Chapter 71 Price
Chen Lin is somewhat stronger than Irina at this time. He didn't realize until just now what the content of the video that Professor Yu stopped was.

Feelings are like this!
Chen Lin was somewhat grateful to Professor Yu, at least he saved himself from nausea for several days.

It also saved him from a new wave of inner shadows.

The video played by Shi Jian was about 3 minutes long. It was filled with a large number of orcs' atrocities against the people of the Coman Empire. The footage captured by the drone was extremely clear, and even gave a panoramic view at the end.

In the footage, the city is in smoke, with ruins everywhere, and miserable screams and wails can be heard clearly...

"This is a city we don't know the name of, but we photographed the flag."

General Shi Jian pressed the button in his hand again, and a huge flag appeared on the screen.

Irina immediately recognized the city represented by this flag.

"This is Foothill City!"

Her face was still pale, but she tried her best to control her emotions, "This is the city where Ferrante is!"

Shi Jian immediately looked at Chen Lin, and Chen Lin asked who this so-called "Ferrante" was.

"Ferrante is my younger brother, the second prince... He is a little fatter and not too tall."

Princess Irina explained quickly, and Chen Lin passed the words intact to Colonel Shi Jian, who hesitated a little.

"So that guy is the second prince of the Coman Empire?"

Shi Jian pursed his lips and sorted out his words, "I'm really sorry, he is already dead."

He pressed the button in his hand again, and the picture taken by the drone was quickly changed.

What appeared in the camera this time was a rather luxuriously decorated castle, but when the green-skinned orc appeared in the camera, it didn't matter whether it was a castle or not.

The orcs still slaughtered everyone, but the opposition they encountered here was stronger.

When the orcs finally broke through the castle guards, out of revenge, all the remaining soldiers were brutally killed by them!
What the camera finally showed was the top floor of the castle.

A fat nobleman in bright clothes was surrounded in the middle, and all outside were the heavily armored Coman Guards.

Chen Lin recognized the aristocratic clothes this man was wearing, and at the same time he was wondering why this guy looked so old.

If nothing else, this nobleman is Irina’s brother Ferrante.

The guards in the camera quickly fought with the orcs that rushed up!
It's a pity that there is a huge disparity in strength between the two sides. In the end, not many of the orcs died, but all the personal guards were wiped out.

As for the fat noble in the middle, an orc rushed forward and caught him.

The orc in the camera seemed to have had a conversation with Fatty, but unfortunately the drone didn't hear it clearly.

Irina's hands were shaking at this time. She stared at the scene in the camera until she saw her brother Ferrante being beheaded by an orc... The woman simply fainted.

Chen Lin was about to stand up in shock, but Shi Jian and others on the side didn't seem to be in a hurry.

"Don't worry Mr. Chen, we have considered this situation."

Shi Jian picked up the intercom on the table and said a few words, and soon medical staff came out.

The fainted princess Irina was quickly awakened. Her face was extremely ugly at this time, and she was staring at the water glass on the table in a daze.

Shi Jian and the person next to him looked at each other, as if wondering if this force was too much.

The drone footage they showed actually took place in the cities outside the mountains.

The killing of Ferrante in Foothill City was just a microcosm of the entire southern orc invasion background.

Chen Lin was called out of the house by Shi Jian at this time. "Mr. Chen, what do you think of these shots today?"

"It's too bloody..."

"But these are actual things that happened, and what we are playing is just the video."

Chen Lin did not continue this topic, but asked directly: "Let me guess...are you planning to let the princess take the initiative to borrow troops?"

Shi Jian smiled and nodded at Chen Lin: "The teacher is famous."

"need my help?"

"It would be best if we could guide her to speak out, but we have already reached this point. In fact, it doesn't matter whether she speaks or not."

Shi Jian took out a piece of paper from his pocket, handed it to Chen Lin and said, "Look at this."

Chen Lin opened the paper and opened his mouth in surprise.

What is on the paper is a draft of the conditions required for sending troops. The outpost directly requires the Coman Empire to give up the management rights of 400+ mines, agent the construction of its fifteen cities, and temporarily lease more than [-] square kilometers. The area is used for industrial construction...

After reading it, Chen Lin hesitated and said, "This...can she agree?"

Shi Jian was not anxious at all, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Chen, she will definitely agree."

"The invasion of the Orc Empire has been planned for a long time, with the goal of destroying the Koman Empire. In order to prevent this from happening, she must agree."

Chen Lin nodded slightly, folded the papers in his hands, and before putting them in his pocket, he raised his head and looked at Shi Jian.

"anything else?"

"You can keep it. This is just a draft. We will make changes at any time if necessary."

Shi Jian saluted Chen Lin and said with a smile on his face: "I heard that Mr. Chen will have a military rank soon. Congratulations in advance."

"We'll talk about this later. Let's deal with the matter at hand first."

Chen Lin smiled and nodded, then walked back from outside the house with Shi Jian.

Princess Irina's condition has recovered a lot at this time. When Chen Lin came back, she was picking up a cup and sipping water.

"Before, you said that you could help me return to the royal capital, and even help Koman eliminate the rebels and invaders from the Orc Empire..."

As soon as Chen Lin sat down, he immediately heard Irina speaking to him.

He glanced in the direction of Shi Jian and noticed that Shi Jian nodded slightly towards him.

The two people had obviously reached some kind of agreement.

"There is no problem. What we promised will be completed without compromise."

Chen Lin nodded, and he saw hope suddenly flashing in Irina's green eyes.

"Then when do we leave?"

Princess Irina nervously asked Chen Lin: "The empire is in danger now, shouldn't we seize the time?"

Chen Lin sighed slightly, then slowly spoke in dwarf language: "Irina, you should know that we are not from the Coman Empire."

Irina's green eyes were filled with confusion, and it took her a few seconds to suddenly realize the meaning of Chen Lin's words.

"So, what are your conditions?"

(End of this chapter)

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