I handed over to another world

Chapter 43 Intelligent Creatures?

Chapter 43 Intelligent Creatures?

Chen Lin and the others were led into the hall, where a man was already waiting here.

"Hi Mr. Chen!"

The man adjusted his glasses and said with a smile: "I will temporarily act as your tour guide and show you the creatures captured in the research."

Chen Lin nodded and heard the man in front of him introduce himself as Xu Minggeng, a researcher at the Institute of Biology.

"Shall we start from the first floor?"

Xu Minggeng walked in front with great enthusiasm, "The institute has only been built for two days, and many places are still under construction, so there are not many places that can be entered."

"Your efficiency is amazing...We have only been here for a short time, and we can already pull up a large building directly with steel and concrete!"

Chen Lin couldn't help but said.

Xu Minggen, who was in front, explained with a smile: "With more people, there is more power! In order to build this biological research institute, all the construction equipment from the outpost was brought here."

“When the priority is high, construction will naturally be faster!”

Chen Lin and his group followed Researcher Xu around a corner and looked up in surprise.

All I could see were huge glass covers on both sides of the corridor in front of me, and inside were creatures from another world soaked in liquid!

The entire corridor is tens of meters long, and there are probably sixty or seventy glass containers placed in it.

The Minotaur and striped spiders that Chen Lin had seen before were among them, and there were even more things that he didn't recognize at all.

The guards behind him all widened their eyes, looking at the strange creatures in these containers with fear and novelty.

"Many of these creatures have not yet been named, only given code names."

Xu Minggeng walked in front and said: "We have collected all the creatures that can be found at this stage, a total of 86 species."

Chen Lin stepped forward and noticed that the first glass container contained goblins.

The goblin's gray skin had turned red due to the liquid in the container.

On the right is a deformed creature that looks like an octopus, and I don’t know how it was caught.

The container further ahead contains a creature with an even weirder head shape...

"We have not yet begun naming and species certification of these organisms at this stage, and the institute is more cautious."

Xu Minggen explained: "What they mean is that they decided to use code names first, and then we can do a thorough research later."

Chen Lin and his group followed Xu Minggen slowly to the middle of the corridor. The glass covers on both sides had begun to show signs of vague expansion.

"What's in front of this is a highly dangerous creature."

Xu Minggeng patted a container next to him and said: "We call this thing an ogre. This thing can withstand 95mm rifle bullets and is very aggressive."

Chen Lin raised his head and saw that the creature inside the glass cover was three meters tall, with extremely thick legs and feet and a terrifying face, but its head looked twisted, as if it had been put together deliberately.

But this only makes it more terrifying.

Even though this creature was dead, it still shocked everyone present.

"Did you see the big hole in this ogre's head? I heard that the reconnaissance team directly shot it with a 14.5mm anti-material sniper rifle."

Xu Minggen tilted his head and said: "We repaired it for a long time after bringing it back. This is already in its most complete state."

Several guards suddenly realized this, and they all had a little more admiration for the reconnaissance team.

Not only can you drag this thing back after encountering it, this strength should not be underestimated!
Chen Lin just nodded and said nothing.

When he and Yang Li entered here for the first time, although there was something wrong when they finally returned, they perfectly demonstrated the qualities of a reconnaissance team in the middle.Regardless of the order and prohibition, the fact that the team killed creatures like a giant bear and a minotaur in their first encounter was enough to prove their strength.

"Let's move on."

Xu Minggen walked in front and was about to introduce the large creatures in the glass container one by one, but was suddenly interrupted by Chen Lin.

"Researcher Xu, let me interrupt."

"You say."

"Have you not encountered any strange creatures here at the Institute of Biology?"

Chen Lin frowned slightly and said: "For example, some kind of intelligent creature, or the kind that can directly communicate with us."

Xu Minggen was stunned for a moment. He hesitated for several seconds before he seemed to be shocked.

"It turns out that Mr. Chen wanted to see this kind of creature. The first floor here is full of biological samples, and there are no living ones..."

"Does that mean you have it?"

A smile appeared on Chen Lin's face: "My level should be visible, right?"

Xu Minggen hesitated for a moment. He looked at the guard behind Chen Lin and seemed hesitant to speak.

"Just wait for me on the first floor. Researcher Xu and I will go up and take a look."

Chen Lin waved his hand directly, turned around and pulled Researcher Xu warmly towards the elevator.

The guards behind him wanted to say that this was not safe, but seeing the entire biological research institute filled with patrolling soldiers, they finally acquiesced to Chen Lin's whim.

"Can you talk now?"

After Chen Lin pulled Xu Minggen away, he couldn't wait to say, "Isn't my level enough?"

Xu Minggen looked helpless: "Of course your level is enough!"

"Since you insist, then please come with me."

Xu Minggen pressed the third floor button on the elevator, and the two of them took the elevator straight to the third floor.

Their identities were verified at the elevator exit. As soon as Chen Lin and Xu Minggen walked out of the elevator, they immediately heard various strange sounds filling the entire floor.

The third floor was completely built like a laboratory, but after Xu Minggeng led Chen Lin into the laboratory, Chen Lin suddenly noticed a huge glass room standing in the middle of the laboratory.

There is an extremely ugly goblin-like creature locked in the glass room!
The guy had a big beard on his face, was dirty all over, and was one meter tall...

Seeing Chen Lin and Xu Minggen come in, this little goblin-like guy immediately stared straight at them.

The researcher not far away obviously knew Xu Minggen. After seeing this scene, he joked: "This guy only knows how to eat all day long. He obviously regards you two as his food delivery!"

Xu Minggen simply started the equipment on the side, and immediately there was a device delivering food to the goblins in the glass room.

The goblin murmured, snatched the food from the device, and put it into his mouth hungrily.

"This gadget looks like some kind of intelligent creature."

Xu Minggen spread his hands and said, "The problem is, no one can understand what it says!"

Chen Lin stood there with a frown on his face. Just now, he vaguely heard the words "Thank you to the Harvest Goddess"!

The source of the sound is the gnome in the glass room!

(End of this chapter)

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