I handed over to another world

Chapter 565: Origin Star Outpost Space Station

When Chen Lin and Lin Yun returned to Anyun Base, work began in full swing.

Chen Lin knew very well what the mission of building an outpost space orbital station on the Origin Star meant to the entire human race, so he did not waste any effort. As soon as he returned, he immediately urged Anyun Base to fully support the construction of the space station.

This is not only a scientific and technological feat, but also an important step for mankind to explore the universe beyond the origin star and move towards the sea of ​​stars beyond the origin star.

Anyun Base is responsible for the supply of space elevator transport cabins and some materials. The foundation that Chen Lin had laid for Anyun Base before seems to be of perfect use at this time, and it is worth Chen Lin's effort.

He first convened the base's main leaders and engineers for an in-depth working meeting.

Inside the conference room, the lighting was soft, but the atmosphere was extremely tense. Chen Lin stood at the front of the room, his eyes sharp as he examined everyone present.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the task we face is huge and the time is short."

Chen Lin's voice was firm and powerful. "The design and manufacturing of the space elevator transport cabin must meet the highest standards. This is not only a technical challenge, but also a test of our responsibility and mission!"

"There shouldn't be any problems with the technical department, right?"

He looked directly at the people on his left. A group of scientific researchers nodded immediately, and the engineers also nodded. They understood the weight of Chen Lin's words.

The space elevator transport cabin on the Origin Star is a key facility connecting the Earth and the space orbital station. Its safety and reliability are directly related to the construction and operation of the entire space orbital station. For the entire space elevator, apart from the most basic space cables, these are the only things that are most important.

Chen Lin nodded in satisfaction and continued to say to the people in front of him: "In addition, we also need to provide some materials for building the space orbital station. These materials must undergo strict quality control to ensure stability and durability in the space environment. They must also be provided according to the highest standards. I will not allow any deviation in this regard. If you want to use the special materials sent up before, you must undergo repeated testing before you are allowed to use them. Do you understand?"

Everyone responded that the space elevator on the Origin Star and the outpost space station that needed to be built after the space elevator was completed were both tasks of the Special Association. No accidents could and would not be allowed to occur. After all, if they did occur, it would be a fatal operation.

The association will also hold people accountable by then, and it will be a big problem.

After Chen Lin finished speaking, he mentioned again the other details of the space elevator project being built on Origin Star. Everyone in the conference room carefully recorded Chen Lin's instructions and reminders. They knew that every detail was crucial, and any small mistake could lead to a major safety accident in the entire project, so every reminder was very necessary.

After the meeting, Chen Lin did not take a moment to rest and led the team directly to the production department at Anyun base.

He put on protective clothing in the outer area, and after entering, he personally checked every link of the production line according to the old rules. Those sophisticated instruments and busy workers were so pleasing to Chen Lin's eyes. He had advocated the development of additional scientific research project teams in Anyun Base. At that time, many people in the association and Anyun Base were dissatisfied and questioned this.

But Chen Lin persisted. The various scientific research projects he developed and the subsequent starship manufacturing plans enabled the entire Anyun base to quickly reap the benefits after paying part of the cost.

Thanks to these projects, Anyun Base has resettled a large number of workers and manufacturers who were previously unable to be resettled, and has trained a large number of skilled workers. Initially, the maintenance and operation of the virtual training equipment even required Anyun Base to hire people from the outpost base, but as the entire training program matured, Anyun Base has now become the place with the largest number of skilled workers on the entire Origin Star.

The operation and maintenance of virtual training equipment has now become the exclusive domain of Anyun Base. It has even begun to replace the outpost base to provide talent training for the entire Origin Star...

It can be said that the current development of Anyun Base was basically undertaken by Chen Lin single-handedly. The contributions and achievements he made in the position of the person in charge of Anyun Base are obvious to everyone with a discerning eye. He has an excellent reputation in Anyun Base and even the entire Red Dragon Association.

Chen Lin's attention made the work of the entire Anyun base proceed quickly and efficiently. The design of the space elevator transport cabin was modified and improved many times, and finally achieved satisfactory results. At the same time, the materials used to build the space orbital station also passed strict quality inspections and were ready to be shipped into space.

The new space orbital station was named the Outpost Space Station, or it can also be called the Outpost Base - of course with the word "space" as a prefix.

Chen Lin personally signed the documents for transporting materials, and that evening the equipment and materials began to be transported to the Northern Base in batches. Chen Lin even personally built a magical teleportation array for the new Northern Base building - the space elevator base.

Those people in the 023M unit can actually also make a teleportation array like Chen Lin. The cheap master also taught them something similar. It's a pity that at present, only the teleportation array developed by Chen Lin can be maintained for a long time. Those developed by others can only be maintained for a period of time before being automatically declared scrapped. It is indeed very strange to say.

Three days later, Chen Lin received a message from the person in charge of the space orbit construction project team of Origin Star. They had received the materials and space elevator transport cabin provided by Anyun Base, and expressed satisfaction with the quality and progress. They hoped that they could continue the cooperation in the future.

Chen Lin saw that the time was almost up, so he contacted Zhong Qingshu and Wu Qianqi. Their several large bases on the Origin Star were responsible for different projects. After asking around, the answer he got was that basically all the projects had been completed and delivered.

Zhong Qingshu complained to Chen Lin about this matter on the phone. He said that he had never made the so-called space meal before. After the task was issued, he still needed to seriously consider how to design it. Later, he held a special meeting to make it happen, and also learned from the outpost base and the Red Dragon Association, and finally designed this thing.

