It was the ninja Wang Chen saw just now.

This ninja can use crows to physically transform.

However, he did not take action.

Instead, he stood there calmly and said in very unskilled Longguo dialect: "Wang Chen, we have been waiting for you for more than ten days!"

"Oh? Then I'm very lucky!"

Wang Chen still held the Gatling Purgatory and said with a smile.

Jing Jiayu held a black-edged sword tightly and stared at the ninja solemnly.

In case he makes any move to threaten Wang Chen.

"Hmph! You've killed so many of us, so of course we won't let you go!"

The crow ninja snorted coldly.

Wang Chen took a look at his message.

He turned out to be a forty-level water ninja, which meant that his companions were all in their forties.

I have to say that Sakura Country is such a big deal.

In order to save his own life, he actually sent five level 40 ninjas.

Level 40 ninjas are often elite soldiers, just like their jonins.

But they didn't dare to send out professionals who were too high in level because they were afraid of making too much noise.

In such a small country, everything must be done secretly, and there is no way to be honest.

If the Dragon Kingdom is really offended, it will be a disaster for the country.

At present, in the era of awakened professionals, the population base often determines the upper limit of the country. Of course, it is also related to a certain population quality.

But if the base is large enough, there will be more high-quality professionals.

"Really? So you are just squatting on me on the front line of the void? Just waiting for me to surrender?"

Wang Chen smiled, with a relaxed look on his face.

It was as if he had not been ambushed.

At this time, other ninjas, onmyoji and mutants all came running over.

They stood in a row, but still maintained the posture of wanting to fight.

"Actually, I'm not ambushing you, but giving you a chance!"

The water ninja showed a smile.

Although he tried his best to show kindness, he still looked very scary.

The other companions simply retracted their weapons, as if they had respect for Wang Chen.

"Opportunity? What opportunity?"

Wang Chen said in surprise.

But he vaguely guessed something.

"We in Sakura Country have always respected the strong, especially those with unlimited future like you!"

"So, our military headquarters would like us to convey to you that we sincerely invite you to join our Sakura Country Military Department. Of course, we will give you supreme power and status!"

As he spoke, the water ninja even knelt down on one knee and lowered his proud head.

It is said that the people of Sakura Country are very mean, and this is absolutely true. As long as they can be convinced, they will give them enough respect and awe.

As soon as these words came out, Jing Jiayu and Zhang Min couldn't help but look at each other.

I bet these people from Sakura Country want to recruit Wang Chen.

Jing Jiayu quickly pulled off Wang Chen's clothes, "Don't agree! None of them are good!"

Wang Chen patted Jing Jiayu's arm, turned around and nodded with a smile.

Reassuring her.

"Girl, our Sakura Country will definitely treat Wang Chen with the greatest sincerity. If you are willing to join, we also warmly welcome you!"

The water ninja said enthusiastically.

He heard Jing Jiayu's voice and knew that the professionals from the Dragon Kingdom had no favorable impressions of them.

"Don't even dream about it!"

Jing Jiayu sipped softly.

But the water ninja ignored her.

Although Jing Jiayu is a level 40 ghost sword warrior, they know very well who is stronger and who has greater potential.

Wang Chen was able to kill more than two hundred professionals from the Sakura Kingdom, which is enough to prove that Wang Chen is a future star. Moreover, he will definitely grow into an extremely terrifying professional in the future.

Maybe you can also unlock nuclear bombs and other weapons.

Sakura Country naturally does not want to miss such an outstanding professional.

"You can go back and tell your commander, it's impossible! I'm not interested!"

Wang Chen looked at the water ninja and said calmly.


"Classmate Wang Chen, please think about it carefully. If you come to our Sakura Country, you will be the future king, and we will definitely give you the highest respect!"

The water ninja's face turned cold, but he still tried to control his emotions.

Wang Chen saw the change in his expression.

His eyes also became fierce.

He said calmly, "It's inappropriate to say more, go back!"

"We have one more mission. If you refuse, we will kill you!"

The water ninja no longer hides and tucks away.

The so-called picture is poor and dagger can be seen.

For the Sakura Kingdom, if they don't get the potential of Wang Chen, they can only destroy him completely and not give him any chance to survive.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause great danger to Sakura Country in the future.

"Da da da da..."

And he was indeed greeted by a barrage of bullets.

However, this water ninja is always paying attention to any movement of Wang Chen.

He had already thought about any possible situation he might have to face.

Originally, both sides were enemies. If they could not reach an agreement, a war would inevitably happen.

The water ninja directly formed a seal with his hands, "Water escape, take off the black hat!"

A large amount of water appeared around him, and the water formed a huge water monster, blocking his way.

And all Wang Chen's bullets hit the water monster.

"Since you don't know what's good for you, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

The water ninja said coldly.

Wang Chen was stunned, he didn't expect that this water escape ninjutsu could withstand damage.

Moreover, it blocked five bullets.

Every bullet fired by Wang Chen was very powerful, but five bullets were still blocked.

"Then let's see how much damage your water monster can block!"

Wang Chen didn't believe it anymore and fired another round of bullets.

At the same time, Jing Jiayu picked up his black-edged sword and stood beside Wang Chen.

As long as these Sakura Country professionals dare to rush over, she will stop them immediately.

"Da da da da da..."

Another round of bullets turned the water monster into a pile of water mist.

"Sure enough, it hurts a lot!"

The water ninja was stunned for a moment when he saw this.

Although I had heard that Wang Chen's injuries were exaggerated, this was the first time I saw it with my own eyes.

The damage was not ordinary. He was a level 40 water ninja. It would have taken a long time for other level 40 professionals to break his water monster.

But for Wang Chen, it was just a matter of two bullets.

"Go! Leave no one alive!"

The water ninja shouted.

For them, once they take action, they must do it cleanly and not leave any survivors alive.

Otherwise, it will leave a clue to the Dragon Kingdom, and their country will not be able to bear it.

It may even cause disputes between the two countries.

Now that the Void Invasion is imminent, the country that stirs up trouble first will be under great pressure from public opinion. If the Dragon Kingdom sends troops to conquer because of this matter.

They couldn't compete at all. (End of chapter)

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