Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 152 Destruction of the Demon King’s Projection

Chapter 152 Destruction of the Demon King’s Projection
For a while, there was a lot of discussion.

The person who received the most attention at the scene was Wang Chen.

As for Golden Paladin Chu Yang, he hasn't made a move yet, so Wang Chen is the most handsome guy on the scene.

"No wonder the people in the army can allow a person with such a low level to go out. It turns out he is really capable!"

"Yes! I feel that this little gunner will definitely not be inferior to Mr. Zhong's old gunner in the future!"

"As long as you give him space, he can have both output and control, and he can also deal group damage... It's so fierce, it makes my blood boil, and I want to go out and do some damage!"

"Forget it! If we go out, that little damage won't be enough to tickle the void creatures!"


The holy priest of Lin Guangsheng's team was still retreating from time to time, approaching Wang Chen.

Worried that Wang Chen would be hurt, he wanted to breastfeed Wang Chen as soon as possible.

Sometimes, the recovery profession not only needs to look at the tank, but also needs to look at the main output.

Even when fighting a dungeon, some BOSS will damage the output profession, regardless of factors such as hatred, attack distance, etc. At this time, you need to restore the profession to keep an eye on everyone.

You even need to watch yourself.

"Junior, please pay attention to your safety!"

The holy priest reminded.

Anyway, he was already close to Wang Chen. If he could guarantee that Lin Guangsheng would be his wife, he would also keep an eye on Wang Chen.

This was also the order Lin Guangsheng gave him.

For Lin Guangsheng, he would rather die in battle than hope that Wang Chen would be in any danger.

"Don't worry! Keep an eye on Lin Guangsheng!"

"These void creatures can't do anything to me!"

Wang Chen's eyes were still looking at the battlefield.

At this moment, those high-level void creatures had their eyes fixed on Wang Chen.

Although void creatures that are too high level cannot target Wang Chen, because they still need to deal with professionals who are over level 40.

But they can command other void creatures to attack Wang Chen.

Suddenly, an overwhelming number of void creatures charged towards Wang Chen.

Wang Chen has not only become the output center of human beings, but also the target center of void creatures.

The soldiers also quickly understood the situation on the battlefield.

Tank professions blocked Wang Chen's front position one after another, and the battle line began to shrink.

It's just that the void creatures are denser, making it easier for the mages to slow down and control.

Wang Chen's freezing bullets can also work better.

Explosive bombs, laser guns, and Springfield 0.30-06 reinforced armor-piercing bullets were fired.

A large number of void creatures were bombarded into dregs.

When the void creatures became more dense, Wang Chen simply took out the Dongfeng Sniper.

After preparing the QN202 micro missile, it suddenly fired out.


A violent explosion sounded, the world trembled, and countless void creatures were immediately blown into annihilation.

At the core of the explosion, no remains of void creatures could be seen. They were all reduced to ashes. In the area with a radius of 300 to 500 meters of the explosion, flesh and blood flew everywhere. The residual limbs and blood of void creatures flew up in the air and flew in all directions. fall.

For void creatures, it is like purgatory.

All void creatures within a range of 400 meters were killed, and within a radius of 400 meters to 500 meters, most of the blood volume of void creatures was lost.

Wang Chen only needs to touch up the knife.

Everyone was stunned by the explosion.

Some people even couldn't help but look back at Wang Chen in the tree.

In their eyes, Wang Chen is like a god of death.

Just one missile... killed at least hundreds of void creatures. "Oh my god, what kind of missile is this? It's so scary!"

"My ears almost went deaf because of the explosion. Such a weapon is simply a killer!"

"I feel... this gunner alone is enough to clear the area! We, the damage-dealing professions, are completely useless!"

"Yes, as long as someone can hold the monsters back for him, indeed, one person is enough to clear the place!"

"Super long range, explosive output, terrifying group damage, and control... It is simply the perfect long-range profession!"

"When did the hidden profession of gunnery master rise?"


The crowd was overwhelmed with emotion.

Luo Xia on the city wall looked as happy as blooming flowers.

She is the one who hopes that Wang Chen will be strong the most. The stronger Wang Chen is, the easier it will be for her to upgrade in the future.

At this moment, she no longer had any worrying thoughts.

With such a strong output, there is no need to worry.

"Damn human, Wang Chen... the gunner of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Boy, I remember you! I have killed so many void creatures, so I must kill you!"

At this time, a black smoke appeared in the sky, shaped like a skull.

Looking from a distance, Wang Chen felt a sense of danger.

And it's extremely dangerous.

This was the first time Wang Chen felt this way.

And this black smoky skull has been facing Wang Chen, undoubtedly sensing Wang Chen's threat to the void creatures.

I want to strangle Wang Chen in the cradle before he can grow up.

Golden Paladin Chu Yang suddenly flew in front of Wang Chen.

Facing the skull with black smoke, he said loudly: "As a Demon King of Destruction, you actually want to attack a little guy at level 24. Don't you feel embarrassed?"

Chu Yang recognized the identity of the skull at a glance.

"Level [-] Golden Paladin... Humph! Do you want to stop me from killing someone?"

The skull with black smoke replied coldly.

"I admit that my strength is far inferior to yours, but don't forget that you can only come to our world in this way of projection. The void barrier is still there, but the cracks in the barrier are not big. You At most, you can exert one percent of your strength!"

"Just because you project so much strength, can't I stop you?"

Chu Yang said in a deep voice.

On the contrary, he defeated the opponent's army.

"You... damn human, you actually created a formation on our barrier!"

"But you can't protect this kid!"

The skeleton's voice in the black smoke was gloomy, and the skeleton's empty eyes were always staring at Wang Chen.

Then, a gloomy red light burst out from Kong Kong's eyes.

The breath of void became thicker and thicker, making people feel a suffocating feeling.

Wang Chen knew very well that this was the real breath from the void.

Many powerful void creatures have this kind of aura, and they will give people the same feeling.

Moreover, even one percent of the strength of this Demon King of Destruction is far beyond what he can resist at this time.

This foggy skeleton is just a projection of the Demon King of Destruction.

Even Chu Yang had a solemn look on his face.

Incomparably bright golden light erupted from his body, and a golden shield appeared in his hand, guarding firmly in front of Wang Chen.

Waiting for the devastating blow of the projection of the Demon King of Destruction...

(End of this chapter)

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