Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 204 A meteorite falls from the sky, the princess’s strength

It was like a nightmare.

"Approximately how long does the dust force field last?"

Wang Chen asked again.

"More than ten seconds!"

Chu Rou thought for a while.

Since there is no guide, I can only estimate the approximate time.

"Then has there ever been a time when the BOSS used the dust force field and also released the stone throw?"

Wang Chen frowned slightly.

If the two skills were released at the same time, it would not only be a nightmare, it would literally kill someone.

After everyone else heard Wang Chen's question, they all couldn't help but take a breath.

Even when I was imagining the scene of two skills being released at the same time, I couldn't see anything... and there were meteorites falling from the sky.

"I haven't encountered it before, but if I encounter this situation, I will have to activate the life-saving amulet directly!"

Chu Rou shook her head and said.

"Life-protecting amulet? What is it?"

Wang Chen said in surprise.

Wang Chen knew almost nothing about these life-saving means and items.

It seems that I still have to study hard in school.

"It's a talisman made by their family. Once it is in danger of life, after crushing it, it will be out of the battle and directly teleported back to the family's magic circle!"

Luo Xia explained.

Actually she has one.

This is also the reason why she often goes to high-level dungeons. Anyway, she has the means to save her life.

"That's right! Then you have to do some advance work!"

"When we fight the BOSS, we can't be more than three meters away from each other. Once the dust force field appears, we will all retreat in a straight line behind us!"

"If the dust force field and stone throwing are encountered at the same time, then we should retreat in a straight line... but we need to speed up!"

Wang Chen thought for a while and said.

As the eldest lady of two big families, she must have means to save her life.

But this thing can be saved if possible, not to mention the safety of other people must be considered.

But I have to say that this talisman is really abnormal. It can be teleported directly back to the family teleportation array.

"it is good!"

"I know! Listen to junior Wang Chen!"

Everyone responded.

"I pulled a monster!"

Wang Chen still put Gatling Purgatory on a crossbar.

If Princess Delama releases her skills, then Wang Chen can just move again.

"Da da da da..."

Immediately afterwards, a hail of bullets shot out.

Princess Delama's eyes were directly locked on Wang Chen, and her originally black and white eyes instantly turned into blood red.

Undoubtedly influenced by evil forces.

Just a shuttle of bullets passed by, and Princess Delama could not see her health bar drop at all.

In other words, the damage is not enough.

Sure enough, as Wang Chen expected, Princess Delama was a bit ridiculously voluptuous.

Wang Chen took a deep breath and continued shooting.

This time, explosive flame bombs were also used. While outputting, it was necessary to ensure that Princess Delama was constantly receiving continuous fire damage.

Moreover, Princess Delama was frozen in place with a freezing bomb.

Originally, Wang Chen was worried about whether the freezing bomb would have an effect on Princess Delama, but now it seems that it has an effect.

As a princess of the stone element, Princess Delama is also a stone element. Many stone elements are immune to control.

It may have been affected by a curse that caused it to lose this ability.

The rest of the people all watched Wang Chen's output carefully.

Flame Mage and Chu Rou did not dare to attack at the moment. Of course, their range could not reach Princess Delama.For their safety, Wang Chen set the shooting range beyond 800 meters.

So besides paying attention to their own safety, they could only watch Wang Chen's output performance.

Round after round of bullets shot wildly at Princess Delama's body, making the boss tremble all over. The scene was extremely beautiful.

After two freezing bomb control periods, it was finally possible to see that Princess Delama's health had dropped a little.

This made Wang Chen feel a little relieved.

The output is still effective.

"I remember when I fought this BOSS before, it took me four or five minutes to see the BOSS losing health!"

Chu Rou exclaimed.

Although this amount of blood is nothing to Princess Delama, she knows how terrifying Wang Chen's output frequency is.

I'm afraid that below level [-], no one's output can match Wang Chen's.

"Hey! Any team that can clear this BOSS will have to fight for hours!"

The Discipline Priest sighed.

"I've seen a team take ten hours to complete the level, and one person died!"

The fire mage added.

"I want to see if junior Wang Chen can break another record!"

The Discipline Priest smiled.

"If we continue at this pace, we will definitely be able to break it as long as we clear the level!"

Chu Rou said decisively.

Just as she spoke, Princess Delama waved her hands in the ice.

The freezing bomb only made Princess Delama unable to move, but it had no effect on her spellcasting.

"Get ready to run!"

Wang Chen shouted loudly and stood up directly.

Hold Gatling Inferno with both hands and continue to output.

The rest of the people were also nervous, and they could feel a pressure on their heads, giving people a very dangerous feeling.

Then, many gray clouds appeared overhead.

Everyone was nervous, and countless stones fell directly from the gray clouds above their heads.

Chu Rou and others followed Wang Chen's prior instructions and hurriedly retreated toward the rear without caring about anything.

Wang Chen did not continue to output, and retreated with everyone to avoid the impact of meteorites in the air.

Fortunately, the speed at which these meteorites fall is not particularly fast, giving people a certain amount of room to react.

Generally, professionals with an agility of over [-] can react.

Just be afraid, when those teams fight the BOSS, they don't retreat collectively.

However, it is difficult for melee professions to escape, and Princess Delama's movement speed exceeds that of most melee professions.

After all, he is the big boss of the dungeon.

Therefore, once the stone-throwing skill is used, the remote profession will keep moving, and the nanny profession will most likely not be able to take care of the tank.

As a result, the tank has no one to milk, the formation is in chaos, and the tank may be dropped by Delama in an instant.

Fortunately, Wang Chen's team does not have the term "tank", it is just like fighting guerrillas.

If Princess Delama uses the stone throwing skill, then they can just run away.

For a moment, a scene of five people running quickly to avoid meteorites appeared in the copy.

He looked extremely miserable.

Even Zhang Chenggang didn't react at first, and was hit by a meteorite and nearly half of his health was lost.

Fortunately, Wang Chen reminded him loudly to speed up, and he was able to get rid of other attacks.

The meteorite struck for ten seconds.

Wang Chen and others also ran for more than ten seconds. When they saw the meteorite above their heads, they looked back and saw the mess all over the ground.

Pieces of nearly human-sized meteorites hit the ground, and a large number of craters appeared on the ground.

Wang Chen took a deep breath, this BOSS was indeed difficult to deal with.

If he hadn't done his homework with Chu Rou in advance, Wang Chen would even be at a loss when encountering this situation. (End of chapter)

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