Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 121 Special effect damage cannot be avoided

Chapter 121 Special effect damage cannot be avoided
What I have to say is that this soldier is indeed stupid.

In a duel with a beast master, he actually killed the opponent's pet first.

But this humble attitude is quite impressive.

There is no doubt that if you can listen to other people's opinions with an open mind, you will have prospects for development.

Seeing Wu Yongwu's attitude, all the school senior officials also looked satisfied.

If freshmen could be like him, they wouldn't have to worry about their future development.

In the following games, all old students won, and many of the games were crushing.

Old students have more experience than freshmen and have an extra year or two of study time, which is no joke.

You can learn a lot of combat skills and combat experience, which are far beyond what freshmen can match.

Even Murong Xue and Qin Hongyan were crushed by the old students, unable to fight back.

This further aroused Murong Xue's fighting spirit. She must work harder in the next study career and sooner or later she must surpass these seniors and sisters.

Soon, the showdown between Wang Chen and Lu Zhan came.

"Wang Chen, come on! You will always be the fattest!"

Murong Xue did not forget to cheer Wang Chen up.

Wang Chen glanced at her. This lady couldn't say anything good. What did she mean by the fattest...

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen stepped onto the ring in full view of everyone.

And Lu Zhan also walked onto the ring from the other side.

Many students were not interested in Lu Zhan, but they were very interested in Wang Chen.

Not to mention the new top pick, he also has level 22.

None of them had ever heard of any freshman who could reach such a high level just after enrolling.

It was like seeing a rare animal.

"A bet of 22 points... Where did this new student get his points, and why is he level [-]? Am I reading that right?"

"Ah... I've seen him, I've seen him. It's this kid who set a new record for the speed of clearing the dungeon. In the past two days, he also took people to clear the Laika Temple. He took 39 people with him."

"I also know about this. A person charges one thousand points, and once he swipes, he gets thirty-nine thousand points. No wonder he has ten points to gamble!"

"Are you kidding me? One person leading 39 people? How is that possible? It's not like you don't know how difficult the Laika Temple is."

"When you guys see him take action, you'll know that this kid is a pervert."

"That's right, I spent points to join Junior Wang Chen's group, but I can't understand his injuries at all."


Everyone started talking.

They are all waiting for the next good show.

But Lu Zhan, who was above the ring, couldn't hear what others said at all.

Ten points, although he was a little embarrassed when borrowing it, but if he can win this battle, he will immediately turn over.

This is a huge sum of money.

"Wang Chen, don't think that it's great that you are the number one scholar in the province. In front of me after receiving two years of excellent education, you are nothing!"

Lu Zhan said arrogantly.

"Then you're a fart?"

Wang Chen asked rhetorically.


Lu Zhan's face turned cold, "Don't think that by being quick with your words, you can increase your combat effectiveness. Trash will always remain trash!"

"I'm trying to be quick with words, so why are you trying to be quick with words? Are you trying to be quick with farts?"

Wang Chen laughed.

"Shut up! Boy, I know your profession is very strong, but so what, when two people duel one-on-one in the ring, they are comparing their fighting awareness and fighting skills!"

Lu Zhan said coldly.

"That's right, it's just a pity that you don't have these two things!"

Wang Chen shrugged, with a look of ridicule on his face.

Looking at Lu Zhan, he wanted to go up and bite the person.

For a while, I was out of breath.

"Don't think that you are invincible just because of your weapons. As long as I get close to you and don't let you shoot, you will be useless!" Lu Zhan gritted his teeth.

"You should be lucky that you are in school, otherwise, you would have been a dead body!"

Wang Chen said lightly.

Gatling Purgatory was taken out directly from the storage space.

"Wow... what a handsome big gun! It's beautiful and big!"

"I really want to touch this machine gun. It looks very powerful. The output will definitely not be low!"

"I have a hunch that the grade of this machine gun must be above diamond."


As soon as the weapon came out, everyone felt how good this machine gun was.

"Da da da da da..."

Wang Chen took the lead in attacking.

At the same time, Lu Zhan directly crushed a charm.

At this time, when Wang Chen's bullet landed on Lu Zhan's body, he found numerous MISS prompts.

In other words, all bullets were dodged.

Wang Chen's eyes narrowed, there must be something wrong with the talisman that Lu Zhan crushed just now.

"Haha! Wang Chen, you must be dumbfounded! This spell is called the avoidance charm, and it is specially used to deal with physical output professions, especially long-range output like you!"

"All your bullets will be in MISS status from now on and will not pose any threat to me!"

Lu Zhan burst out laughing.

The smile was extremely arrogant.

Wang Chen looked at him calmly, without any expression.

Lu Zhan continued to shout: "Let me give you a taste of fire!"

While talking, since he started casting the spell, there was no longer any delay.

on the high platform.

"Where did this kid get the dodge charm? It's very expensive. It's a charm designed to deal with archers and the like."

Nie Hongbo's voice was a little low.

"Yes! This thing is not something ordinary students like them can get!"

Wu Tairan shouted.

"That means someone supports Lu Zhan against Wang Chen!"

"However, if they think this is all Wang Chen can do, they are totally wrong!"

Mr. Zhong said calmly.

He was the one who witnessed Wang Chen's performance in the trial field with his own eyes. In his eyes, Wang Chen was not someone who would fight an uncertain battle.

Since he dared to accept Lu Zhan's challenge and increased the stakes, he must have a perfect plan.

Wang Chen stood there and took out another weapon, a laser gun.

"You can dodge bullets, but can you dodge lasers too?"

Wang Chen sneered.


Before Lu Zhan could successfully cast the spell, a white laser penetrated the void and shot directly at Lu Zhan.

Lu Zhan felt that his eyes were turning white, he couldn't see anything, and his blood volume had dropped by one-third.

The spellcasting can still continue, but nothing will be achieved, and there is no target for the spellcasting.


"Then you die too!"

But even if Lu Zhan couldn't see anything, he still had to insist on casting the spell.

A large fireball about three meters wide was suddenly blasted forward, hitting the ground of the arena fiercely.

Then the big fireball exploded violently, forming a fire ring with a range of more than ten meters. It can be said that half of the arena was in flames.

But Wang Chen had already walked to Lu Zhan's side like a leisurely stroll.

(End of this chapter)

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