Chapter 150 Frontal Charge
Even Wang Chen was buffed by the golden halo of protection.

"20.00% damage reduction..."

After Wang Chen saw the aura around him, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It seems that the 20.00% damage reduction is not so conspicuous, but it can save each tank class from receiving a lot of damage.

This reduces all damage.

At the same time, it will greatly relieve the treatment pressure of wet nurses.

What frightened Wang Chen the most was that Chu Yang's BUFF was given to all the professionals present.

Normally, a Holy Light Knight profession can only BUFF one profession at a time, but Chu Yang, the Golden Paladin, gave everyone a BUFF of aura of protection with a wave of his hand.

"Golden Power Halo!"

But the aura of blessing had not ended yet, Chu Yang raised one hand into the air again.

Everyone's strength increased by a full [-] points.

"Golden Agility Halo!"

"Golden Intelligence Aura!"

"Golden Aura of Resilience!"


And the halo is not over yet, one halo after another is blessing everyone.

The three-dimensional attributes all increased by 20.00 points, the health value increased by 50.00%, the life recovery speed increased by [-]%, and the mana recovery speed increased by [-]%...

There are also damage bonuses against void creatures, physical blood-sucking auras, spell critical strike bonuses...

It’s simply a complete collection of BUFFs.

Looking at the buffs all over his body, Wang Chen couldn't help but feel envious of this profession.

It is indeed a level [-] legendary profession.

One person can provide so many BUFFs to so many people.

Those ordinary professionals no longer need to buff each other. With the BUFF of the Golden Paladin, their BUFF bonus is really not enough.

With something better, who would care about the previous BUFF?

"The city gate is closed!"

"Any professional who is outside the city gate is not allowed to retreat. Since you choose to protect the castle and other weak professionals, you must be mentally prepared for life or death!"

After Chu Yang finished buffing, he shouted again.

Then there was a creak, and the castle door slowly closed.

Luo Xia, who was standing at the top of the castle, kept his eyes on Wang Chen below.

Although she believed in Wang Chen's strength, she had no idea how many void creatures he would face in a while.

Moreover, we don’t know how many levels of void creatures we are facing.

What is certain is that this battle with the void creatures will definitely be very brutal, otherwise the military would not take it so seriously and even close the city gates.

Lin Guangsheng, Meng Ru and others clutched their weapons tightly and couldn't help but become nervous.

Even if there are more BUFF bonuses, if you want to resist the invasion of void creatures, you need to fight hard.

Through several years of study in school and records in books, everyone knows how brutal a battle with void creatures is.

Since they came to the void front line, it can be said that there is a possibility of losing their lives at any time.

And this time the battle with the void creatures will be even more dangerous.

Soon, gusts of dark wind flew towards the castle, and the smell of void became stronger and stronger.

Along with these dark winds, the black void creatures ran quickly, causing the earth to tremble.

It was densely packed with at least tens of thousands of void creatures.

Void hounds, void predators, void brutalists, etc., all kinds of void creatures gathered together.

The lowest level of void creatures that can be seen is level 35, and even level 38 and 39 void creatures can be seen.

The void monster Wang Chen killed before was only level 35, but now the lowest void creature is level 35.

But it can be seen that currently the void side cannot allow more advanced void creatures to pass through the void cracks that appear on the void barrier.Wang Chen looked around and saw no void creatures above level [-].

There must be restrictions.

Therefore, Wang Chen can conclude this.

"Zieao! So many humans... No, no, no, so many delicious foods!"

A void bat flapped its wings and spoke a less than standard human language.

The void creatures are already more than 800 meters away from the human professions under the castle.

"Remote output! A wave of damage!"

Chu Yang shouted loudly.

Everyone signaled.

Mages, archers, warlocks, and even priests all used their own methods.

Fireballs, Ice Bolts, Arrows, Arcane Spells and other skills all hit the army of void creatures.

The output of the first round was extremely brilliant, and the originally dark world suddenly became extremely bright.

Groups of void creatures fell down, and the void creatures behind them followed one after another.

However, a group of void creatures stopped and launched a long-range attack on the human professionals.

Apparently there are intelligent void creatures that understand human methods.

Therefore, the same long-range attack must be launched against humans.

It's just that human professionals need to be more skilled in fighting, so tank professionals quickly stand in front of other professionals.

Use your body to resist all damage.

The wet nurses were not idle either and quickly started to nurse the tanks.

The war was in full swing for a while.

Wang Chen observed the situation on the battlefield and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hold on! I'll find a good shooting position!"

Then he glanced at Mengru aside.

Carrying the Purgatory Gatling, he retreated.

Mengru nodded and said, "You have to be careful!"

But Wang Chen's move was discovered by other professionals.

"Boy, what are you doing? Do you want to be a deserter?"

An animal trainer looked back at Wang Chen and scolded.

His pet has already rushed into the battlefield, and he himself is going to deal damage from behind.

Wang Chen glanced at him and ignored him.

When I do things, do I need to explain to this kind of person?

Mainly, Wang Chen needs a good shooting position.

Anyway, these void creatures are already within a range of 800 meters, and they are all within Wang Chen's range.

Wang Chen also has a means of dealing group damage, so it is more appropriate to stand in a higher and further area, and avoid accidental injuries.

Soon, Wang Chen found a dead tree not far from Mengru and others, only about twenty meters away.

After climbing up the tree, he found a thick trunk and placed two guns on it.

"Let me go, this gunner? He didn't run away, but can he hit void creatures at such a long distance? Is it impossible to achieve this range?"

The trainer just now found that Wang Chen was not a deserter, and looked slightly guilty. However, such a long range made him a little confused.

"Da da da da!"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen shot out a burst of flame bombs.

There was an explosion in the void creature group, and a large area of ​​void creatures was burned by the explosion flames.

(End of this chapter)

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