Chapter 164 Maximum critical damage, instant kill

Chu Rou quickly took out a blood bottle from the storage space.

Despite the damage from the bullet, he drank it quickly.

One-third of the blood volume was restored instantly.

"I'll go...and drink the blood bottle!"

Wang Chen frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, this Chu Rou was so unrestrained that she even drank a blood bottle in the duel field.

As early as when Nanjiang was in school, Wang Chen knew an unwritten rule in the duel field.

That is, in a duel, you cannot use blood bottles and blue bottles, which are medicines that instantly restore blood and blue.

Although there are no hard and fast rules, they are everyone's default rules.

No one can die in the duel...

Moreover, the blood bottle that Chu Rou took was probably worth a lot of money.

Originally, Chu Rou's own blood volume was very good. Although Wang Chen couldn't see her equipment and attributes, but the dignified eldest lady of the Chu family... how could her equipment be so bad?

Then, she also has the blood volume bonus of the demon skin, so her own blood volume will definitely not be low.

Just one bottle of medicine immediately restored one-third of the blood. How could the price of this bottle of medicine be cheap?

Blood bottles are not for the healing profession. They are consumables and will be gone after they are used. Even the lowest blood bottles on the market cost tens of thousands of gold coins, and Huaqing University points also cost two to three thousand.

"I really can't afford to lose!"

Wang Chen said disdainfully.


Chu Rou, who knew she was in the wrong, snorted coldly.

Say no more.

She knew very well that it was useless to talk more. As long as she could defeat Wang Chen, even though she would be ridiculed by everyone for a while, it would not matter after that.

As long as she is the final winner, the impact will be there, but it won't be too big.

But if she really lost to a level 24 gunner, it would be a big shame.

He couldn't even face his brother Chu Yang.

"This girl is going a little too far! Are you taking drugs while fighting against a junior? Can't you afford to lose?"

Principal Nie Hongbo said somewhat unhappily.

"Yes! After all, he is also a member of the Chu family. It would be unpleasant if word spread. I really don't know what Chu Rou thinks!"

Even Wu Tairan, who supports Chu Rou, can't stand it anymore.

"Old Wu, since she is so ungrateful in martial arts, can the gamble between us be cancelled?"

Nie Hongbo said quickly.

In his eyes, all of Wang Chen's control skills were in CD at this time. After recovering her health, Chu Rou would win the final victory as long as she counterattacked and hit Wang Chen.

However, this kind of victory really does not involve martial ethics.

"Principal, Chu Rou may not practice martial ethics, but how can you not practice martial ethics? What's more, Chu Rou just doesn't practice martial ethics. There are no rules in the duel arena that prohibit drug use!"

Of course Wu Tairan refused to give up.

Why isn't he coveting the principal's treasure?

It was a rare opportunity and he would never give up.


Nie Hongbo sighed deeply.

There is a feeling of worrying about gains and losses in my heart.

I thought Qinhun Tea was stable, but this happened.

But we can only place our hopes on Wang Chen, hoping that Wang Chen can create miracles.

On the duel field, Wang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

At present, all the means of control are trapped in CD time.

It takes ten seconds for the freeze bomb to be used again, and the blinding effect of the laser gun takes at least six seconds.The time for the succubus to be controlled is about to come. Chu Rou can already charge up and release her skills. Even if Wang Chen uses bullets to try to interrupt her spell casting, it will be delayed by up to two seconds.

As for Chu Rou's Demonic Light, Wang Chen didn't know the specific information and was not confident enough to dodge this skill or withstand the effect of this skill.

"Let's see if the grenade can hit hard!"

Wang Chen gritted his teeth.

To deal with Chu Rou, Wang Chen didn't plan to use the Dongfeng Sniper yet. It was a bit inappropriate to use the Dongfeng Sniper in this situation.

After all, there is no blood feud between the two sides, and there is no fear of life. At most, it is just about winning or losing. If you can't use the ultimate move, don't use it.

However, if the G-14 grenade can produce maximum critical damage, Wang Chen feels that it is possible to kill Chu Rou directly.

G-14 already has a damage bonus, and its damage itself is much greater than explosive bombs and Springfield 0.30-06 enhanced armor-piercing bombs, but the CD time is longer.

Wang Chen's equipment now has a large damage bonus, critical hit probability bonus, and critical hit damage bonus. If the critical hit hits the highest damage, it will be a very terrifying damage.

It's just that the highest critical damage requires luck, and the chance is only about [-]%.

However, after Wang Chen's equipment was greatly improved, he has not yet tried the damage of grenades.

Thinking of this, I took out the G-14 grenade in my hand.

Looking at Chu Rou, she was stunned.

"What the hell? Grenade?"

Chu Rou, who was casting a spell, had an unpleasant aura.

She couldn't tell how much damage this grenade would cause her.

But right now, we can only bite the bullet and take over Lei.

As long as he resists the damage of the grenade and her demonic light hits Wang Chen, Wang Chen will no longer have any fighting power.

Then, she could easily defeat Wang Chen by cooperating with the succubus' control and output.

At this moment, she was staring at the grenade coming towards her, dripping with cold sweat.

There is no other way but to resist the damage.


Immediately afterwards, a violent explosion broke out, and thick smoke filled the entire duel field.

In the duel arena, you can clearly see a protective halo appearing.

Even through the thick smoke, you can see clearly.

Wang Chen, who was on the other side of the duel field, put away his big gun with an indifferent look on his face.

Obviously...the outcome has been decided.

"No way...Wang Chen actually won. He defeated the powerful Demon Summoner and became a Level 35 Demon Summoner!"

"This...Wang Chen has created a miracle again. The strongest freshman at Huaqing University is undoubtedly Wang Chen. Who agrees? Who objects?"

"Let's go, Chu Rou is capable of competing with a level 24 professional, and was defeated by a level [-] freshman like that?"

"I really didn't expect such a result. I thought Chu Rou could defeat Wang Chen steadily. Now, I'm afraid the Chu family's face will be lost!"

"Amazing gunner, Brother Chen, I would like to be called the strongest!"

"This is only level 24. I really don't know how terrifying Wang Chen will be after he grows up for another year!"


Many students were shocked.

He even suspected that he had misjudged the situation in the duel field.

Wang Chen, who looked indifferent, had already revealed the final result.

The freshmen were even more excited. Wang Chen boosted their morale.

Who says freshmen are worse than old students?

As for the old students, some were extremely shocked, some were filled with emotion, and some couldn't believe such a result.

Chu Rouna is the pride of the junior class at Huaqing University, and it is not an exaggeration to call her a representative figure.

(End of this chapter)

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