The terrifying output instantly reduced the Goblin's pet to residual health.

"Da da da da..."

Another round of bullets was added.

The goblin pet fell to the ground.

【Ding! Congratulations on killing the pet of the leader-level elite monster Goblin, experience +6000000]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the Wild Wolf's Chain Armor (Gold Level)]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the Goblin's Scepter (Gold Level)]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the Wild Wolf Dagger (Gold Level)]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the Green Stone*3】


Seeing the increase in experience, and the explosion of so much equipment and materials.

Wang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the most difficult BOSS that Wang Chen has encountered so far.

It also caused Wang Chen to lose blood for the first time.

Of course, this has something to do with Wang Chen's negligence.

Wang Chen was collecting the spoils while reviewing the battle just now.

In fact, there is no good solution, after all, I didn’t understand the skills of this BOSS at all.

I never thought that this BOSS could be awakened from such a short distance.

Perhaps this has a lot to do with the level gap between the two parties.

The greater the level gap, the shorter the range to attract monster hatred.

But everyone else stood there, staring at the BOSS's body on the ground for a long time, unable to get over the shock in their hearts.

"Brother are too awesome! What kind of missile is that...the damage is too outrageous!"

Wu Zhan exclaimed.

Even the title has changed.

He stared at Wang Chen as if he was seeing a monster. This was the first time in his life that he had seen such horrific injuries.

Two missiles will knock out at least half of the BOSS's health. If it is used by professionals, then one missile can kill a group of people.

Before, when Wang Chen dealt with those Sakura Country professionals, it was enough to shock him.

But I never thought that that was not Wang Chen's true strength at all.

Now Wang Chen's two missiles are his method to suppress the situation.

Originally, the BOSS in the dungeon had extremely high health, but in front of Wang Chen, high health was nothing. It was not worth mentioning in the face of the horrific damage.

"Unexpectedly, you have a new missile...the damage of this missile seems to be even more terrifying!"

Jing Jiayu exclaimed.

Jing Jiayu had seen Wang Chen's missiles before, but not the newly unlocked one.

So even she was extremely surprised.

Wang Chen can always bring her incredible miracles.

"Brother Chen...I am not your teacher from now on, you are my teacher. You are so awesome!"

"Please accept my little lady's respect!"

Zhang Min was even more exaggerated and bowed directly.

However, this is also what she thinks from the bottom of her heart.

Judging from today's events, if it were said that Wang Chen was a student, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

"Teacher Zhang Min, don't... you are still my teacher, I haven't taken your class yet!"

Wang Chen quickly waved his hand and said.

"I feel like I have nothing to teach you at all. Whether it's a dungeon or a battlefield, you are so powerful. Not only do you have good tactics and ideas, but your own strength is also terrifying!"

Zhang Min sighed.

She has heard a lot about Wang Chen, and she is also very clear about Wang Chen's battles.

But the clearer it becomes, the more frightened it becomes. "Indeed, we have nothing to teach you..."

"Unless you need to learn to cook or something like common sense."

Jing Jiayu also nodded in agreement.

Other than that, she really couldn't think of anything else she could teach Wang Chen.

"Why go to school? Brother Wang Chen, I think you might as well just go out and upgrade yourself. What's the point of being in school? There are only a few copies and not many challenges!"

Qin Yong said quickly.

"I still have to go to school. I still need to learn a lot of useful theoretical knowledge. As for going out to explore, I will go out and play dungeons when I have time!"

Wang Chen thought for a while and said.

Regarding learning and upgrading, Wang Chen believes that both are important.

Without theory, just having combat effectiveness is not enough.

The reverse also doesn't work.

"Classmate Wang Chen is still smart! Indeed, both practical combat and theory need to be developed in order to become a truly powerful professional!"

Jing Jiayu said with admiration.

As he spoke, he looked at Wang Chen, "Although you didn't come to our God of War Academy, if you have any knowledge you want to know, you can always come to me and I will give you private lessons!"

Zhang Min smiled evilly and said: "It's not just knowledge, one-on-one teaching, tsk tsk! It's exciting just thinking about it!"

It can be said that Zhang Min was thinking a lot about Jing Jiayu's words.

It actually made Jing Jiayu's face turn red.

"What's's just a simple class, what are you thinking about!"

Jing Jiayu quickly retorted.

"Look at how these equipments are divided, I can't even use them!"

Wang Chen quickly changed the topic.

This Zhang Min is a so-called veteran driver. I don't know if he has real experience, but he is definitely one of the strongest in theory.

"Three pieces of golden equipment!"

Then he placed these three pieces of equipment in front of everyone. As for how to divide them, Wang Chen didn't care.

Let them figure it out on their own.

But as soon as these words came out, Wu Zhan and Qin Yong quickly shied away.

Wu Zhan was the first to say: "I'm just here to hang out, I don't want the equipment!"

Qin Yong shouted: "We already owe Brother Wang Chen our life, how can we still want your things! Let's give it to these two!"

In other words, it should be given to Jing Jiayu and Zhang Min.

Wang Chen said with a smile: "You have contributed to the dungeon, not to mention that I don't have any use for these equipments!"

When playing this dungeon, what Wang Chen cares about most is completing the mission of the Ring of Control.

On the road before, Jing Jiayu and Wang Chen had said that for this mission, they could get the mission items first, and then pick up and hand in the mission.

There is also a material for the Ring of Control, which also explodes in this dungeon, but you need to fight the final BOSS to have a chance.


Wu Zhan and Qin Yong looked at each other.

Only Wu Zhan can wear chain armor, so normally this equipment belongs to him.

The other scepters and daggers are all equipment of the legal profession. The attributes of the dagger are magic damage and reduced cooling time.

So both Qin Yong and Zhang Min all have needs.

"Let's do this! Give this link to Brother Wu Zhan! This equipment only adds tankiness but no output, so it's useless to me!"

"Then, you two have one for each of the scepter and dagger. You two decide how to divide it!"

Jing Jiayu made a decision quickly.

She knew very well that Wang Chen didn't want to take care of the distribution, so now she had to play the role of Wang Chen's subordinate.

Help Wang Chen make a decision.

Such a division was the most fair, but she and Wang Chen got nothing. (End of chapter)

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