In the battlefield hall, Wu Tairan was attacked by a group of people.

Wu Tairan only had Wang Chen in his eyes, and seemed not to hear the criticism from others.

Waiting for Wang Chen's response.

Although the other admissions teachers were criticizing Wu Tairan, they were also paying attention to Wang Chen's every move.

I'm afraid that this child will be snatched away by the Super Seminary all of a sudden.

If they can get Wang Chen, their college will benefit greatly.

Although it is still not comparable to the Super Seminary, it is enough to become the first of the eight colleges.

The No. 1 student of this class, and the No. 1 student who is far ahead of others, is enough to change the ranking of his own college.

Wang Chen took a deep breath.

Are the teachers at these colleges crazy?
After the battlefield is over, come over and grab people...

And the conditions offered are extremely attractive.

But here comes the question, how to choose.

One thing is certain, Wang Chen is sure, he doesn't need anyone to help him upgrade.

The most preferred college must be Super Seminary, but the eight major colleges are willing to provide the most favorable resources.

Even give points directly...

But it can be said to be full of sincerity.

Murong Xue and others around her were extremely envious.

"Student Wang Chen, joining the college is related to your future. It can be said to be the most critical four years of your life. A strong college can help you grow faster!"

Wu Tairan said with emotion.

"Thank you teacher, I know!"

"But I'm not in a hurry to make a decision right now!"

Wang Chen said slightly apologetically.

It's still the same idea as before, you can't offend other colleges by joining one college.

Therefore, it is better to wait until the rumors pass before considering making a decision.

Seeing Wang Chen say this, the admissions teachers from other colleges breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as they don't make a decision and don't join the Super Seminary, they still have a chance.

They will definitely try their best to get such outstanding freshmen into their college.

Wu Tairan also knows this very well. Which of the eight colleges does not want to surpass the Super Seminary.

Therefore, the Super Seminary is not a transcendent existence, and it also needs to recruit top freshmen.

"Classmate Wang Chen, I have just asked the top management of Super Seminary for instructions."

"Our Super Seminary can give you a chance to challenge!"

After Wu Tairan thought about it, he planned to kill him with one blow.

He unleashed a trick that would make the eight major colleges give up.

"A chance to challenge?"

Wang Chen frowned slightly and said in confusion.

I am very surprised by this, why not give more direct benefits?It's about giving opportunities for challenges.

The admissions teachers from the eight colleges were also stunned.

Could it be that...the Super Seminary is going to make a big move in order to get Wang Chen?

"Well! If you are willing to join the Super Seminary and pass the [-]th floor of Tenglong Tower, our Super Seminary will open the Tenglong Illusion to you!"

Wu Tairan nodded and said.

Seeing Wang Chen's confused expression, Wu Tairan felt relieved.

If Wang Chen knew what Tenglong Fantasy Realm was, he would definitely be shocked.

This is the biggest bargaining chip of the Super Seminary.Only exceptionally outstanding students will have the opportunity to enter the Tenglong fantasy world to experience themselves.

"Old Wu, are you Super Theological Seminary crazy? Isn't Tenglong Fantasy only open to people above level [-], and also to those who have made significant contributions to Huaqing University and the military? Why are you opening it to a new student? This is against the rules!"

"Yes, Super Seminary has gone too far! Wang Chen, the new student, is very good. If you can open the Soaring Dragon Illusion for Wang Chen, our college can also take him to the Void Frontline!"

"No matter what, you have to abide by the rules! What does it mean to open the Dragon Fantasy Realm?"


Teachers from other colleges expressed their dissatisfaction.

They never expected that the Super Seminary would directly launch a big move.

Just to get a new life.

In fact, each of their colleges also has similar ultimate moves, but due to rules, they cannot be mentioned.

Kechao Seminary directly gave almost the best conditions.

"Hmph! Rules? Do you just abide by the rules? You also give points and promise to lead people to upgrade."

"Besides, it's not like directly opening the Tenglong Fantasy Realm. The premise is that Wang Chen needs to break through the [-]th floor of Tenglong Tower."

"There are only a handful of previous students from Tenglong Tower who have been able to get past the 68th floor. The strongest one has only gotten past the [-]th floor. Are you sure that Wang Chen can get through?"

"You can understand the Tenglong Fantasy Land as Wang Chen's reward for breaking through the eightieth floor!"

Wu Tairan said seriously.

In fact, all nine of their colleges have violated regulations.

Don't tell anyone.

As soon as these words came out, all the other teachers fell silent.

No one expected that Super Seminary would release a ultimate move. Although the eight major colleges also had ultimate moves, compared with Tenglong Fantasy, they were really not worth mentioning.

After a moment, the teacher from the Saint Law School said: "In this case, Wang Chen, please think about it carefully! But whether you can get through the [-]th floor of Tenglong Tower or not, our Saint Law School will open the door to welcome you at any time. We promise The conditions given to you will not change at all!"

"The same goes for our Ares Academy! Although we don't have the Soaring Dragon Illusion controlled by the Super Theological Academy, we have close cooperation with the military and can provide you with more trial opportunities!"

Jing Jiayu also plans to make the final fight.

Teachers from other colleges also said that the door would be open for Wang Chen at any time.

"Thank you all teachers for your support. No matter what, I don't want to make a conclusion so early. I will definitely go to the Tenglong Tower, not for the Tenglong Illusion, but to experience myself!"

Wang Chen said with a fist.

Such a polite gesture impressed many teachers.

And not announcing the results in public can be regarded as giving face to other colleges.

After all, no matter which one you choose, you are giving up the other seven.

Everyone said nothing more, but focused on Murong Xue, Ah Chen, and Qin Hongyan.

Wang Chen is too good, but the other three newcomers are also good prospects.

Moreover, he is very close to Wang Chen.

Except for Wu Tairan from the Super Seminary, everyone started to fight for it.

And promises to provide resources to those who join.

Achen and Qin Hongyan lost their thoughts for a while. These colleges were all quite good. How should they choose?

Moreover, they can't be like Wang Chen, who doesn't have to draw conclusions.

Wang Chen's strength is there, he can do whatever he wants.

But if the three of them don't give results, it would seem somewhat disrespectful.

Murong Xue is better off, because she already has her own goals.

That is the Super Seminary.

This is the only goal she has set since she was in high school.

Being proud and arrogant, she also decided to attend the Super Seminary. (End of chapter)

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