command of the development department, they began to enter the mine to load goods in an orderly manner...

Chen Lin originally planned to stay here for a longer time, but the northern base on the other side of the Blue Star Teleport Gate contacted him urgently. The application for adding a teleportation array had been approved by the outpost, so he could only rush. A transfer was made.


In the military barracks where the outpost is located, several strong men from the Grizzly Bear Association were walking down the long corridor with the guards in front.

As the light in front of them suddenly intensified, everyone in the Grizzly Bear Association suddenly noticed that they had arrived at an open area that looked like some kind of weapons testing site.

"Colonel Lugraf, welcome to our new weapons testing site!"

The person standing in front smiled and extended his hand to Vladimir Luglav, the leader of the Grizzly Bear Association. Luglav noticed that the person in front of him had the same military rank as himself, shook hands with him carelessly, and said: "I think My pleasure!"

Everyone behind him shook hands with him and introduced himself. The man nodded and could actually call everyone by name accurately after the introduction. This operation made everyone present feel incredible.

"Let's get down to the business of today."

The man smiled and guided Lugraf and others forward.

Everyone present was wearing the standard language adapter provided by Origin Star, which fully automatic real-time translation. For the Russian language mastered by the Grizzly Bear Association, the translation could not be smoother.

"Among the joint expedition teams that entered the Origin Star, only the people from your Grizzly Bear Association are officially invited."

Colonel Yang Weidao smiled and said, "So in the end, only people from your association can enter here and see some of our technological breakthroughs on the Origin Star."

Lugraf burst out laughing, and after a while he muttered: "The Red Dragon and the Grizzly Bear Association have common interests. At least we will be close until the guy on the other side of the ocean doesn't completely turn into a corpse. Infinite brothers and friends!”

"Thank you to the Red Dragon Association for giving us the opportunity to come here, especially at this critical moment, your people can support us at the joint conference, and also give priority to inviting us to enter another world..."

Colonel Yang really didn't expect that the naive-looking Lugraf could be so eloquent. He nodded frequently in response. After a while, he noticed that Lugraf had finished what he needed to say. At this time, he was excitedly looking forward to his next words. One step action.

"I agree with what you said...then let's take a look."

"Please put away your cell phones. What we are going to see next will be top secret."

Colonel Yang Weidao smiled and said, "Start" into the communicator. Immediately, the entire Grizzly Bear Association staff heard a puff of air.Before they could react, two humanoid mecha-like things suddenly flew over from a distance. Their speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they had already traveled hundreds of meters away, passing directly over the heads of everyone present. The frame hit the middle of the testing ground twice!
"Ah this...Iron Man!?"

“Have you mastered this technology??”


Lugraf stared at the humanoid mecha that landed on the ground, and immediately became acutely aware of what this meant - it meant that Origin Star had mastered a comprehensive breakthrough in energy and exoskeleton technology!

"What is displayed in front of you is our second-generation power armor. It has three integrated functions of sea, air and land, and integrates offense and defense. It can resist the attack of 7.62 bullets from the front. Even the bombardment of 150mm caliber grenades cannot cause fatal damage to it."

As soon as Yang Weidao raised his hand, soldiers from a distance immediately fired directly at the two pieces of powered armor in the middle of the test site.

A bunch of conventional rifle bullets were fired. Everyone in the Grizzly Bear Association only saw the effect of the bullets being ejected in the distance. The power armor in the middle of the field showed no sign of surface damage at all!
The soldiers were still using a new version of the rifle. After the fight here, they switched to a standard 7.62-caliber rifle and continued to shoot at the power armor in the middle of the field - the result was undoubtedly.

"Yang, this is the latest armor you developed!?"

Lugraf excitedly said to Colonel Yang Weidao beside him, "This thing is just like the scenes in those movies... How did he be able to deflect bullets? Even the most basic There is no knockback effect at all!”

“The materials our designers used are somewhat unique.”

Colonel Yang said with a smile, "Things are mined from the Origin Star, not from the Earth."

Lugraf's eyes widened, and he said half helplessly and half enviously: "That's such a shame! But I still have some questions!"

"What is the combat effectiveness of this kind of power armor? How do they fly? Our Grizzly Bear Association is currently developing these exoskeleton technologies, but unfortunately it is limited to energy supply. How to solve the energy problem of these power armors?..."

Lugraf frantically asked a series of questions, and several association members behind him also spoke out, frantically trying to obtain information about these powered armors. It was obvious that they were also extremely obsessed with these things.

Colonel Yang Weidao smiled and clapped his hands, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"Since we showed it to you, it means we won't hide anything."

"The current development of flying power armor is very mature, and we have begun to install it on a large scale for troops on the Origin Star."

"Next, we will slowly show you the various functions of this power armor. As for the design-related content, don't think so much. Most of them use materials unique to the Origin Star. Even if you know I can’t find a corresponding replacement, I can confirm this.”

Amid the lamentations from everyone in the Grizzly Bear Association, he spoke again toward the communicator.

The two armors in the middle of the field immediately rose up on the spot, and then began the next round of ability display!

(End of this chapter)

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