Chapter 41 Next Step


Chen Lin was stunned for a moment and looked at Professor Yu with a look of disbelief: "Does this thing really exist?"

“Whether it exists or not, it’s hard to say yet.”

Professor Yu said slowly: "The base has done research on your portal before, and at that time there were researchers who proposed the concept of magic."

"After all, the portal you can open cannot be explained by science at all. The only thing that makes sense is this."

"When we studied this antigravity mineral before, we initially thought it was some kind of magical mineral property."

"But when we started from the code name...the bird is now named the Flying Falcon, and we collected enough ore from its gathering place, we realized that the characteristics of this thing are not anti-gravity."

"The anti-gravity effect carried by the minerals will quickly decay after exiting the portal. In almost half a day, the minerals in an entire carriage have lost their effect and turned into ordinary rocks."

"But after bringing the minerals back to another world..."

Chen Lin interjected at this time: "The anti-gravity effect has been restored again?"


Professor Yu nodded, "We suspect that this is not a characteristic of the mineral itself at all, but an effect similar to magic. There is no environment that triggers magic effects on the earth, which causes the ore to become ineffective after being brought back."

Chen Lin became excited after being told that. The previous depression due to the monster attack had disappeared.

"I hope that when we encounter intelligent creatures next time, our confusion will be answered."

"Is it right or wrong to still doubt that opening the portal is right?"

Professor Yu asked jokingly. Chen Lin shook his head, with a more serious look on his face: "But we still have to make them more serious next time. After all, it is not the earth, and danger will always dominate!"

"Don't worry about this. All our soldiers are the favorites of the family. The loss of any of them is unacceptable."

Professor Yu also corrected his expression: "You can't relax in safety work at any time!"


After coming out of Professor Yu's side, Chen Lin felt much better.

He took the initiative to contact Lin Yun, and when Chen Lin arrived at the weapons testing site, Lin Yun was already waiting.

"I heard that you were attacked by a monster over there?"

As soon as Lin Yun saw Chen Lin, he looked around and noticed that Chen Lin was not injured, and then he felt relieved.

"So well-informed."

Chen Lin was slightly surprised, and he casually took out the pistol from his waist, "This little gadget actually helped a lot."

"But I came here to change to a stronger one. Do you have any recommendations?"

Lin Yun's face was slightly disappointed, but she quickly regained her previous confidence and energy, and said with a smile: "Yes, of course!"

"Let's go in first, and you can tell me in detail what happened last night..."

Chen Lin obtained an upgraded version of the 012 pistol from Lin Yun, which removed the limiter and increased the power and battery life.

Lin Yun has been quite busy at work recently, so she hurriedly left shortly after the two met.

Chen Lin stayed at the shooting range, and he took advantage of his free time to continue to practice his marksmanship.

What happened last night has sounded the alarm for Chen Lin. It is necessary for him to master the skillful use of firearms.

Even though he has guards and security forces around him, he still has to rely on himself if something goes wrong.

In the afternoon, Chen Lin was going back to his residence to rest after dinner. As soon as he walked out of the back door of the cafeteria, he saw a shocking scene.There was a long motorcade lined up in front of them. Each semi-trailer truck had dozens of axles, and each of them dragged a large fan blade of an extra-long wind turbine!
Each fan blade is probably dozens of meters long. Chen Lin glanced towards the north and couldn't see the end.

The cart transporting the fan blades was slowly moving towards the portal, its speed was excruciatingly slow.

Chen Lin greeted the newly assigned guard, and he arrived at the portal a few minutes after riding in the car.

The portal area that used to be crowded with people has now been cleared of a place specifically used to enter the blades of this super wind turbine.

The transportation of large fan blades is inherently an extremely slow process, and there are dedicated large transport personnel on both sides to direct...

"Chen Lin!"

Yang Li didn't know when he returned to Hongshan Base. At this time, he saw Chen Lin and greeted him excitedly.

After walking over, Yang Li patted Chen Lin hard on the shoulder.

"long time no see!"

"Colonel Yang, we meet again."

Chen Lin also responded, making Yang Li uncomfortable after hearing it.

"You should call me Captain Yang... If it sounds smooth to you, then that's fine too, Brother Yang!"

Yang Li laughed loudly, and then pointed to the fan blades of the wind turbine in front of him that were slowly being transported inside, "How about it, is this thing big enough?"

"It's indeed big enough. How many meters is it?"

"It seems to be 70 meters in size."

Yang Li touched his chin and said: "The outpost base is currently running out of power. The solar panel generator we brought there can no longer keep up with the demand. Our base has sufficient power supply, but the portal cannot directly affect power transmission. Line."

"After a final inspection, if we want to build thermal power or hydropower over there, there is no place to build it."

"The optimal solution is either nuclear energy or wind power."

Yang Li chuckled and said, "In the end I chose wind power."

Chen Lin looked at these huge fan blades, thinking of these big guys showing up above the dense forest, or standing halfway up the mountain or in the Gobi Desert. That scene was somewhat refreshing.

"Yes, it is clean energy after all."

Chen Lin smiled and nodded, just in time to hear Yang Li ask about the attack last night. Colonel Yang was quite concerned about whether he was injured last night.

"I was not injured, but two soldiers died at the camp and many others were injured."

Yang Li thought for a moment and then waved his hand and said: "As long as you are not injured, sacrifice is inevitable... I heard that the person stationed around the camp is going there for the first time and has no experience."

Chen Lin nodded slightly, and immediately heard Yang Li continue to say: "The outpost is almost completed, and it will be developed in the surrounding areas next."

"To the west is a mineral area such as gold mines. To the south is the sea. To the north are mountains. The exploration to the east has not yet begun."

"Personally, I prefer to develop towards the north. There is a peak over there, and the floating falcon comes out of the mountain."

"When the time comes to find this thing's nest, just give it a nest!"

Chen Lin already knows these contents, and the information about these things on his tablet is very detailed.

After the outpost is completed, the association and the base are expected to coordinate arrangements for personnel to head north.

Head for the mountains!

(End of this chapter)

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