The strength of teammates is one aspect, and execution ability is also very important.

As for Lu Xiao's profession, Wang Chen can help him get promoted.

As an animal trainer, as long as you catch an awesome baby, your combat effectiveness will increase exponentially.

As long as he can reach level [-] before the International Rookie Competition, Wang Chen can consider taking him to compete.

"Brother Chen, we will fight against all odds!"

Lu Xiao directly cupped his fists and said.

"I'm going back to rest first!"

Wang Chen waved his hand.

"Okay! I'm leaving then, Brother Chen!"

But Lu Xiao didn't return to his room.

Instead, go back the way you came and head towards the stairs.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going back to rest?"

Wang Chen was slightly surprised.

"Why rest? I'm going to upgrade!"

Lu Xiao showed an excited smile, and his tired face became a little more determined.

Wang Chen couldn't help but shake his head.

This was stimulated by myself.

But Wang Chen still returned to his room. In addition to resting, Wang Chen still had very important things to do.

Just unlock new bullets.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking the second level explosive bomb. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking the secondary Springfield 0.30-06 enhanced armor-piercing projectile. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking the Hongjian-8 missile. 】

It was a pleasure to watch Wang Chen shout.

Both types of bullets have been upgraded, and a new type of missile has been unlocked. It has an additional output method, which should be used with Dongfeng Sniper missiles.

Wang Chen quickly checked the properties of the new weapon.

[Bullet: Level 0.30 Springfield 06-[-] enhanced armor-piercing bullet]

[Level requirement: 25]

[Characteristics: Damage +200, ignores 80% of enemy defense, knockback characteristics, 10% probability of causing an additional damage. 】

The bullets actually started to directly add damage, and the increased damage even caught up with the G-14 grenade.

If the G-14 grenade is not upgraded, the overall damage will not be able to keep up with bullets. However, the G-14 grenade has the only advantage, which is group damage.

And it ignores defense even more. No matter how fleshy the BOSS is, it will have no effect in front of Wang Chen's armor-piercing bullets.

The knockback characteristic is still retained, and there is still a [-]% chance of causing damage. This alone is equivalent to a [-]% increase in normal attack damage.

It's exciting to think about.

No matter how many output methods Wang Chen has, the main source of output is ordinary shooting.

No matter how amazing the damage of Dongfeng Sniper's micro-missiles is, there is a CD time limit, but most of the time, Wang Chen needs to rely on armor-piercing bullets for output.

So this time, the upgrade of armor-piercing bullets made Wang Chen's output even higher.

Wang Chen is very satisfied with this bullet upgrade.

Look at the next one.

[Bullet: Level [-] explosive bomb]

[Level requirement: 25]

[Characteristics: Can turn 30 rounds of bullets into fire attribute bullets, with additional flame explosion attack, fire attribute damage +100, explosion range 100 meters, CD time 20 seconds]

The upgrade of the explosive bomb is really a big improvement. Before, it only converted the damage into fire attribute damage, but now there is a bonus of 100 points of fire attribute damage, and the explosion range has also been expanded to [-] meters.

The number of bullets used in one CD has been increased from twenty to thirty rounds.

Whether it is damage, range, or battery life, it has been greatly improved. This will undoubtedly greatly improve Wang Chen's group damage.

Next is the Hongjian-8 missile. This is the missile that Wang Chen is most looking forward to, and it is also the second missile that Wang Chen currently owns.

[Missile: Red Arrow-8 Missile]

[Level Requirement: Level 25]

[Characteristics: Damage +1500 (critical hit probability and additional critical hit damage are determined based on the host attribute value), 500 meters in diameter, and there is no attenuation of damage within the explosion range. 】

[Cooling time: 15 seconds]

The damage has been increased by half... and there is no attenuation within the explosion range, and the damage output has been further improved.

In other words, the damage caused by the Red Arrow-8 missile is based on Wang Chen's own damage plus [-], as well as the bonus of critical hit probability and extra critical hit damage.

In terms of comprehensive damage, it can be said that it has surpassed the QN202 micro missile by a lot.

The QN202 micro missile still needs to be upgraded soon.

Moreover, the cooling time of the Hongjian-8 missile has been reduced by half, only 15 seconds.

This undoubtedly increases the endurance of Wang Chen's damage output.

The addition of two bullets and the unlocked new missiles can be said to have brought a great improvement to Wang Chen's damage.

"After watching Achen and the others, you can play the Drama dungeon by yourself and try out the damage of the new weapon!"

Wang Chen couldn't wait.

However, Wang Chen still needs to pay attention to the newcomer versus team competition.

After all, these three are his friends, and they are also characters in his future team.

Wang Chen did not rush to find Ah Chen, but chose to take a nap first.

After working for such a long time, I can already feel tired.

No matter what, it is necessary to recuperate and recuperate. Wang Chen has not yet reached the state of cultivating immortality and recuperation.

Take a shower, strip naked, and have a good night's sleep.

I didn't wake up from my sleep until evening.

I slept very deeply. In the past few days, I was really exhausted and basically didn't get much rest.

So it was night time as soon as I slept.

"Let's go find Murong Xue and the others first!"

But Wang Chen still felt that he should go see Murong Xue and the others first.

Although they are all the pride of Huaqing University, they are not sure of winning the freshman team competition.

In the perception of many people, the top universities should be determined to win this kind of competition.

But this is not the case. The top students in Huaqing University are certainly better than those in other universities in terms of personal abilities.

But in a team competition, what matters is teamwork after all.

If you are not prepared, you are likely to sink the ship.

This is also an important reason why Huaqing University has performed poorly in freshman team competitions in recent years.

Not paying attention...not making preparations in advance.

After getting dressed and tidying up, Wang Chen set out for Murong Xue's dormitory.

Since there are no communicators such as mobile phones in this world, it is very difficult to communicate over long distances.

However, I found Murong Xue's dormitory and asked the teacher who managed the dormitory, but the teacher said that they had not returned.

And gave her own guess. She said that Murong Xue was probably in the battlefield hall.

Wang Chen thanked him.

Indeed, the battlefield hall is the most likely... These people will definitely be fully prepared for the rookie team competition.

But what I have to say is that these three people are really hardworking, and they don't come back to rest so late.

Perhaps the rewards for the rookie team competition are too tempting.

Even Wang Chen was tempted, but the school planned to use him as a trump card and was not allowed to participate in domestic competitions. (End of chapter)

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