"Da da da da da..."

Still a secondary armor-piercing projectile.

Princess Delama dragged her huge body and rushed towards Wang Chen.

Then there are explosive bombs, freezing bombs and laser guns, all firing directly.

With full firepower, Wang Chen could clearly feel the significant increase in damage.

This time, the fight against Princess Delama went very smoothly. Princess Delama's stone-throwing skills and dust force field were only used once.

It did not pose any threat to Achen and the others.

Moreover, with Wang Chen's command, the three of them easily avoided these two skills.

After fighting for about ten minutes, Princess Delama was finally beaten to death.

Saved more than half of the time it took before.

Only this time, Karta's wrist guards and earth elemental staff were not revealed.

Instead, there was a leggings that mainly added agility, and a robe that mainly added intelligence and healing effects.

They are all gold-level equipment with very good attributes.

The main agility leggings must be given to Qin Hongyan.

As for the robe of this healing profession, Murong Xue generously gave it to Ah Chen.

Although Ah Chen doesn’t want it...

However, you can consider selling it to a trading house.

"Just hand the quest items to the door of the dungeon!"

Wang Chen said again.

This time, Wang Chen did not obtain the mission item of Princess Delama's remains.

He has already completed this task, and there will be no need for a second time.

The three of them followed Wang Chen obediently and completed the task.

Then he left the copy with satisfaction.

"Brother Chen! You are so awesome, you can lead such a powerful copy to touch us!"

After returning to the dungeon hall, Ah Chen said with a moved face.

Murong Xue was also very moved and said: "Wang Chen, if it doesn't work, just lead us to play more dungeons! Anyway, you can lead us!"

Qin Hongyan quickly stopped, "No, I'm not allowed to upgrade myself! Let's not hold Wang Chen back!"

Taking them to play a dungeon when there is nothing wrong is already the most benevolent thing.

What's more, Wang Chen doesn't have much free time.

"There's nothing that can't be done without hindrance!"

"When I have time, I will help you upgrade!"

Wang Chen smiled and said, "It's so late, you guys should go back and rest! I'll clear this dungeon again!"

"You have all upgraded, I have to upgrade too!"

After playing this dungeon, Wang Chen's experience level reached nearly two-thirds.

As long as you brush it again, there is a high probability that you will be promoted to level [-].

They were anxious to upgrade, so why wasn't Wang Chen anxious?

"No! Brother Chen, if you go to play the dungeon, we will go to the battlefield twice and wait for you to come out!"

"Then, I'll treat you to a midnight snack! Thank you very much!"

Ah Chen said quickly.

At the same time, he gave Qin Hongyan a look, hinting her to finish her words quickly.

"That's right! I'm already hungry after playing the dungeon for so long, so why not have a late night snack together when everyone is done?"

Qin Hongyan said quickly.

Wang Chen is still struggling...

Waiting for him to finish typing the copy before coming out, it would be after one in the morning.

When Murong Xue saw this, she smiled and said, "I haven't had dinner with you for a long time. Let's just promise them that we should get together!"

In fact, Murong Xue also felt that she should thank Wang Chen.

She was also taken through dungeons and battlefields by Wang Chen.

"Okay then! I'll give it about forty minutes!"

Wang Chen thought for a while and said.

Then he went to the Delama copy again.

The three of them, Ah Chen, went to the battlefield.

But since there are not many people playing the battlefield at night, the queue time is very long.

After Wang Chen had experience in the Delama dungeon twice, he returned to the Delama dungeon again. It can be said that he is familiar with the game.

It didn't even take forty minutes to complete. After killing Princess Delama, I successfully reached level twenty-six.

When Wang Chen came out of the dungeon, he unexpectedly discovered that Ah Chen and the others had not yet entered the battlefield.

Moreover, twenty minutes after Wang Chen entered the dungeon, they canceled the queue for the battlefield.

The wait was too long.

They couldn't let Wang Chen wait for them after coming out of the dungeon.

Just cancel the queue.

"Get out so soon?"

When they saw Wang Chen, Murong Xue was stunned.

Wang Chen once again refreshed the dungeon clearance record.

It only took thirty-five minutes to clear the Delama copy.

"Once you become proficient in fighting, go faster!"

Wang Chen shrugged.

"We didn't even get into the battlefield..."

Ah Chen said awkwardly.


Wang Chen directly threw a hand guard to Ah Chen.

It is the right gauntlet for the mage profession.

Looking at Ah Chen, he was stunned.

Another gold level equipment.

"Murong Xue had a usable piece of equipment before, and I happened to explode another one. Take it!"

This equipment was obtained from the Cursed Jungle Guardian, so the two mages each have one piece.

"Thank you Brother Chen!"

Ah Chen was so moved that he almost cried.

"Okay! You're a big boy, don't be so coquettish. Brother Chen asks you to hold it, so just take it!"

"Just be a die-hard fan of Brother Chen from now on!"

Murong Xue laughed from the side.

I was also very grateful to Wang Chen.

"That's right, I must be Brother Chen's biggest fan!"

Ah Chen said firmly.

"Okay! Treat us to dinner! Pay for it!"

Wang Chen laughed.

And his easy-going look made Achen and Qin Hongyan admire him more and more.

In their hearts, Wang Chen is their boss. If they are asked to go east, they will never go west.


Ah Chen was particularly excited.

Finally I have a chance to express myself.

The four of them came to the cafeteria of Huaqing University together.

Since students at Huaqing University often upgrade and clear dungeons day and night, the cafeteria is open [-] hours a day for the convenience of everyone.

Then, Wang Chen was not polite and ordered a large table of delicious food.

Murong Xue and Qin Hongyan even ordered a bottle of expensive red wine.

These delicacies and wines all have a chance of improving three-dimensional attributes after consumption.

Although it is not a particularly high-grade one, it is still quite expensive.

Although Ah Chen felt a little sore, he felt relieved when he thought about his increased experience and the gold-level equipment.

At worst, everything will be clear and you can just save points.

First, Ah Chen said a lot of words of thanks and gratitude, then clinked glasses, drank wine and ate food.

Until everyone was drunk.

Wang Chen looked at Murong Xue and asked: "Murong Xue, do you know anything about Void Front?"

No matter what, Murong Xue is the eldest lady of the Murong family, and her knowledge is much better than that of them all.

There are some things that Wang Chen can't ask Mr. Zhong about.

I happened to have dinner with Murong Xue to see if the Murong family had any special information about the Void Front.

"You know it fairly well! My father stayed at the Void Front for more than ten years in the early years, and I heard my father tell some things about the Void Front!"

Murong Xue said. (End of chapter)

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