Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 193 The terrifying output of the junior fellow student

Listening to Master Yanhuo's introduction, Zhang Cheng was immediately confused.

A level 24 gunner?How could there be such exaggerated damage?

After all, he is also a level 35 heavy warrior. He has played many dungeons and has seen the terrifying output of many talented professionals.

But even for a mage of over 30 levels, it is impossible for the full-body divine outfit to be as exaggerated as the Flame Mage said.

It's simply a fantasy.

"Sister, we can't joke with our own lives!"

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but ask.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Sister Rou. Sister Rou is the person involved!"

Master Yanhuo directly turned the topic to Chu Rou.

Chu Rou smiled bitterly and nodded.

"That's right! His injuries are so terrifying!"

Although she was unwilling to admit this fact.

But there is no other way.

Facts are facts and cannot be defended.

"Okay, just listen to our junior Wang Chen's command!"

"He is a 39-year-old from the Laika Temple!"

Chu Rou continued.

By the way, let Zhang Cheng be more obedient.

But Zhang Cheng was struck by lightning again.

The more you talk about it, the more weird it becomes. Laika Temple, and 39 in the area?

Is it just a matter of playing house when it comes to that kind of large copy?

However, it came from Chu Rou's mouth, so it didn't seem like a lie.

There's no need to lie.

Wang Chen ignored them, but found a high place and raised Gatling Purgatory.

Then he shouted loudly: "Let's attract the monsters!"

Everyone quickly came behind Wang Chen.

After getting into position, Wang Chen took the lead in firing.

"Da da da da da..."

A volley of bullets fell suddenly on a group of monsters like a fire dragon.

This group of monsters are all infected centaurs.

In other words, it is not just Princess Delama who is infected by evil forces in this copy.

There are many monsters that are also infected.

This group of infected centaurs seemed to be stimulated, and their four horse hooves quickly ran towards Wang Chen.

But Wang Chen did not continue to shoot them.

Instead, they turned their guns to another group of infected thorn trees.

Seeing this, other people began to cooperate with Wang Chen.

The fire mage uses the fireball technique with the fastest CD time to pull monsters from other teams.

Discipline priests use the Holy Light of Punishment to pull monsters.

Demon Summoner Chu Rou is more convenient for pulling monsters. She and the demon servants can both pull monsters.

Even Luo Xia was not idle.

Using a throwing weapon, he threw stones at a group of monsters.

Just like that, the dense monsters in front rushed towards Wang Chen.

Infected centaurs, infected thorn trees, stone elemental guards and other types of monsters swarmed in.

In just three seconds, five to six hundred monsters were attracted.

Looking at Chu Rou, she couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

If she had seen so many monsters in normal times, she would have given up long ago.

Although she has a strong personality, she has never seen such a battle.

Normally the team she forms, even if they are all level 35 professionals, can only deal with one team of monsters at the same time!
But now, there are hundreds of squad-sized monsters.

The visual effect gives people a suffocating feeling.

Not to mention, these monsters are all over 30 level dungeon elite monsters.

Zhang Cheng was even more frightened and trembling.

If so many monsters were charging at him, how should he be so resistant?
There is no possibility of carrying it down...

If he really had to face these monsters, he could resist them for two seconds at most.Wang Chen looked at the monsters coming one after another with a smile on his lips.

Want this feeling.


Then a G-14 grenade was thrown violently.

There was a huge explosion in the monster group, and thick smoke from the explosion spread.

"Da da da da..."

After the grenade, there is the Springfield 0.30-06 reinforced armor-piercing round.

Densely packed bullets began to pick up monsters that were almost half-healthy after being blown up by grenades.

After seeing the damage caused by Wang Chen's grenade, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

He actually forgot what he was supposed to do.

A grenade... can blow up these level 30 monsters with half a tube of blood.

Still exploded a large group of monsters.

You know, even if they are level 35 professionals, if five people output at the same time, it is impossible to cause high damage.

Zhang Cheng took a deep breath, it turned out that Chu Rou was not lying at all...

This gunnery division is indeed terrifying.

The Flame Mage and the Discipline Priest were also completely impressed by Wang Chen's output.

They reached level 35 and met many professionals along the way, but none of them had such exaggerated output as Wang Chen.

Chu Rou was full of admiration for Wang Chen.

Before, she was worried that Wang Chen's output would be less terrifying when he was clearing the dungeon.

But now it seems that all my worries are unnecessary.

When the sound of Wang Chen's shooting sounded again, everyone calmed down from all kinds of complicated thoughts.

They are making copies!But there can be no carelessness...

No matter how high Wang Chen's damage was, they couldn't always hide behind their junior brother.

At this time, the Flame Mage also began to release fire rain, hitting the monster group.

The Discipline Priest focused all his attention on Wang Chen and was ready to breastfeed Wang Chen at any time.

The demon summoner Chu Rou released shadow arrows, and the demon servants also started throwing fireballs.

As for the succubus, she has been standing beside Wang Chen.

It seemed like he was guarding Wang Chen.

Once a monster approaches Wang Chen, the succubus will immediately block it.

At this moment, Chu Rou was most concerned about Wang Chen's safety.

After just one round of damage, a large number of monsters died.

【Ding!Congratulations on leapfrogging and killing the infected centaur warrior! 】

【Ding!Congratulations on gaining experience +120000]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting the evil gem! 】

【Ding!Congratulations on leapfrogging and killing the infected Thorn Treant! 】

【Ding!Congratulations on gaining experience +130000]

【Ding!Congratulations on getting the Evil Sapling! 】


A series of prompt messages flashed.

Except for Wang Chen and Luo Xia, everyone else was so happy.

"I'll go! This experience...this explosive material...it's so exciting!"

"Junior Wang Chen, thank you for taking me flying!"

The flame mage said excitedly.

"It's the first time I feel the thrill of gaining experience. It's so exciting! Junior Wang Chen, you are awesome!"

The Discipline Priest also said with excitement.

The two girls even felt like they were intoxicated.

"Experience increases so quickly. No wonder Junior Wang Chen is the highest level among the freshmen. With this speed of completing dungeons, even our level 35 professionals are no match for him!"

Chu Rou was also extremely surprised.

At least she just thinks that this team can barely pass the level, and may even encounter certain dangers.

But now it seems that this is not about clearing the level, and even gaining experience in the dungeon. (End of chapter)

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