I handed over to another world

Chapter 61 Coman Nobles

Chapter 61 Coman Nobles
The armored woman stared at Chen Lin fiercely, but soon lowered her head, seemingly accepting her fate.

Chen Lin didn't know the official language of the Coman Empire, so he couldn't communicate with this woman. He could only ask someone to take her to the car first.

Wang Xian had already finished handing over to the team members not far away and walked over.

"Did these two guys say anything?"

Chen Lin shook his head: "Don't speak at all. He is quite wary of us."

"I think he must be scared."

Team leader Wang Xian spoke up: "Being chased by those green-skinned orcs and killing their own people in front of them will bring a lot of psychological shadow to them."

"Looking at their outfits, they are all elite members of the Coman Empire's bodyguards. They shouldn't have such poor mental qualities, right?"

"No one can say for sure."

Wang Xian summoned everyone to the communicator to prepare to return. At the same time, he spoke to Chen Lin: "The psychological quality of soldiers is affected by many factors. If the casualties of the entire team are too large, individual psychological problems will easily occur." .”

"Perhaps this guy's personal guard regiment was all slaughtered."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Wang Xian signaled everyone to gather up and prepare to return. As he walked, he spoke to Chen Lin: "I asked them to find the brown eagle beast and the flying dragon. Maybe we can get a few back and train them."

"The flying height of these mounts is not low. It would be great if they could be used as flying mounts."

Chen Lin was curious about how these things crossed the mountains and entered the Forsaken Forest.

he asked, expressing his confusion.

Wang Xian smiled and said: "Actually, the route on this side of the river is no longer within our actual control. The mountains here are not all towering peaks, and the height in some places is only a few hundred meters smaller. It’s normal for these brown eagle beasts to fly over these places and burrow in.”

"We have so many sentries here, how could we let them fly in?"

Chen Lin frowned and asked aloud, but Wang Xian acted very calmly: "I heard that they did this deliberately, leaving a hole for people to come in. When the time comes, they can capture them alive and get out a lot of useful information. You know, we The news came via drone."

A group of people got on the bus. Chen Lin sat in a row opposite the two prisoners and carefully looked at the clothes of the two prisoners opposite.

"Yes, the pattern on this armor must be that of the royal family of the Coman Empire."

Chen Lin was the first to speak out, sizing up the woman opposite, "Ordinary civilians are not allowed to wear this kind of war eagle pattern."

Several people around him asked about the rumors about the nobles, but Chen Lin knew it clearly and explained them one by one with a smile.

Although he has been training in the military camp in the past few months, he has actually been to the Biological Research Institute many times, enough for Chen Lin to get the latest news about the empire.

The previous outpost sent people to capture many green-skinned orcs alive, and found that they were all from the orc empire-Amon.

These guys took advantage of the civil strife in the Coman Empire to fish in troubled waters and began to attack the outer areas of the Coman Empire and occupied a large amount of territory.

After the green-skinned orc was captured, the Weapons Research Institute specially developed a heavy assault rifle based on its physical characteristics to prevent the previous standard rifle from being unable to kill him with one shot.

Due to the war, many people in the Coman Empire tried to cross the mountains to find a place to escape.

Most of the people died at the mouths of monsters, and a few were captured by the soldiers stationed here. Through the recognition of the dwarf Ed Castelli, the general identities of these people were recognized.

Chen Lin basically remembered the difference between the clothing of nobles and commoners after seeing it several times.

Chen Lin was talking to a group of people, and the woman opposite who had been silent until now suddenly made a sound.

She said a series of syllables, and the car suddenly became quiet.

"What did she say?"

"I don't know, the translator can't translate it... the language of the Coman Empire is very different from the Dwarvish language."

"The translator didn't add the language of the Koman Empire. What do those guys do for a living?" Several people looked at each other and immediately started discussing in a low voice.

Captain Wang Xian said nothing, but looked at Chen Lin: "You understand, right?"

Everyone closed their mouths at this time and all looked at Chen Lin.

Chen Lin smiled shyly: "I understand a little bit."

"Brother Chen, what did this woman just say?"

"Translate it!"

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to be so secretive!"

The atmosphere suddenly became lively again, and Chen Lin did not hide his secrets and said directly: "She was asking us just now who we are and which country we belong to."

Everyone looked at each other and immediately started laughing.

"Just say we are from China..."

Before one of the soldiers finished speaking, the team leader reminded him: "She may not understand what we said."

"So we can only communicate through sign language at this stage?"

"I don't know sign language either..."

“People may not be able to understand sign language either!”

Chen Lin suddenly thought of something at this time, and he said aloud: "Can she understand the dwarf language?"

"As a noble of the Coman Empire, it should be considered normal to know a few foreign languages, right?"

"You're right!"

"Try turning on the translator."

Wang Xian directly turned on the translator and said "Hello" tentatively, and the translator directly translated it into dwarven language.

The sound came out, and the woman sitting opposite her eyes suddenly widened.

She spoke again towards the source of the sound with a look of disbelief on her face, and when Chen Lin heard it, he immediately gave the captain a thumbs up - "There's a chance!"
Everyone couldn't wait to know what she just said.

"Why do you know dwarf language? You are not a dwarf..."

As soon as this translation came out, everyone's faces were filled with ecstasy, and they immediately signaled the captain to increase the volume of the translator.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Lin combined the translator and quickly conducted basic communication with the woman.

Everyone said that they came from a distant country, on the other side of the sea, and did not belong to the Coman Empire, the Orc Empire or even the Dwarf Kingdom.

The reason why they use Dwarvish is because they currently only know this language.

When asked about the woman's identity, the woman hesitated to explain clearly. Chen Lin could only vaguely hear a few key words - "imperial nobility", "civil strife", "throne"...

When they wanted to ask again, the car they were riding in suddenly sped up.

The woman turned her head and glanced outside, and immediately her pupils shrank.

A large number of strangely constructed houses appeared in her field of vision.

She had never seen the design of these houses before, and the sheer number of them surprised her even more.

When did a human civilization suddenly appear in the Forgotten Forest?
(End of this chapter)

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