After looking at the map, Wang Chen thought for a moment.

The void front line is too vast, with both forests and deserts, but there are many dangers everywhere.

"Take the main road! Relatively speaking, the main road is safer!"

Jing Jiayu suggested.

She has never been to this dungeon, so she can only make judgments based on her experience in other dungeons.

"If you take the main road, you will also pass through a forest. Places with many trees are the most vulnerable to sneak attacks!"

"But, it doesn't matter! Just take the main road! Be more spacious!"

After Wang Chen thought for a while, he nodded.

Those who like sneak attacks are usually humans. The monsters below level 40 outside the Void Frontline do not have such high IQs.

If it were a human being, Wang Chen would have some scruples, but if there was any challenge, let them do it to their heart's content.

"Okay! Wherever Wang Chen goes, teacher, I will follow him, even to the ends of the world!"

Zhang Min echoed without hesitation.

As she said this, Jing Jiayu couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but roll her eyes at her.

"Pay attention, the fox's tail is exposed!"

Zhang Min disagreed, "Such a great boy will be liked by everyone he meets. Don't you like him?"

Wang Chen took a deep breath, this guy was much more promiscuous than Chu Rou.


After saying this, he strode forward.

Zhang Min and Jing Jiayu followed closely behind.

While walking, I saw a group of soldiers patrolling and happened to meet them.

Zhang Min and Jing Jiayu looked at each other, and Zhang Min exclaimed: "Wow, they are all soldiers in their forties... They look very strong when they look at their equipment. The most important thing is that they are all so handsome!"

He looked like a nymphomaniac.

Jing Jiayu couldn't help but hit her on the back of the head, "Stop being such a nympho!"

"What happened to the nympho?"

Zhang Min was not convinced.

"Wang Chen!"

But while they were talking, all the soldiers in the group stopped and gave Wang Chen a military salute.

After that, the leading officer relaxed and said with a smile: "Why are you here?"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Min and Jing Jiayu were both stunned.

I have no idea what kind of treatment this is.

You know, normally these soldiers would only salute after seeing their superiors, but they still did so when they saw Wang Chen.

Moreover, it was obvious that these soldiers had great respect for Wang Chen.

"Come here and upgrade!"

In fact, Wang Chen didn't know them.

But they are so enthusiastic that they naturally respond enthusiastically.

"Hey, sir, do you know Wang Chen?"

Zhang Min asked in surprise.

"I don't know... but Wang Chen has become a famous figure in our No. 3 Fortress. The last time the void barrier was loosened, Wang Chen made great contributions!"

"So all the soldiers in our No. 3 Fortress know him!"

The chief said with a smile.

At the same time, he whispered to Wang Chen, "These two are your girlfriends, right? They both have good figures, so work hard!"

Wang Chen was speechless, "They are all my teachers..."

"Wow, even the teacher can do it, you can do it! You are worthy of being the strongest person below level 30."

"However, these two teachers are so young. Wang Chen, you are lucky!"

The officer smiled in surprise.

Wang Chen didn't bother to explain to him, and quickly said: "Has the void barrier been loosened again recently?"

Once the void barrier is loosened, void creatures will break out from the void and harm the human world.

"No! But people in Sakura Country are not very honest recently."

"There are always ninjas and onmyojis appearing on the front lines of the void, and they are still very hidden. However, we still discovered them, and we don't know what they are going to do."

"Be careful of them when you go to the Void Front."

the officer reminded.

"Sakura Country..." Wang Chen frowned.

I have had two contacts with people from Sakura Country before, and I am afraid that I will soon be blacklisted by Sakura Country.

They killed many of their country's outstanding newcomers.

Just thinking of this, Wang Chen took a breath of cold air.

Are they here to assassinate me?

Wang Chen closed his eyes tightly, recalling what happened in the past.

He had killed too many professionals from Sakura Country before, and recently there was a global rookie team competition.

And he will undoubtedly become the most important role in this competition.

Sakura Country had another experience of assassinating themselves, but they were all killed by Wang Chen.

Then it is certain that these Sakura Country professionals are here just for themselves.

"Hmph! What's the difference between being sneaky and a ditch rat!"

Thinking of this, Wang Chen snorted coldly.

"Wang Chen, what are you talking about?"

The officer was stunned and didn't know why.

Jing Jiayu and Zhang Min were also confused.

"Nothing, let's go first!"

Wang Chen smiled and waved his hand.

The officer was even more confused. He looked solemn just now, as if he was thinking seriously about something, but now he looked relaxed.

Wang Chen didn't care what they were surprised about and strode forward.

Leaving Fortress No. 3.

The three of them set foot directly on the main road of the Void Front.

"Classmate Wang Chen, what happened, or what did you think of?"

Zhang Min asked curiously.

"Next, there may be a fierce battle!"

"You'd better be ready for battle at any time!"

Wang Chen didn't hide it and said seriously.

Right now, their safety is the most important thing.

"Ah? Are you talking about people from Sakura Country?"

Jing Jiayu's eyes narrowed slightly and he quickly realized the problem.

"Yes! I suspect they are targeting me!"

Wang Chen nodded.

"Aiming at you? Why? Targeting a level 27 professional for no reason, there must be something wrong with them!"

Zhang Min didn't quite understand.

"Have you forgotten that he killed more than two hundred professionals from Sakura Country?"

"That incident aroused strong protests from Sakura Country, but they took action first, and Kimchi Country came out to prove it, so the matter has remained unresolved."

"But it's unbelievable that these damn guys still think about it and still remember it to this day!"

Jing Jiayu explained.

"I remember, these guys from Sakura Country are really damned!"

"Classmate Wang Chen, if we really meet them this time, I will cut them into pieces!"

When Zhang Min remembered this incident, she looked filled with indignation.

"Broken into pieces? Don't you have mysophobia? What? It's not disgusting anymore!"

Wang Chen laughed.

"For you, I can bear it!"

"Actually, the main reason is that these people from Sakura Country are really hateful, and there have been many sneak attacks by them before."

"Jiayu and I have met before, so let's think of it as revenge for ourselves!"

Zhang Min didn't have the slightest fear at this time.

On the contrary, he was very motivated.

"Get in good condition first, and be extremely careful!"

"The ninjas of Sakura Country are very insidious, and what they are best at is sneak attacks!"

Wang Chen instructed. (End of chapter)

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