Chapter 106 Invitation to the battlefield

"I guessed it, you are a dull person!"

"But boring guy, I heard that you and that bitch Wu Mengyu participated in military trials together."

"In other words, the Southern Military Region has made you one of theirs by default!"

Luo Xia became more serious as he spoke.

Wang Chen was quite speechless when he heard that, "Who is that guy?"

A mouthful of stuffy, bitchy stuff.

"Hmph! Expensive stuff!"

Luo Xia hummed.

"Why did you suddenly mention the military region? What happened?"

Wang Chen asked.

"Actually, I am a prospective student of the Southern Military Region, so I would like to know if you are a prospective student of the Southern Military Region."

Luo Xia asked back.

"Intended student? I haven't heard from Mr. Zhong, but he has invited me to join their Southern Military Region."

"But I refused!"

Wang Chen pondered for a moment.

I still don't quite understand what's going on.

"Rejected? Are you crazy?"

"Intended students are students reserved by major military regions in these colleges and universities. After graduation, they have to join the military region directly. Students who can become intended students are often particularly outstanding students."

"While in school, you can also participate in battlefields, trials and other activities on behalf of the military region you join, thereby gaining military region reputation, which can be used to exchange for battlefield equipment."

"The equipment on the battlefield is more survivable than the equipment that exploded in the dungeon."

Luo Xia explained.

Wang Chen was stunned when he heard that...

Battlefield suit, doesn't it mean warlord suit?

Wang Chen has already obtained a set.

"Then do you have any battlefield equipment?"

Wang Chen asked.

"There is one thing. After gaining reputation for two years, it is enough to replace it with a gauntlet..."

Luo Xia directly put on the warlord's gauntlet, then looked at Wang Chen, "Can I take a look at your equipment?"

Previously, Wang Chen's warlord suit had been hidden.

No one else can see it.

Wang Chen then turned off the hidden attributes of the suit.

Luo Xia looked over with interest.

She was very confident that apart from weapons and equipment, she could definitely crush Wang Chen with other equipment.

Now she has an upgradeable Warlord's Gauntlet, as well as three gold-level pieces of equipment.

No matter how awesome Wang Chen is, he is unlikely to surpass himself in terms of equipment.


After reading it, Luo Xia couldn't help but uttered an uncivilized word, and the corners of her mouth twitched.


"I worked so hard to exchange my reputation for one. You haven't even started school yet, and you already have one?"


Luo Xia couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's okay! The agility attribute is almost the same as gold-level equipment!"

Wang Chen said indifferently.

Luo Xia just felt angry and said quickly: "Are you okay? Are you kidding me? It's just that the three-dimensional attributes are similar to gold-level equipment, but it also increases movement speed, damage, critical hits, and critical hit effects!"

"The most important thing is that the warlord suit can be upgraded!"

In fact, Wang Chen knew very well that the three-dimensional attributes were not bad, but the main attribute was about the same as the gold level. For example, the agility attribute was around 100, but the Warlord's Gauntlet would also provide the same amount of strength and intelligence.

This improves the strong survivability of professionals.

"Go in! Eat first!"

While talking, he had already reached the door of the cafeteria.Wang Chen took Luo Xia along and passed by, attracting the attention of many people.

Now many people have seen Wang Chen's face.

Some people even gathered around and asked Wang Chen if he could take them to the Laika Temple.

Wang Chen politely refused them.

I went out to have a meal, but I didn't expect that I would become the focus of discussion.

After getting rid of these people, Wang Chen used his points card to buy two breakfasts.

Luo Xia had already taken her seat.

"Tsk tsk! Big star of Huaqing University, thank you very much!"

Luo Xia said with a smile.

After that, Jiang grabbed a bowl of porridge without any courtesy.

"Eat quickly! I can't stop your mouth even if you eat!"

Wang Chen also placed the buns in front of Luo Xia.

Luo Xia pushed back politely, "I don't have a big appetite! You worked so hard yesterday, so you need to eat more!"

But his eyes were fixed on the buns.

Wang Chen simply placed the bun in the center of the table.

"Eat some too!"

Luo Xia grabbed a bun and stuffed it into his mouth, his mouth bulging.

Like a groundhog.

When Luo Xia finished chewing, he took a sip of porridge and said, "I haven't told you the main purpose of looking for you yet!"

"What's the purpose? To help you upgrade?"

Wang Chen rolled his eyes at her.

How could she look like a girl when she was having a meal? She was not polite at all.

"Have you considered going to fight on the battlefield?"

Luo Xia put down the bun she just picked up, raised her head and asked.

"Battlefield? How to fight?"

Wang Chen frowned.

Through the explanations of Mr. Zhong and Luo Xia, we only know that reputation can be obtained on the battlefield, and reputation can increase the level of battlefield suits.

But Wang Chen didn't know how to fight the battlefield and how to get there.

Normally, these things are knowledge that should be taught by schools after attending higher education.

But Wang Chen hasn't started school yet, and he is only reporting to the school.

"The battlefield, in a sense, is a special dungeon, a special environment designed for professionals from various countries and military regions to compete."

"If you win, you will gain reputation. If you lose, you will play for nothing, but it will affect the honor value of the military region you belong to."

"Enter the battlefield is in the name of the military region or the country, not in the name of the individual or the school."

Luo Xia explained enthusiastically.

In other words, a place specifically for professionals to PK...

"Can you be more specific?"

"For example, level requirements? Is there a limit on the number of people? How to fight?"

Although Wang Chen was very interested, he didn't quite understand the specific conditions of the battlefield.

"Well... the only battlefield we can go to right now is Thunder Fortress. This is a five-on-five battlefield. Each side occupies a piece of land. There are three iron bridges connecting the land. Then there are two sentry towers on the two pieces of land. Both sides You need to compete for guard towers, and you can get a certain number of victory points by capturing a guard tower."

"The more sentry towers there are, the faster victory points will be gained. Whichever side reaches 2000 victory points first will win!"

"Of course, you don't have to worry about dying or killing someone. When entering the battlefield, when the blood reaches the last bit, there will be a protective formation to protect the person, but you can no longer attack!"

"After 30 seconds, you will be teleported to the resurrection point and rejoin the battle!"

"Is it exciting? Do you like it?"

Luo Xia introduced Xunxun.

"Not bad! What about the level requirements? We can't let level 20 professionals fight against level 50 professionals!"

Wang Chen still had doubts.


(End of this chapter)

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