"Do you think he lacks people? Especially women..."

Luo Xia said angrily from the side.

Not forgetting to glance at Murong Xue and Chu Rou.

As if full of hostility.

"It seems to make sense. I heard that he even managed to get Teacher Jing Jiayu from Ares Academy!"

Not only was Chu Rou not angry, but she looked like she had suddenly realized something.

"Don't talk nonsense. Teacher Jing Jiayu's innocent daughter, don't be unable to remarry because of your nonsense!"

Wang Chen said quickly.

This girl is really good at gossip... I just went to play a dungeon with Jing Jiayu, and it was settled.

Although Wang Chen still admired Jing Jiayu's figure and personality, they couldn't let them talk nonsense about things that didn't happen.

"Brother Wang Chen, Teacher Jing Jiayu's figure is so amazing...don't you want to take advantage of the opportunity?"

Ah Chen said somewhat incomprehensively.

"you shut up!"

"Shut up!"

But as soon as Ah Chen opened his mouth, he was jointly attacked by Luo Xia and Chu Rou.

Wang Chen could tease and explain, but he couldn't.

Hearing the voices of these two women, Ah Chen quickly shut his mouth and stood aside aggrievedly.

Both Luo Xia and Chu Rou were at a much higher level than him, and they were not existences he could provoke.

What's more, he needs to act a little more gentlemanly.

"Are you also participating in this professional competition?"

Wang Chen changed the topic.

We can't keep discussing the topic of women, otherwise, these people will not be good.

While speaking, he looked at Chu Rou.

Chu Rou nodded and said, "Yes! As a demon summoner, you must not miss such an event!"

Chu Rou herself is very combative, and as a rare profession like Demon Summoner, she has enough self-confidence and capital to fight in the ring.

"It would be great if I could team up with you!"

Wang Chen said quietly.

Chu Rou was stunned when she heard that, "Are you sincere?"

"Children are innocent!"

Wang Chen shrugged.

"Tsk tsk! You kid is trying to trick me again. You're not even level 30 yet, so you can't form a team with me!"

Chu Rou laughed.

Level 27 can only team up with professionals between levels 20 and 30.

"He must have done it on purpose. Have you considered forming a team with me?"

Luo Xia has reached level 26, so as a shadow assassin, she is qualified to form a team with Wang Chen.

Wang Chen did not agree immediately, but looked at Murong Xue.

These five newcomers are already qualified to participate in professional competitions.

Murong Xue understood immediately and said quickly: "Don't think about us, our level is as good as level 20. Even if we participate in professional competitions, it's just soy sauce."

"I would be satisfied if I could win the rookie team championship. It would be better for the five of us to sign up for the professional competition together, and you can form a team with others!"

Ah Chen and others also nodded.

"We are still newcomers, so we don't want to be a drag, nor do we want to miss the opportunity to compete. We must participate in the competition, but we won't form a team with a high-level team!"

Qin Hongyan also opened her mouth to explain.

The five of them had a very clear intention. The important thing was to participate, but they didn’t need anyone to guide them.

"Hey! I know you have a good relationship, but you have to level up quickly. When you reach level 25 or above, he can take you!"

Luo Xia saw the relationship between Wang Chen, Murong Xue and others. So I can only take some comfort. After all, the person Wang Chen is currently forming a team with is herself first and foremost.

Chu Rou and Jing Jiayu's levels are too high to form a team.

Murong Xue and these five people are too low in level and difficult to form a team with.

"Okay! I hope you can achieve good results!"

Murong Xue said generously.

In fact, Murong Xue saw the attitudes of Luo Xia and Chu Rou, but she also knew very well that it was difficult for someone like Wang Chen to be caught by someone.

It's better to be more open-minded.

"Thank you, and I hope you can successfully win the rookie team competition championship!"

Luo Xia also said happily.

"Then you have to bless me too..."

Chu Rou on the side said quickly.

Like a proud little princess.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Then how can I give you a blessing...Miss Chu's level is too embarrassing. I wish you the championship of the 30th level of the professional competition? It's a bit too unrealistic!"

Luo Xia was in trouble.

Chu Rou, who is at level 35, is neither high nor low in this level. Although she has some professional advantages, it is not that easy to win the championship. There are many professions that are rarer than her.

"You, you, you are still so mouthy!"

Chu Rou pouted her mouth and said dissatisfiedly.

It's just that both of them are the eldest ladies in their respective families, so Chu Rou can't go too far.

"Tsk! Tell the truth!"

"However, Sister Chu Rou's profession is quite powerful. If we form a few good team members, we will definitely win the championship!"

Seeing Chu Rou's soft attitude, Luo Xia smiled.

Wang Chen knew her character very well. As long as he showed kindness to her, she would smile playfully, but if he went against her, her eldest lady character would come out and she would love someone.

No one is used to it...

"However, you have to please him and please him before he can lead you to the championship!"

Chu Rou glanced at Wang Chen and said with a smile.

Luo Xia's big, watery eyes flashed and she asked expectantly: "Brother Wang Chen, is this okay?"

The voice is particularly special...

Wang Chen felt like his scalp was numb.


Wang Chen said impatiently.

Luo Xia's eyes suddenly lit up. As long as Wang Chen is here, then the championship this time will be enough.

Chu Rou cast an envious look. She also wanted to team up with Wang Chen, but due to her level, she had no choice.

Not only Chu Rou, but Murong Xue and others were also quite envious, but because they were just dragsters, they were unwilling to embarrass themselves.

As the geniuses of Huaqing University, they also have their own pride.

I can't do the oil bottle thing.

"By the way, do you want to bring that guy Wu Mengyu? She is now level 28 and has pretty good equipment. Although I hate her, she is still very good as a holy priest!"

Luo Xia mentioned an old person again.

Wang Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly. This girl has always been very difficult for Wu Mengyu to deal with. Wu Mengyu's level has always suppressed her, and he is not afraid of her in single combat.

So they bickered together all day long, and even looked like they were about to fight, but it was unexpected that Luo Xia would still think of Wu Mengyu when there was something important.

It is enough to show that Luo Xia is still a person who values ​​​​love and justice, although he seems a bit cold on weekdays.

"No problem, her equipment is really good, so it won't be a problem for me to challenge you now, right?"

Wang Chen directly exposed Luo Xia's pain.

Wu Mengyu's equipment is mainly based on the mana recovery speed, which just makes up for the shortcoming that the holy priest's mana amount is lower than that of the discipline priest. (End of chapter)

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