Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 223 Don’t beep when fighting on the battlefield

Thunder Fortress was wailing again.

Every time Wang Chen enters the battlefield, he will kill the resurrection point.

When Wang Chen entered Thunder Fortress for the third time.

This time, the matching teammates are all level [-] professionals, including Berserkers, Ice Mage, Holy Priest and Beast Tamer.

Before, Wang Chen didn't talk much when he came to the battlefield.

When teammates see that they can instantly kill the opponent, they will be allowed to control the sentry tower as little as possible to increase the duration of the battle.

After his teammates were impressed by Wang Chen's fighting prowess, they would all be obedient.

But this time, right after entering, I heard the Berserker start talking.

"The opponents are all level [-] professionals, and the configuration is also very good. Two mages, a weapon warrior, a holy priest, and a holy light knight."

"You all obey my command, I guarantee you will win!"

"The soldiers go to the middle to grab the sentry tower. The priest and I go to the left sentry tower. The gunner and the animal trainer go to the right. After the soldiers grab the sentry tower, quickly come to my side for support!"

The berserker kept talking.

Several other teammates couldn't help but roll their eyes at him, and his command was not standard at all.

Moreover, they are all level [-] professionals, why should they listen to his orders?

Berserker is just a rare profession, and they are not convinced.

But since they came in and were unwilling to lose the battle due to internal strife, no one said anything.

Only the berserker kept talking.

"When it's five versus five, kill the weapon warriors on the opposite side first, and then kill the mage!"


From beginning to end, Wang Chen ignored this person.

When the gate of the battlefield opened, Wang Chen slowly walked to a position where he could shoot at the sentry towers on both sides.

"Gunner, you are stupid, what's the mark on you?"

Seeing Su Chen behind him walking slowly, the Berserker even stopped and said with a dissatisfied look on his face.

He thought secretly in his heart, how dare a twenty-seven-level Xiao Lese to be so disobedient.

If you don't obey again, he will squirt.

"Leave far away!"

Wang Chen said coldly to him.

"You...who are you talking to?"

The Berserker was stunned.

Are you talking to him?

Is it so rude?

"If you keep beeping at me, I don't mind letting you come back and calm down."

Wang Chen just said calmly.

It's like telling something very common.

"Boy, are you out of your mind?"

"He's just a twenty-seventh-level gunner, what a big-tailed wolf."

The mad warrior said angrily.

Wang Chen glanced at him first and saw that he had not made any move yet.

Then he ignored him.

If you encounter this kind of stuff, just ignore it.

If he has the intention to take action, Wang Chen doesn't mind letting the team members taste a few rounds of bullets first.

At this time, someone from the other side had already entered Wang Chen's shooting range.

Wang Chen took a look and saw that two mages went to the sentry tower on the left at the same time.

Seeing this, the opponent thinks that they have the advantage of a professional combination, so they can fight casually.

The two mages did not separate, but actually walked together.

He simply didn't take Wang Chen's side seriously.

Wang Chen directly took out Gatling Purgatory.

But it didn't matter once he took it out, it actually startled the berserker not far away.

"What a big gun!"

He couldn't help but exclaimed.

He had never seen such a thick and domineering machine gun. Just by looking at the brightness and metal texture of the barrel, he could tell that the gun was of high quality.

He even had the urge to touch it.

"Da da da da..."

At this time, the machine gun suddenly rang out, which frightened him. And what frightens him is yet to come.

After a flurry of bullets hit the two mages on the opposite side.

In just a moment, the two mages fell to the ground together.

The mad warrior froze on the spot, his mouth hanging open.

His legs softened for a moment, and it took him a while to realize what had just happened.

"This...is this dead?"

Just a few bullets passed and the two mages were killed.

But I just wanted to teach this gunner a lesson.

But now it seems that it will take less than a second for this gunner to kill him.


The berserker patted his chest. Fortunately, he didn't attack the gunner, otherwise he would have suffered.

At the same time, I am glad that this is a battlefield and not outside.

Otherwise, he, who likes to show off and command, will cause big troubles.

He wouldn't dare to enmity with such a fierce person.

I even began to regret why I provoked this person just now...

It would be fun if he really made a grudge and found himself again after he went out, causing him to trouble himself.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Master! I'm wrong!"

As he spoke, he fell to his knees on the ground with a thump.

It actually shocked Wang Chen.

Is there something wrong with this guy?
  What about the unruly behavior just now?

"Get up! Stay away from me!"

Wang Chen said impatiently.

And the muzzle of the gun in his hand turned, went straight to the sentry tower on the other side, and started shooting.

"Da da da da..."

In just an instant, two other opposing professionals were killed.

Not only this Berserker, but all the other teammates were also stunned.

What is this output?
  "Here, are you going to win by lying down? Is this the output of a level [-] gunner? The opponents are all level [-] professionals, but they can't even catch three of his bullets!"

"Yes! This is the first time I have seen such a terrifying output. If this bullet hits, if there is a critical hit, it can directly reduce the opponent's health to residual health!"

"This is such a master! I don't know which school he is from, he is so fierce!"


The other three teammates commented one after another.

Wang Chen looked at the Berserker and said coldly: "Get back here!"

The Berserker was stunned for a moment, but he heard someone calling him.


His cheeks immediately showed joy and he rolled on the ground.

As long as he doesn't hold grudges, he can do whatever he wants.

"Come here! Don't get out!"

Wang Chen was speechless again. There was indeed something wrong with this guy's head.

The Berserker felt even more relieved.

The boss in front of him is still full of humanity, and he is not the kind of boss who will kill someone if provoked.

"Boss! What are your orders?"

"Just now, I was rude and talked too much, but I also want to win this battlefield, so please forgive me!"

The mad warrior walked up to Wang Chen and said quickly.

"Do not talk nonsense!"

"Go tell them, there is no need to occupy the sentry tower first, I will abuse the opponent's resurrection point to make the resources grow slower!"

Wang Chen waved his hand and said seriously.

"Torture...Trouble the resurrection point!"

The Berserker was stunned again.

What does it mean to be a boss... He actually wants to torture the opponent's resurrection point? This is something he has never heard of.

However, this is enough to show how abnormal the strength of the young gunner in front of him is.

The thought of torturing the resurrection point is extremely exciting. (End of chapter)

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