No matter which profession reaches the late or late stage, there will be earth-shaking changes.

However, the late-stage and late-stage skills of the mage are undoubtedly the most brilliant, and the group damage effects have devastating effects.

The mage can plunge a city into a sea of ​​fire, the ice mage can smash the city with ice, and the storm mage can blow up a tornado.

"No matter what profession it is, it all requires luck and hard work. The Xiyou profession may be very powerful in the early stage, but in the later stage, it may not be able to compete with some ordinary professions!"

Wang Chen said.

After listening to Wang Chen and Jing Jiayu's words, Pu Bai and Lu Xiao became more confident, but they still needed to work hard.

Pu Bai, an ice mage, can also excel in the later stage, while Lu Xiao wants to tame a giant dragon to be his baby.

If there is a high-level baby, his combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

"Then cheers to our late stage!"

Ah Chen raised his wine glass and shouted.

Among this group of people, he was the most lively, so the matter of Zhang Luojiu naturally fell on his head.

"Okay! Cheers to us for winning the rookie team competition next time!"

Lu Xiao stood up directly and said excitedly.

It was his first time participating in a competition, and with Wang Chen as his coach, he was extremely excited.

Therefore, he is bound to win the championship of this competition.



A few other people were calm.

Achen and Qin Hongyan have been in contact with Wang Chen for a relatively long time, so they have already gained confidence.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Jing Jiayu looked at Wang Chen and got down to business.

"I have asked that teammate to wait for us at the teleportation formation in the afternoon. However, this time we need to pay a lot of attention to the mutant goblin lair."

"I have never played this dungeon, but I know that it is particularly dangerous. I heard from others that those goblins who look harmless to humans and animals are like crazy!"

Jing Jiayu said seriously.

Wang Chen nodded. Every time he played a copy, Wang Chen would not take it lightly.

Although on the front line of the void, Wang Chen had a chance to be resurrected.

But Wang Chen didn't want to use it so easily.

No matter what, be extra careful.

"The mutant goblin lair...Brother Chen, do you want to go with Teacher Jing?"

Ah Chen said in surprise.

Before, Wang Chen asked Murong Xue about this copy.

But I never thought that I would go with Jing Jiayu.

Wang Chen nodded, "Go to this dungeon to upgrade, and do some tasks on the way!"

"This copy... I have heard about it, and my brother almost died in it. I heard that there are many monsters in it that can be controlled, and even the little monsters have control methods!"

"There are also three bosses, all of which are particularly difficult to deal with. There is a small boss that can summon hundreds of goblins, which is particularly difficult to defeat. The boss itself is very powerful, and there are so many mobs."

"It's scary just thinking about it. My brother almost died at the hands of that BOSS. Fortunately, he ran fast and ran out of the dungeon. Of the five people in the team, three were dead in the end!"

When Pu Bai heard this, he said quickly.

This is enough to show how terrifying this copy is.

"What's your brother's level? What's his profession?"

Ah Chen asked.

"Level 38, Berserker!"

Pu Bai replied.

"Level 38... If you can still escape, then your brother's life is good!"

Jing Jiayu couldn't help but said.

In her understanding, this dungeon requires all five people to be level 40 professionals to have a chance to pass the level.

Professionals who are above level 30 will almost certainly die if they don't have the means to save their lives.

Of course, Wang Chen is an exception.

"I heard from my brother that he ran with all his life, and even used the violent skill to increase his movement speed crazily, just to escape for his life!"

Pu Bai sighed. "Other berserkers use berserk to deal damage, but your brother uses berserk to escape... That's good enough!"

Ah Chen complained.

"Huh? It seems like you, a storm mage, can use your wind element to increase your escape speed. Isn't that what you're going to do today?"

Qin Hongyan also laughed and complained.

It can be regarded as regaining some face for Pu Bai.

Originally, Pu Bai was not that familiar with everyone, so he needed to feel the warm side of the team.

"Tsk, tsk! That's right, Ah Chen ran really fast today, and he made that exorcist so angry!"

Murong Xue covered her mouth and smiled.

"Actually, Brother Achen's escape is for output, which is not bad!"

"However, I believe that when the dungeon encounters danger, he will run away with all his might!"

Lu Xiao said with a smile.

"At that point, it sounds like you are different!"

"What do you mean when you encounter that kind of situation? When disaster strikes, we all fly away. Everyone has to try their best to escape!"

Ah Chen said unconvinced.

Why is it that as he talks, he becomes the target of ridicule.

"However, when this dungeon encounters a rout, it's really not easy to escape!"

Jing Jiayu finished having fun and then said with a smile.

"Teacher, this time Wang Chen goes to play this dungeon with you, you must keep one thing in mind!"

Ah Chen looked at Jing Jiayu and said.

He quickly took the opportunity to change the subject.

So as not to embarrass yourself all the time.

"What's going on?"

Jing Jiayu asked.

"Just remember how Brother Chen fought? Every detail must be recorded. The more detailed the better!"

Ah Chen said seriously.

"Ah for what?"

Jing Jiayu was stunned, completely confused as to what Achen was going to say.

What's the use of recording this?

"After that, you can write a strategy guide, a strategy guide for the mutant goblin lair, and you can also sell it, and you will definitely get a good price!"

Achen continued.

"Hiss...that's okay too!"

"You can also sell strategies..."

Jing Jiayu said in surprise.

"No, we regret not being able to write down the strategy for the Drama dungeon. When Brother Chen led us to fight, it was full of details!"

"Of course, it's limited to BOSS. Fighting those monsters is all instant kills, without any suspense!"

Ah Chen shrugged and said quite proudly.

Jing Jiayu was speechless. Could this still be possible?

Full of many details are needed?

Wang Chen smiled and said: "Don't listen to his nonsense, I just want to teach them how to avoid Princess Delama!"

"Without Brother Chen's reminder, we might have died inside."

Ah Chen was still exaggerating.

"Okay! I remember it. I will definitely record the process of him typing the copy. If possible, I will also use a note to write it down!"

When Jing Jiayu heard this, he nodded.

Wang Chen couldn't help but sigh, "There are also notes, so you won't be afraid of hanging up in the dungeon. That dungeon is particularly difficult. I don't have any experience yet, and you don't have any experience either. The information about this dungeon is all hearsay."

"How can I have the energy to do these useless things!" (End of Chapter)

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