I have to say that these professionals from Sakura Country are so insidious. In order to deal with a level 27 professional, they actually sent out so many teams.

Moreover, they had to fool people and pretend to be a five-person team that wanted to fight a dungeon.

Wang Chen had to be careful about this.

Some Sakura Kingdom professionals will definitely use shielding medals so that Dragon Kingdom professionals cannot identify their identities.

They will even pretend to be professionals from the Dragon Kingdom, making it difficult for people to detect them.

Who makes the appearance of the people of the two countries very similar?

"Damn, they are so abominable!"

Jing Jiayu couldn't help but said.

His hatred for the ninjas of Sakura Country has increased even more.

"Let's go first! After completing the dungeon, we will consider dealing with those Sakura Country ninjas. When the time comes, I don't mind targeting them!"

Wang Chen thought for a while.

These clowns are in no hurry to solve.

Right now, I still focus on upgrading and playing dungeons.

Anyway, although these Sakura Country ninjas are very hateful, they will not have any impact on the Dragon Country.

The only person who can be affected is Wang Chen.

"Of course, if I encounter them on the road, I won't mind taking action to deal with them!"

Wang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

He is not a soft-hearted person. Since these Sakura Country professionals want to put themselves to death, Wang Chen will definitely kill them as long as there is a chance.

"Aka Shadow, do you know where there are professionals from Sakura Country nearby?"

"There can't be only one team on this road!"

After Zhang Min thought for a moment, he spoke.

Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl thought for a while and said: "There are indeed three teams responsible for blocking this forest, but they will take turns to clear the dungeon, and those who have nothing to do will continue to squat...Wang Chen!"

But when I mentioned Wang Chen, I hesitated for a moment, and in my heart I always wanted to call Wang Chen my master.

But she knew very well that Wang Chen was not actually her master.

She even thought of how great it would be if Wang Chen was her master.

Wang Chen is just, strong, and considerate.

Unlike her previous master, who was thirsty for bloodshed and killing, he didn't regard her as a partner at all. In their eyes, she was nothing more than a weapon.

She has gradually awakened and has long wanted to get rid of this feeling and state.

Today, after she met Wang Chen, it was the first time that she was respected and sympathized by a human being, and there was a sense of pity for her.

Respect... This is what all intelligent creatures yearn for.

Of course, she was moved by pity.

"Do you know the approximate location?"

Jing Jiayu asked quickly.

On the other hand, Wang Chen had a calm face and was not very interested in these things.

Even if he is ambushed, Wang Chen does not think that the current methods of Sakura Country professionals can successfully attack him.

"Um... before, that... Onmyoji met people from one team near a big dead tree in front, but I have never seen the other team!"

"This team is all forty-level professionals. There is an earth ninja, a mutant, a heavy warrior, a water ninja and a holy priest!"

Red Shadow Demon Sword Girl tried her best to recall the previous events.

Try your best to think about these things clearly.

"Big dead trees... There are many big dead trees here. Can you give me more details?"

Jing Jiayu frowned.

Wang Chen said: "She definitely can't see the whole picture of this kind of thing. Moreover, she doesn't have strong language skills in the first place. She has tried her best to describe it!"

While speaking, he looked at Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl again.

He said in a soft tone: "Chi Ying, if they arrive near the place in your memory, you should tell them in advance and try to ensure that they are not attacked by surprise!"

And this tone made Red Shadow Demon Sword Girl feel warmth that she had never felt before, and her originally strong heart gradually warmed down. "Yeah! I know, don't worry!"

Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl nodded quickly and said.

What I have to say is that Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl is very familiar with the language of the Dragon Kingdom and speaks it fluently.

"Let's go!"

Wang Chen nodded.

"Wang Chen, you still have to be careful. These people from Sakura Country are very insidious. I'm worried that the situation will change!"

Jing Jiayu reminded.

"No matter what, we have to move forward and not retreat. We need to be careful, but we don't need to be afraid!"

Wang Chen said seriously.

It was obvious that Jing Jiayu had been worried about his own safety.

Although Wang Chen knew her good intentions, he had never been afraid of this kind of danger.

"I know! I'm not worried about you!"

Jing Jiayu pursed her lips and said pretending to be aggrieved.

"Tsk tsk! Classmate Wang Chen is still relatively calm. Even though there are dozens of Sakura Country professionals preparing to sneak attack him, he is still calm and calm, as if nothing happened!"

Zhang Min clicked his tongue and said with a smile.

What seemed like a joke was actually full of admiration for this new student.

This was the first time she had seen such an awesome and promising student.

Wang Chen ignored them and walked straight forward.

Scarlet Shadow Yao Dao Ji followed closely behind.

Zhang Min and Jing Jiayu did not dare to laugh anymore, and they all remained on alert.

Jing Jiayu is always ready to help Wang Chen block any enemies, while Zhang Min is always ready to help Wang Chen.

We walked forward like this for about five minutes.

But no void creature was found, and the already weird forest of dead trees became particularly terrifying.

"Why are there no void creatures? Normally, there should be quite a few here?"

"Could it be that he was killed by someone?"

Jing Jiayu said cautiously.

After the void creature dies, the corpse will remain there for more than ten minutes, and then it will all sink into the earth.

If it is refreshed again, it will take at least two hours.

In other words, someone cleared out all the void creatures here within two hours.

But due to the disappearance of the corpse of the void creature, it is not known who did it.

In this area, only professionals from the Dragon Kingdom and Sakura Kingdom have the highest probability.

Professionals from other countries need to walk a long distance to come here. Only the fortresses of Dragon Kingdom and Sakura Kingdom are closer to here.

Of course, Dragon Kingdom’s No. 3 Fortress is the closest.

"Let's go! Love whoever you want!"

"If they are professionals from Sakura Country, fuck them!"

Wang Chen said lightly.


Jing Jiayu also became much more well-behaved.

Just walking, I found a human corpse...

Judging by his attire, he turned out to be a professional from the Dragon Kingdom, a level 35 berserker.

There was a kunai on his neck. The kunai directly stabbed his neck. After his blood volume reached the bottom, he lost his life.

"Damn ninja, since you are looking for death, then I will help you!" (End of Chapter)

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