I handed over to another world

Chapter 80 Fire Coverage!

Chapter 80 Fire Coverage!

In the eyes of these surviving orcs, the burning camp now turned into some kind of disaster.

With their brain capacity, they cannot imagine what kind of power this is.

It can actually destroy the entire camp instantly!
The more than 2 orc troops were covered by a round of artillery fire, and up to [-]% of them died directly. Those orcs who survived by chance did not have time to rejoice, but they heard the roar from the sky again.

Immediately afterwards, another round of artillery shells rained down on the entire camp again, plowing the entire camp thoroughly.

The explosion, fire, and the smell of barbecue blew along the wind, causing the orcs who had just come out of the city to turn around and run away in horror!
They have completely lost the courage to stay here!
This is a purgatory on earth!
They have no doubt that these "divine punishments" will befall them next!

When the follow-up mechanical infantry arrived, all they could see was the orc camp that had turned into a charred pit.

Tens of thousands of orc corpses lay scattered in the camp. Most of them could no longer recognize their original appearance. All kinds of torsos and limbs were scattered all over the place. Orc corpses, all charred and black, piled up in mountains...

After hastily sterilizing the battlefield, the mechanized infantry battalion quickly drove armored vehicles to blast open the city gate and directly entered the city.

While indiscriminately killing all remaining orcs that could be seen, the infantry battalion also released a recording made in advance by the princess Irina.

The large loudspeaker continuously played the voice of Princess Irina in a loop.

In the recording, she called on the people who were still alive to resist the brutal invasion of the orcs, kill the orcs if they were able, and go directly to the army at the outpost for help if they were unable!

In the recording, Irina praised the outpost vigorously, even describing it as a god descending from heaven!

Irina's voice naturally had a soothing effect, and the people of the Coman Empire who were still alive in the city were ecstatic after hearing this voice.

They quickly discovered through various channels that all the brutal orc troops stationed outside the city were gone. It was true that just as the recording said, they had all been wiped out!
But the survivors had no time to celebrate, and soon discovered that several wheeled armored vehicles had entered the city.

These monsters made of steel are still unfamiliar to the survivors. They still hold deep hostility and fear towards these things, and no one dares to approach them.

"Release the drones."

Yang Li jumped off the wheeled armored vehicle at this time, took out the communicator and shook it high, "It seems that the signal is not very good. Let's use our own network... We have to ask the Hongshan Base to ask for it after we go back." A satellite is coming."

"Captain, why don't we see any survivors?"

"How can any survivor dare to come to us so soon?"

Yang Li said in a deep voice: "We were almost massacred. Those who can survive must be human beings. Naturally, they are the most cautious!"

"Pump the loudspeaker louder!"

He shouted in the direction of the wheeled armored vehicle in the distance, and immediately heard the sound of the loudspeaker increase by several decibels again.

"Team Yang, the enemy has been discovered!"

The soldier on the side quickly reported the location on the communicator, "The picture in the drone shows there are 7!"

Yang Li's eyes flashed with light. He noticed that the place where the enemy was found was not far from him, and he immediately waved to the team members beside him.

"Hey guys, it's still an orc team!"

Following Yang Li was squad leader Zhao Leguan. He squinted at the orc team in the distance that was cautiously approaching them, and said, "Isn't this the elite of the orc army?"

This group of orcs didn't know where they learned the method. They actually formed a turtle formation, found a few shields and raised them above their heads, and then moved in the direction where they were.Yang Li took one look and said immediately: "What kind of elites are you?"

Yang Li directly aimed his assault rifle at the orc team in the distance, but the muzzle suddenly dropped a few degrees.

A bullet from the heavy assault rifle blasted out, instantly smashing the feet of the orc standing at the front!
The orc wailed and fell to the ground unable to hold himself up. A large gap was immediately exposed in the shield formation.

Squad Leader Zhao next to Yang Li fired a grenade in this direction without hesitation.

He already knew what to do when Yang Li took aim, and the grenade was loaded directly on the muzzle of the gun.

Zhao Leguan's accuracy was excellent. The grenade entered the orc team directly through the gap, and then exploded brilliantly!
None of the seven orcs were spared, and they ended their lives vigorously in a single grenade.

Even though they have rough skin and thick flesh, they can't withstand the power of grenades!
Yang Li stood up directly and cast an appreciative look at the squad leader beside him.

"You kid has a future!"

He didn't say much nonsense, turned around and headed in the direction of the wheeled armored vehicle.

There are still a lot of surviving orcs in the city. They will need to clean up here for a short time. When it is almost done, they will leave the city and move together with the large infantry battalion.

A few hours later, Yang Li's mechanical infantry battalion went straight through the entire city and quickly disappeared.

The advantages of mechanization were perfectly demonstrated at this time. Even on the imperfectly repaired roads of the Coman Empire, wheeled chariots can still run very fast!

What they left to the city, apart from the ruts of wheeled chariots, was only a large number of orc corpses.

Corpses piled up like mountains in the orc camp outside the city, and hundreds of orcs were discovered by drones in the city...

Within the combat headquarters, the commander in charge of frontline operations was obviously not satisfied.

"What do you say about the satellite you applied for before? Hasn't it been approved yet?"

The combat consultant on the side was Shi Jian. He smiled and said: "What's the point of killing a chicken with a sledgehammer? With our signal tower and drone formation, we can still take care of them."

"This battle is still at home, so it's okay for now. What if we run to the center line next? What if we enter the north?"

The commander frowned and said, "We must nip problems in the bud."

Shi Jian nodded with deep approval: "I will file a report and apply again when the battle here is almost over."

"What's the latest progress of the frontline troops?"

"Nine cities where the orc troops were stationed have been removed. There is no accurate number of the orc troops destroyed, but a rough estimate should be around 15."

Shi Jian quickly gave the information, "Two mechanical infantry battalions have arrived at the target city. It has not been occupied by the orcs yet. Irina has sent a helicopter there."

The commander looked at the cities on the sand table in front of him, most of which were still occupied by red light. He said solemnly: "Don't pity the ammunition, let the artillery battalion work overtime!"

"It doesn't matter if there are no people, the shells must be delivered first!"

(End of this chapter)

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