The two said almost in unison.

"Okay! After the killing, we will fight the dungeon together!"

Wang Chen nodded.

It turns out that their destinations are the same.

"Just in time to form a team of five, she is the one... If we go to the dungeon later, what should Chi Ying do?"

Jing Jiayu thought of Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl.

Currently, she has no relationship with the professionals present, so she cannot enter the dungeon.

"When we enter the dungeon, we can ask her to find a safe place to hide outside the dungeon, and then we can find her when we come out!"

Wang Chen pondered for a moment and said.

"It seems like this is the only way. There is no other way. Chiying can't enter the dungeon with us!"

Zhang Min sighed and said, "Is it dangerous just to put herself on the front line of the void?"

It's just that Zhang Min is worried about the safety of Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl.

Wang Chen frowned. He had not considered this issue before.

Then he looked at the Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Princess and asked, "Does Onmyoji have a unique method for discovering shikigami?"

Wang Chen didn't know much about the profession of Onmyoji.

But the profession of beast tamer has special means to discover a wider range of beasts.

Therefore, Wang Chen became curious about this issue.


Red Shadow Demon Sword Girl nodded.

His face was a little embarrassed, as if he had dragged Wang Chen down.

"Then things will be easy to handle. As long as all the onmyojis in this area are killed, won't Crimson Shadow Demon Sword Princess be safe? As for those void creatures, Crimson Shadow Demon Sword Princess, you can always deal with them by yourself, right?"

Wang Chen said with a smile.

As long as all the onmyojis in this area are eliminated, the Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Princess will be mostly safe.

Of course, it is also possible to encounter Dragon Kingdom professionals.

However, professionals from the Dragon Kingdom do not have the special means to discover shikigami. As long as the Red Shadow Demon Swordswoman pays a little attention, she will not be found.

Wang Chen is not worried about this.

"Haha! Little brother Wang Chen, you are so domineering! I like your character more and more!"

"That's great, then kill all those Onmyoji...kill them, and Red Shadow will be relatively safe!"

Wu Zhan laughed after hearing this, feeling extremely happy.

"Let's go! Get on the road!"

Wang Chen didn't waste any time and waved his hand directly.

He and Red Shadow Yao Dao Ji walked in the front, and the others walked behind.

With Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl leading the way, Sakura Country professionals can be discovered earlier.

Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl is also very powerful. In just three minutes, she helped Wang Chen and the others discover a group of professionals from Sakura Country.

Even if there is no Wang Chen here, the strength is still the same as the other party.

Wu Zhan and Qin Yong are both level 41, Jing Jiayu is also level 41, and Zhang Min is level 40.

Only Wang Chen lowered the team's level, but that's not important.

If Wang Chen was a level 40 professional, he would be on par with the opponent's team.

But after having Wang Chen, his strength became even more overwhelming.

This time there is an onmyoji in the opponent's team, but the shikigami of this onmyoji is a male.

Without hesitation, Wang Chen was suddenly killed.

After facing this team, it took less than two minutes for them all to be killed.

This time, Wang Chen did not use his ultimate move. Instead, he asked other teammates to take action. One was to let them vent their anger, and the other was to give them a chance to practice.

Especially the two teachers, Jing Jiayu and Zhang Min, usually have to upgrade, brush up their books, and attend classes, so they have very little contact with people.

Of the two of them, the one who needs training the most is Jing Jiayu, a damage-dealing warrior. If he doesn't develop his dueling and PK abilities well, he will suffer big losses in the future. Unlike Zhang Min, a priest, he does not need to exercise too much at all. He only needs to increase his blood and run fast, and his technical content is very low.

Jing Jiayu was still responsible for picking up the corpses.

Now, she has almost become a professional corpse collector.

After killing this wave of Sakura Country professionals, Wang Chen divided the spoils equally among everyone in the team.

After all, they have also contributed, and Wang Chen will definitely not treat them badly.

Although Wu Zhan and Qin Yong resisted in every possible way, Wang Chen still forcibly gave them a share.

According to the chat between them, Wang Chen knew that they had graduated and no force had accepted them yet.

They are like those casual cultivators who upgrade themselves, form their own teams to play dungeons, and live on the edge of a knife every day.

The days were very stressful.

If you want to get more resources, you can only work hard.

They even took risks to clear the mutant goblin lair in order to get better equipment.

Only then did I gather a few very close friends.

When playing a dungeon, if the five people are all very close to each other, it will be easier to allocate some equipment.

But if you team up with passersby, you may get into a fight over equipment problems, and even lose someone's life. This kind of thing happens quite often.

This distribution made Wu Zhan and Qin Yong even more grateful.

No one had ever been so kind to them.

Therefore, we must work harder to protect Wang Chen.

Although Wang Chen's output is high, he is fragile, so he needs extra protection.

As everyone knows, Wang Chen has the means to save his life and doesn't need anyone to protect him at all.

After killing this group of Sakura Country professionals, they continued on their way.

Once again, I encountered a situation where professionals from the Dragon Kingdom were fighting with professionals from the Sakura Kingdom, so I didn’t hesitate.

The whole team took action and killed all the Sakura Country professionals.

Along the way, under the leadership of Red Shadow, he killed five teams of Sakura Country professionals.

But what worries Wang Chen the most is the level 50 Sakura Country professional.

Where is this person?

Scarlet Shadow Demon Sword Girl has no idea of ​​this person's whereabouts, let alone where he has appeared, or even what he looks like.

This is the biggest threat.

At the moment, Wang Chen doesn't have the strength to go head-to-head with level 50 professionals.

We can only try hard...

Or if someone can help hold the enemy back, Wang Chen will have a chance if he outputs all his strength.

According to Chiying, this professional acts alone.

So will this person sneak into the professional team of Dragon Kingdom?

Everything is unknown, but it is precisely because the unknown is more dangerous.

"Remember, once you meet someone who hides his level, you must be especially careful. Even if you are from the Dragon Kingdom, you should stay away!"

Wang Chen reminded.

"it is good!"

"Is this to guard against that level 50 Sakura Country professional?"

Jing Jiayu asked.

"Level 50..."

When Wu Zhan heard this, his mouth opened wide.

It's too scary... These people from Sakura Country actually sent out people at level 50. It seemed that they just wanted to target Wang Chen alone.

Such a big gesture would be too exaggerated.

However, it also reflects from the side that Sakura Kingdom attaches great importance to Wang Chen! (End of chapter)

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