Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 114 Meeting an old enemy on the battlefield

Chapter 114 Meeting an old enemy on the battlefield

"Do you still have CDs? Do you still want to play?"

She still didn't know what she wanted to say, so she asked quickly.

A look of hope on his face.

"Fight! Go!"

Wang Chen did not hesitate.

On the battlefield, it doesn't matter whether you have more than one person or less than one person.

It's not like teaming up to play a dungeon, where the experience points are shared equally.

"Thank you, buddy!"

Zhang Lu said gratefully.

Although she is already level 27, there is no advantage at this level in Thunder Fortress. Once she encounters a professional team at level 28 or 29, she has no power to fight back.

Her winning rate is just over 40.

Therefore, she cherishes the opportunity to have a boss take care of her.

Wang Chen quickly formed Wang Lu into the team, and then came to the battlefield again.

This time, the team we encountered was not as strong as the previous two times. The highest level was level 27, and the other four were at levels 23 to 25.

"It's still a quick battle!"

After his teammates gathered together, Wang Chen commanded.

Although the two teammates were very puzzled, they didn't take it seriously.

But wanting to win, they took the initiative to occupy the sentry tower at their home.

Wang Chen, on the other hand, led Zhang Lu and Luo Xia to kill more people and capture the opposite sentry tower.

There is no doubt that it was another massacre.

The battle ended in about 10 minutes.

"The last CD, solve it quickly!"

Wang Chen said directly.

Soon, the three of them returned to Thunder Fortress again.

But Wang Chen frowned. He only got 216 reputation points for the third time, and now the total reputation points are only 640.

If the previous killing speed continues, I am afraid that I will not be able to upgrade the equipment during this week's battlefield trip.

Just as I was thinking about it, my teammates had been matched, a level 25 warlock and a level 29 ghost sword warrior.

This ghost sword warrior didn't speak any words, and didn't even look at his teammates.

Obviously, he is a maverick.

At this time, the person on the opposite side also completed the match.

"People from Sakura Country..."

What surprised Wang Chen was that he was matched with professionals from other countries.

"Yes, they are from Sakura Country!"

"Wang Chen tortured them well. I heard that the people of Sakura Country are very cunning. I have suffered from them on the battlefield many times before!"

Zhang Lu said.

The battlefield is originally an arena where professionals from all countries can participate, so it is not unusual to be matched with professionals from Sakura Country.

What surprised Wang Chen was that these professionals from Sakura Country were all level 28 and were obviously a professional team.

Among them are Wood Release Ninja, Mutant Warrior, Onmyoji, Fire Release Ninja, and Discipline Priest.

These professionals in Sakura Country, ninjas have many branches, Onmyoji has no branches, but each Onmyoji has a unique shikigami.

Traditional professions such as priests, warriors, mages, and archers are generally the same as those in other countries. The only difference is that due to problems such as ocean and air pollution, a number of mutated traditional professions have emerged.

The appearance of these mutated traditional professionals will change dramatically.

For example, the current mutant warrior's skin turned gray-blue, his hands turned into something like eagle talons, and there were more than a dozen tentacles growing on his back, as if he was carrying an octopus on his back.

It looks very disgusting.

Wang Chen even suspected that the emergence of so many mutants in Sakura Country was intentional and not accidental. "That warrior, and the warlock, you are responsible for occupying your own side of the sentry tower!"

"The three of us are going to kill the people on the other side and seize their sentry tower!"

Zhang Lu commanded.

The warlock asked weakly: "Can you... do it?"

"It's okay or not, you have to do this!"

Zhang Lu waved her hands impatiently.

The ghost sword warrior said calmly: "I only kill people, the tower doesn't care!"

Zhang Lu wanted to say something more, but Wang Chen waved his hand towards her, indicating that he should leave it alone.

"You three follow me and don't take the tower!"

Wang Chen's eyes narrowed and he suddenly thought of a great idea.

Zhang Lu and Luo Xia hesitated for a while, but still nodded obediently.

The only thing Zhang Lu and Luo Xia can be sure of is that Wang Chen must have some evil idea.

After a while, the protective light curtain disappeared.

The Ghost Sword Warrior rushed toward the opposite side minding his own business.

Wang Chen rushed over with the three girls.

Also speeding up, Wang Chen wanted to reach his shooting point as quickly as possible.

It took about 20 seconds to finally reach the middle iron bridge.

Wang Chen directly set up the machine gun.

However, what surprised Wang Chen was that the ninjas of Sakura Country ran extremely fast. They occupied both of their own sentry towers as quickly as possible.

The Ghost Sword Warrior rushed towards the Storm Sentence Tower on the left, very fast, and at one point he was about to meet the Mutant Warrior and Onmyoji on the opposite side.

Wang Chen ignored this and instead aimed at the Fire Escape Ninja and Discipline Priest in the Storm Watch Tower on the other side.

"Da da da da da..."

Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger and rushed towards the Fire Release Ninja.

The Discipline Priest is behind the Fire Release Ninja, so if you want to deal with the two of them, you must first deal with the Fire Release Ninja.

After a few bullets passed by, the Fire Release Ninja was interrupted just as he was about to form a seal, and his blood volume dropped by half.

The Discipline Priest reacted quickly and quickly threw a healing spell and slow healing to the Fire Release Ninja.

On the battlefield, no one dares to be careless in the slightest.

Although he was shocked by Wang Chen's horrific injuries, he quickly reacted.

But the bullets didn't stop at all, they were still shooting out like tongues of fire.

The Discipline Priest quickly used other treatment methods during the CD period of the healing spell.

However, I found that no matter how hard it tried to remove milk, it could not get milk at all.

This fire escape ninja's blood volume is still dropping.

There is simply no stopping the damage.

Under the dense bullet attack, only six or seven seconds passed before the fire escape ninja fell to the ground.

The discipline priest behind him also began to take shots.

There was no suspense. After being shot, his casting speed had been interrupted. Except for instant treatment, other treatment methods were completely useless.

Soon, he also went to the resurrection point to meet his teammates.

Wang Chen turned his gun and rushed in the direction of the ghost sword warrior.

The battle has begun over there, and the Ghost Sword Warrior charges in front of the Mutant Warrior. The Mutant Warrior holds two one-handed weapons, and with more than a dozen tentacles behind his back, he continuously attacks the Ghost Sword Warrior.

The Wood Release Ninja behind him formed seals with his hands, and with a Wood Release* Silent Killing and Binding Technique, he bound the Ghost Sword Warrior in place.

The onmyoji controlled the shikigami, and a vicious dog continued to deal damage to the ghost sword warrior.

However, this ghost sword warrior's equipment is very good, and in a one-on-three situation, the blood loss is not too exaggerated.

(End of this chapter)

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