Versatile Mage's Magic Talent

Chapter 60 Diamond Dragon Ox

Chapter 60 Diamond Dragon Ox
When the Hurricane Demon Peng really spread its wings and flew, he realized why the totem under his feet was called the Hurricane Demon Peng. The Hurricane Demon Peng isolated himself from the hurricane blowing in the air. He could feel how powerful the outside wind was. , even a commander-level demon might be torn to pieces in an instant in front of this hurricane.


The Hurricane Demon Peng was very familiar with this area. In less than 3 minutes, he had found a group of bull demons gathered on the hillside. Standing on top of the Hurricane Demon Peng, he looked around and saw that the leader was a demon with a body that exuded a diamond-like color. The shining silver bull demon, the horns on its head are a bit like dragon horns, and there are two dragon whiskers at both ends of its mouth. With this image, he already knows what kind of monster it is, a diamond dragon bull!
Possessing the blood of the dragon clan and the blood of the Vajra and Barbarian Bull, it has strong combat power. The skin defense on its body, which is like a diamond, is the best among its peers. There are more than a dozen leader-level bovine demons beside the Vajra Dragon and Bull. For example, there were giant demon oxen, giant brute oxen, bronze oxen, etc. Below the commander level, in his eyes, he could see a dense mass of black people, which looked like at least 10,000+.

"The Hurricane Demon Peng is truly worthy of being a supreme monarch, with unparalleled domineering power. When he came up, he went straight to the mid-level monarch-level demons like Vajra Dragon Niu, and even ignored the younger brothers under him."

Seeing the Hurricane Demon Peng swooping down, Qin Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He didn't know when he would be able to practice to the level of the Hurricane Demon Peng. He ignored the number and headed directly for the opponent's head.


After noticing the abnormality in the air, the Vajra Dragon Bull roared to the sky. At the same time, the younger brothers around it also roared to the sky, and all kinds of long-range attacks such as fireballs, rocks, and water waves were directed towards the sky.

Qin Chen stood on top of the Hurricane Demon Peng, looking at the dense attacks like a sky net, and couldn't help but feel his scalp numb. If it weren't for the protection of the Hurricane Demon Peng, he would definitely have died.


I saw that the hurricane field on the hurricane demon roc was opened directly. Those attacks that rushed up fell into the hurricane field and were directly blown back by the hurricane. At the same time, the hurricane demon roc waved its wings, carrying countless wind blades like Heavy rain fell on the pile of bull demons.

Qin Chen didn't know how many bull demons were killed or injured by just one blow. He only saw the remaining souls flying towards him all over the sky. The sudden surprise really shocked him.

After unfolding the hurricane field, the Hurricane Demon Peng was simply invincible. Its numbers could not help it at all. It continued to swoop down and grabbed the Vajra Dragon Ox with one claw. The Vajra Dragon Ox, which was said to have unparalleled defense, was directly hit by the Hurricane Demon Peng. The claws opened a gash in the belly from the neck to the tail. The blood was so bloody that it penetrated deep into the bone marrow. It almost pulled out the intestines of the Vajra Dragon Cow.

After the Vajra Dragon Niu knew how powerful the Hurricane Demon Peng was, he decisively called his younger brothers to die and cover its escape. However, facing the speed of the Hurricane Demon Peng, the Vajra Dragon Niu had no chance to escape. Its younger brothers could not even reach the territory of the Hurricane Demon Peng. They couldn't break through them, and most of them died in the hurricane territory.

There was no surprise for the Vajra Dragon Bull. After less than ten confrontations, the Vajra Dragon Niu was directly caught in the claws of the Hurricane Demon Peng and managed to survive.

"The two are not on the same level at all."

Only then did Qin Chen realize that in front of the supreme monarch, the middle-level monarch was like a younger brother who could be killed at will.

Just when the Hurricane Demon Peng wanted to end its life with one claw, Qin Chen suddenly said:

"Wait, let's live!"

Indeed, only those who are alive have the greatest value. If they die, the demon's vitality will quickly pass away and disappear. If it is a slave-level or warrior-level demon, he can save 80.00% of its vitality before it completely disappears, but this monarch He couldn't save even one percent of a super monster, so he said that the one who was alive was the best.


Hearing this, the Hurricane Demon Peng stopped on the hillside where the Vajra Dragon Cow was before. The Vajra Dragon Cow was pressed down on its claws, directly pressing it down into the uphill soil, making it difficult to even move. "MOO!!!!!!"

However, at this moment, the Vajra Dragon Bull did not give up and roared for its brothers to come over and ask for its help.


The level of monsters is strict. When the Vajra Dragon Bull roars, its younger brothers immediately rush forward. However, all the bull monsters that break into the hurricane field die miserably. Even the commander-level bull monsters cannot break through the hurricane field and see He was very satisfied with the essence and remnant souls that kept floating over, and silently gave Vajra Dragon Niu a thumbs up.

"Press it tightly and don't let it move; also, move your injured position closer to the Vajra Dragon Ox." Qin Chen said to the Hurricane Demon Peng.


The Hurricane Demon Peng promised that the Vajra Dragon Ox should never move, and then pressed its wings down according to Qin Chen's instructions.

"Magic vine - growing like crazy"

Hearing this, Qin Chen flew down directly from the Hurricane Demon Peng, and then he directly used his plant magic to create magic vines, which were wrapped around the wounds of the Vajra Dragon Ox, and then these vines climbed up the Hurricane Demon Peng The wound on the wing.

"Life absorption!"

His plant talent was activated, and he continuously absorbed the vitality of the Diamond Dragon Ox and injected it into the wound of the Hurricane Demon Poc. He withheld 30.00% of the absorbed vitality, and the remaining 70.00% was used to heal the Hurricane Demon Poc's injuries.


The Hurricane Demon Peng felt the wound recover and shouted in relief.

"Don't move around. If the vine breaks, the treatment will break."

Qin Chen reminded that the vitality is transmitted through the magic vine. If the magic vine is broken, the vitality will naturally not be transmitted.


The vitality of the monarch level is too great. Even if the Vajra Dragon Ox was maimed, it took him five hours to absorb all the Vajra Dragon Ox's life force with all his strength, and the Hurricane Demon Peng's injuries were completely healed. .

(End of this chapter)

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