The first batch of food from the Dalad Continent on Zhong Qingshu's side provided enough food for more than 40 people to use for one month. For Zhong Qingshu, this amount was nothing. The food output on the Dalad Continent was almost completely overflowing. The total amount of food produced was enough for the Red Dragon Association to eat without any problem. The land in the other world was so fertile that it surprised everyone.

Chen Lin listened to this guy half bragging, half complaining, with a smile on his face. Finally, he asked Zhong Qingshu, "Old Zhong, have you ever been to the Rock Station on Blue Starfish?"

Zhong Qingshu was obviously stumped by Chen Lin's question. After a few seconds of silence, he said helplessly, "How can I be like you? There are so many things going on here at Darrad, and Blue Star is not a place that people like me can go to casually!"

"Then you should definitely take some time to visit the Blue Star Space Station."

Chen Lin smiled at Zhong Qingshu and said, "The current scale of Panshi Station is no longer what it was before. You can't feel the shock just from the pictures and videos... How about this, I will apply to the association and arrange it later. At that time, we will take the base leaders of several associations to the outer space of Blue Sea Star to feel the effect. I will take you with me, and when I want to come back, I can just open the portal and come back." "That's great!"

Chen Lin agreed with a smile. He chatted with Zhong Qingshu for a few more words before hanging up the phone. He then directly instructed the intelligent assistant to draft a document for him. The general content of the document was roughly what he had just said to Zhong Qingshu.

Now the outpost space station is about to be built, but most of the heads of major bases on the entire Origin Star have never been to the Rock Station on the Blue Sea Star and cannot experience the true charm of outer space for themselves. Naturally, this group of people cannot truly feel the shock from the bottom of their hearts.

Then it is natural that cognitive biases may occur in some jobs.

Therefore, the best solution is for the association to take the lead and form a team with the base leaders on the Origin Star. They will personally go to the Northern Base Portal, enter the Blue Sea Star, and then take the space elevator to the Rock Station to experience it for themselves!
Chen Lin knew very well that to ensure the smooth construction of the space orbital station, it was far from enough to just discuss in the conference room and supervise at the production base.

He needed to let the base leaders experience the space environment firsthand and feel the actual conditions of working and living in space. Only in this way could they truly understand the importance of their work to the entire space orbital station.

The bold suggestion Chen Lin put forward to the association was soon approved by the association.

The members of the team are all the leaders of the base. They all have great enthusiasm for space exploration and varying knowledge reserves. Many of them have never thought about going to space one day in their entire lives, and they are even more excited than ordinary people.

The Northern Base is located in the Arctic region of the Origin Star. Chen Lin led a group of people and quickly entered the Blue Sea Star. The magnificent ocean scenery amazed all the responsible persons. However, what they came here to see today was not the ocean scenery, but the space!

Chen Lin led the team members directly to the base of the space elevator. Looking at the space elevator rising into the sky, they felt for the first time what true "grandness" meant.

This thing, which had never been seen on Earth, was an extremely strong shock to the cognition of each of them.

They may have seen it in various video images and data reports before, but to them, this thing is more like an illusory existence, something from a science fiction work.

But today, when they saw the real thing, everyone was completely shocked by this huge existence.

This thing was completely beyond the understanding of everyone present!
The space elevator slowly rose, and the view outside the window gradually became blurred.

The team members were all holding the handrails nervously at this time. Zhong Qingshu felt the wonderful feeling of his body gradually losing weight. After taking a deep breath, he saw Wu Qianqi beside him gasping for breath. He couldn't help but laughed.

Chen Lin, who was sitting nearby, seemed unusually calm. He had been in space countless times and was accustomed to the feeling of weightlessness.

During the lifting phase, the group of people couldn't help but exclaim. Even though they were of noble status, this was the first time for them to ride on this thing. The excitement and the feeling of weightlessness alternating made them unable to help but cry out.

Chen Lin looked at the reactions of this group of people with a smile. It was normal to have such a reaction. There were some things that they would definitely not understand unless they experienced them personally. This could be regarded as adding to their life experience!

The space elevator soon stopped and everyone arrived at the Rock Station.

At this time, the Rock Station has become a huge space station, which is the center of human activities on the Blue Sea Star.

Chen Lin led the team members to visit various facilities of the space station, including living areas, laboratories, observatories, etc. On the Panshi Station, the group of people experienced working and living in space firsthand - they saw how scientists conducted experiments in a weightless environment, how astronauts conducted spacewalks outside the space station, what soilless space planting looks like, and what the scale of starship exploration is...

All this shocked them deeply and made them understand more deeply the importance of their work to space exploration.

After staying at Panshi Station for a few days, Chen Lin led the team back to the Origin Star. The group had not yet recovered from the shock. The people from the association arrived early under Chen Lin's arrangement, and the first meeting after returning was also held at the Northern Base.

Vice President Zhang of the association stood in front of the podium. His eyes swept over everyone present, and his voice was firm and passionate.

“Your experience at Rock Station is not only about learning and experience, but also about changing your worldview.”

Vice President Zhang's voice echoed in the conference room. "Everything you have seen on the space station is the pinnacle of human technology. You have also witnessed the difficulty and greatness of space exploration. Next, you should understand the responsibilities we shoulder."

"Our work is not just about building a space orbital station, but also about the future of mankind."

"Everyone should integrate your insights and experiences at the Rock Station into our work and contribute our greatest strength to mankind's space exploration. Some work requires your full cooperation to complete. I don't need to say too much about this. I believe everyone present understands it."

A group of people nodded. They were all the heads of various major bases. Their awareness was ridiculously high. The space station tour organized by Chen Lin this time had refreshed the worldview of all of them. For the construction of the subsequent Origin Star Outpost Space Station, they would more or less realize how to do it, which would save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Chen Lin's actions were highly praised by the association. (End of this chapter)

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