Chapter 137 Silver equipment?unnecessary

"I have been to that dungeon once. I was led by a few seniors who were very well equipped. But there were many hidden monsters inside, and the monsters' skills were terrifying."

"We spent a lot of effort and killed one monster, almost killing someone, and then decisively exited the dungeon."

Mengru took a deep breath, seeming to recall the nightmare-like journey to the dungeon.

"You've been there. I haven't even been there. If I had gone, I would definitely be able to help you kill a few more monsters!"

Lin Guangsheng smiled.

"Just you? Our main tank at that time was a knight with golden equipment, and he was also engraved with toughness, defense, and strength potions. He couldn't hold it."

"You... I guess if you encounter two or three monsters, you can only hold on for two or three seconds!"

Mengru covered her mouth and sneered.

"Huh? Am I...that bad?"

Lin Guangsheng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"It's not bad, don't I know?"

Mengru continued to sneer.

"Actually, if I use the shield wall to activate it, I can hold on for many seconds longer!"

Lin Guangsheng said softly.

"It's useless to say all this. Even if you can hold on for a while, the healing profession may not be able to move. You know how stressful the treatment is, not to mention the output is also a problem."

Mengru shook her head and said.

All said and done, I just can't beat it.

"Forget it, let's not think about the lower level of the battlefield ruins in hell difficulty in this life. When we reach a higher level, we won't be able to enter this dungeon!"

Lin Guangsheng shook his head and said.

"Yes, don't think about those unrealistic things. Get the weapons and shields from the battlefield ruins first!"

"With weapons and shields, I guess I can fight on a nightmare level!"

Meng Ruchang said.

"It's easy to say. Weapons and shields are the hardest to find. How many times have we fought, and there's not even a trace of them, not even in the exchange!"

Lin Guangsheng sighed.

Seeing that the meat was cooked, he handed it to Wang Chen at the same time, "Junior, it's ready! You eat first!"

Then he said, "By the way, junior, do you have the equipment you need? We have some silver-level equipment suitable for your physical output. Let's give you a few pieces!"

Meng Ru also quickly echoed: "Yes, there are indeed a few pieces. I just came to school and haven't played many dungeons. I guess I don't have any good equipment."

Both of them were very enthusiastic and eager to do something for the junior student in front of them who had an unlimited future.

Wang Chen took a bite of the roasted meat and it tasted very good.

Then he said: "No, I have equipment! You should use it yourself!"

The two of them were stunned after hearing this. Could it be that this junior is a rich man and is not short of equipment at all.

"By the way, Senior Brother, Senior Sister, is it possible to explode suits on the lower level of the battlefield ruins?"

Wang Chen asked.

"Yes! There is a bone dragon suit, but this suit is difficult to collect. Only the hell difficulty will have a higher explosion rate, and the weapons are also particularly difficult to explode."

Mengru nodded.

"Hell Difficulty... Among our schools, I only know that teams from three schools have passed the level, but no one has collected all the Bone Dragon Sets!"

Lin Guangsheng took a deep breath.

All he had on his body was the equipment from the Bone Dragon Suit.

I guess it took a long time to brush it out.

Of course, there are some other equipment that exploded from the lower level of the battlefield ruins, but they are not sets and their attributes are pretty good.

"Hey! Only the outstanding teams from the top colleges can have a chance to pass the hell difficulty. The rest of them will never be able to pass the hell difficulty in this life!"

Mengru sighed deeply.

"Is it this?" Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen took out two pieces of equipment from the storage space and threw them on the ground.

"Ah? This..."

"I'll go... Junior Brother, you..."

The two immediately looked at each other, the boss with his mouth hanging open.

The wine in Lin Guangsheng's hand fell directly to the ground, and Meng Ru's eyes were full of horror.

The two pieces of equipment in the Bone Dragon Set...

The attributes make people look extremely envious.

Lin Guangsheng clutched his chest and kept panting. It took him a long time to calm down.

"Junior, where did you get these two pieces of equipment? This is the first time I have seen this dagger... There are two weapons in the Bone Dragon suit, one is a dagger and the other is a long sword, but I have never heard of it. Who has ever exposed it before!"

In this set, only one of the two weapons can be used and cannot be worn at the same time, but it does not affect the additional attribute enhancement of the set.

"Junior, where did you buy it? It must be very expensive!"

"However, this dagger is more suitable as an off-hand weapon for legal professions, and the necklace is suitable for warriors, so you don't need to use it!"

Mengru also said doubtfully.

Wang Chen smiled and shook his head, "It just exploded!"



The two of them were even more confused, and the demon warlock and holy light priest on the side were even more stunned.

Although they never interrupted, they were completely shocked by Wang Chen's words and could not calm down.

They were not students of Huaqing University, so they remained silent.

"Little brother, are you kidding me?"

"If you bought it, just say so generously. How could you have cleared the lower level of the battlefield ruins with hell level difficulty!"

The two said one after another.

"I can't spend a lot of money to buy two pieces of equipment that I can't use!"

Wang Chen shrugged helplessly.

"That's right, my junior has really cleared the lower level of the hell-level battlefield ruins!"

"Before, everyone saw that my junior entered the dungeon alone!"

Lin Guangsheng said decisively.

No one can believe that a person would spend a lot of money to buy two pieces of equipment that he cannot use.

The people around them were all stunned after hearing these conversations, but they knew very well that this was definitely not a joke, but a fact.

They saw with their own eyes that Wang Chen entered the dungeon alone, and it was a hell-level difficulty.

Now there are two more pieces of equipment, the Bone Dragon Dagger and the Bone Dragon Necklace.

Moreover, they know how pitiful the explosion rate of the Bone Dragon Dagger is, and it may only be able to explode in the lower levels of battlefield ruins with hell-level difficulty.

"Junior, can you sell me this necklace?"

Lin Guangsheng asked shamelessly with a growl in his throat.

This necklace increases the strength by a full 120 points, and also increases the chance of blocking by [-]% and the spell resistance by [-]%. It can be said to be a rare tank equipment.

Wang Chen threw the necklace directly to him, "Here it is, don't sell it if you can't sell it!"

Wang Chen knew very well that this team had been working hard to get the bone dragon suit, and Lin Guangsheng still lacked a necklace and a shield.

Since I have no use for it anyway, I might as well forget it for him.

"What? For nothing...this kid is crazy!"

"This is gold-level equipment. Just give it to me... This warrior is just one piece short of collecting the complete set!"

The rest were envious.

(End of this chapter)

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