Chapter 101 Stun everyone
"Shit, you're crazy!"


The two couldn't help but look at each other, both of them unable to conceal the shock in their hearts.

Even though they have been at Huaqing University for so many years, this is the first time they have heard about a student with 39 people.

Not only was he shocked, he was simply confused.

After a while, Wu Tairan recovered from his confusion and shock.

Some said angrily: "Nonsense, the large dungeon is to train everyone's teamwork ability. If he does this, do other students need to train?"

"But Mr. Wu...he didn't break any rules. Even though it's 1000 points per person, it's all a matter of mutual consent!"

The teacher who reported it explained.

"Huh? One person with one thousand points? Thirty-nine thousand points at once. Damn it, the points came too fast!"

Wu Tairan was confused again.

"Looking back to when we were in school, we didn't earn more than tens of thousands of points in the first three years of our study career. This kid... earned [-] points as soon as he entered school. This guy earned [-] points in just a few hours. ."

"The points you can earn are ridiculously fast. If you were outside, it would be a sure way to get rich!"

Nie Hongbo couldn't help but sigh.

"I feel a little envious when I say that. When we were in school, it was so difficult to earn points..."

"However, although this incident does not violate any rules, it does affect the experience opportunities of other students who were detained. I think this incident needs to be stopped!"

Wu Tairan shook his head.

"Old Wu, we can't control things too leniently! This is all their own business. As long as they comply with the regulations, they can walk their own path. The school cannot forcefully interfere!"

"So be it!"

Nie Hongbo waved his hand.

It's really not easy to intervene in this kind of thing.

After Wu Tairan heard this, he also understood this truth and quickly left the office and went straight to the Super Seminary.

At this time, Wang Chen has completed the group formation.

Entered the dungeon with 39 people.

For the first time, he still appeared in the outer area of ​​the temple.

"We are divided into 8 teams in total. Each team has almost one tank, two DPS, and one or two health-boosting professions. Each team is optimistic about the members of its own team, and you don't need to worry about the members of other teams!"

"Follow me, you just need to protect yourself and your team members!"

Wang Chen shouted loudly.

Fortunately, among the members who joined the group, there were eight health-increasing professions, which could better ensure the safety of the team.

It was the first time that there were 39 people in the group, and Wang Chen was somewhat nervous.

Points are a trivial matter, but I have to be responsible for the safety of all of them.

Enough health-increasing professions can reduce accidents.

However, there are still a few tanks, only six.

Normally speaking, health-increasing professions are the most difficult to find when clearing dungeons.

As for output professions, there are a lot of them, so you don’t have to worry about them at all.

This is why the principal of No. [-] Middle School emphasized the need to have a good relationship with the auxiliary professions.

"Okay! Everything depends on the boss's arrangements!"

"What the boss says is what he says!"

"Yes! We will be very obedient!"


But the more Wang Chen listened, the more worried he became.

Will these guys be obedient?

You know, this large copy is very difficult to deal with even the mobs.

Normally, one mob requires two or three teams to deal with.

If you encounter an area where monsters are concentrated, these people will run around and deal damage. Once too many monsters are attracted, they will be in danger, and even endanger the entire team.

At this time, Troll Elite monsters were also seen patrolling.

[Troll Spearman (enhanced elite monster)]

【Level: 27】

【Strength: 4000】

[Agility: 4500]

【Intelligence: 2300】

[Skill: Violent Throwing (accelerates the damage and speed of throwing spears)] When everyone saw this group of troll patrol monsters, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

In their eyes, such a monster is so powerful that it's a bit scary.

It's not inferior to the BOSS of a nightmare-level dungeon.

Based on the strength of the team, it would only take half an hour.

Wang Chen calmly took out the Gatling Purgatory from the storage space.

"What a handsome big gun... Is this the boss's weapon?"

"It's long and dazzling, and the output is sure to be explosive and long-lasting!"

"I really want to touch the boss's big gun...I'm so shy!"


When Wang Chen released the copy, he put the weapon in the storage space and took it out at this time.

The professionals who saw Gatling Purgatory for the first time felt extremely amazed.

"Stand behind me!"

Wang Chen gave the instructions again.

Then the trigger was pulled.

"Da da da da da..."

Bullets shot out like tongues of fire.

It was just a shot of bullets. In less than two seconds, along with bursts of smoke, all the elite trolls fell to the ground.

"This? Is this the end?"

"So fast? It didn't even take three seconds..."

"Oh my God! What an output."

"I want to know how ridiculous the damage done by Boss Wang Chen's weapons is."


The others were astonished.

If they hadn't seen the prompts to kill the Troll Elite with their own eyes, I'm afraid they still wouldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

It was faster than anyone imagined.

Wang Chen looked indifferent, but his experience was only worth 5000.

If you share experience with so many people, you will inevitably gain much less experience.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s all about points.

In Huaqing University, points are the most important thing.

Wang Chen continued to lead everyone to clear monsters.

Soon, I saw the golden-toothed tiger that strengthened the elite monster.

There was no suspense at all. In front of Wang Chen, it was just a matter of a few bullets.

After killing the golden-toothed tigers along the way, I also saw the mini-boss of the tiger area, the tiger god Lockhan (the enhanced elite command boss).

"Oh my god, there is actually a mini-boss. The three-dimensional dimension of this mini-boss is too scary!"

"Not only is the three dimensions terrifying, there are also three skills, including the ability to transform..."

"His appearance alone is scary. I'm a little scared!"

"Is this a BOSS that one person can kill alone? I admit, I feel guilty!"

"Why don't we just run away?"

"If instead of being defeated, one's life is taken, it would be the end of the world..."

Wang Chen was quite speechless when he heard what these people said.

They don't understand at all the principle of taking things as they come.

He took a few steps back and distanced himself.

Because the others were afraid of this little BOSS, they also wisely retreated behind Wang Chen.

"Da da da da da..."

It's another mix of freezing bullets and ordinary bullets.

While controlling the BOSS, perform crazy output.

Ten freezing bombs create an output time of 20 seconds, directly transforming the little BOSS.

The little BOSS transformed into a middle-aged man.

(End of this chapter)

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