Universal job transfer: Is the gunnery division weak?I have Dongfeng Sniper

Chapter 276 Encountering a secret realm for the first time

This point made Wang Chen fall into deep thought.

After a moment, Wang Chen raised his head and said slowly: "Could it be that these copies have changed? They may be different copies at different times!"

Apart from this, Wang Chen could not make any other speculations.

Now that these copies have been discovered, there must be names for the copies, even if it is just a name.

"Let's go over there first! It's useless to think so much!"

Chu Rou said.

Wang Chen nodded. At the moment, the most important thing is to go to the first dungeon first.

I saw a wind elemental spirit in front of me, baring its teeth and claws in the air. It seemed that it had discovered Wang Chen and wanted to attack Wang Chen.

Wang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. This wind elemental spirit had a wider alert range for human professionals than other monsters.

"Da da da da da..."

So he shot at the wind elemental spirit without hesitation.

It's just that this wind elemental spirit reacted very quickly and used its super speed to dodge most of the bullets. Only one bullet hit its body.

Wang Chen had to re-examine the monster and see clearly the monster's information.

[Spirit of Wind Element (Elite Monster)]

【Level: 35】

【Strength: 7000】

[Agility: 14000]

【Intelligence: 10000】

[Skills: Shadow of the Wind, Storm Attack]

The three-dimensional attributes are okay, but the single agility value is extremely exaggerated.

But it is basically impossible to dodge Wang Chen's bullets with such agility value alone.

The agility value of 14,000 is not enough to support its exaggerated speed and dodge.

The bullet that Wang Chen had just dodged must have been caused by using his skill, Shadow of the Wind.

"Then let me see how long your skills last!"

Wang Chen said lightly.

He pulled the trigger again and shot towards the wind elemental spirit.

More than twenty bullets were dodged by the wind elemental spirit, and only one bullet hit the wind elemental spirit.

However, after these more than twenty bullets, the wind elemental spirit was no longer as fast as before.

Every bullet hit its body perfectly. After only six or seven bullets, the spirit of the wind element turned into a puff of smoke and fell to the ground.

However, these elemental monsters do not have corpses. Even if they are killed, they are only transformed into their own elements, leaving fallen materials or equipment on the ground.

【Ding! Congratulations on leapfrogging and killing the wind elemental spirit, experience +1300000]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the Essence of Wind*2]

The dodge of elemental monsters is higher than that of other creatures.

Overall, it's a little more difficult to deal with.

"Wow! These elemental monsters are really beautiful!"

After the near miss, Luo Xia exclaimed.

You can see more elemental monsters ahead, including blue, red, gray, white, purple, etc., but they are colorful and do not look as ferocious as those beasts and void creatures.

You can also see some professionals teaming up to hunt elemental monsters just to get the essence of the elements.

These essences are all materials used for enchantment.

By hunting elemental monsters, you can gain not only a lot of experience, but also a lot of money. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Moreover, the density of elemental monsters in this area is very low, and the danger is much less.

It is more suitable for killing monsters and upgrading than other areas. "There have been descriptions in books about the vicinity of Castle No. 4 before. This is an area where the elements are disordered. When the void invaded that year, there was a battle with elemental monsters, and the void creatures suffered a big loss."

"But in the end, the void creatures sent out a big demon and charmed the leaders of three ancient elemental creatures. Only then did the power of the void expand here, and the elemental creatures became chaotic because of this, both for human professionals and for the void. All living things are hostile!"

Chu Rou slowly explained.

Although Chu Rou has a boyish personality, she has definitely not fallen behind in studying and reading.

She wants to become stronger, so she naturally understands the importance of learning.

"I heard from grandpa that after passing through the Land of Five Elements, you can find more powerful void creatures, and even a command-level void BOSS."

Rosha added.

He also told his only understanding of the Five Elements Land.

"It seems that each castle is only responsible for a part of the area. It's really not certain which castle is more dangerous outside!"

Wang Chen said.

While speaking, he killed another fire elemental spirit.

In this way, the three of them were talking and laughing, cleaning up the elemental monsters as they walked.

After walking for about half a day, we only completed less than a third of the distance.

This area is really too big. Most of it is dominated by plain terrain, but it gives people the feeling that they can't see the edge at a glance.

However, it didn't matter, with Luo Xia and Chu Rou accompanying me, I didn't feel bored or lonely along the way.

Moreover, there is no need to worry about physical fitness.

Everyone's strength has improved, and their physical fitness has also been greatly improved. Even if they walk for three days and three nights, they will not feel tired.

It's just that in fierce battles, you will feel tired.

The elemental monsters on the road are not difficult, they are all monsters of level 33 to 35.

For Wang Chen, it was just a matter of one or two more bullets.

But as they walked, they heard the earth seem to be shaking, like thousands of horses galloping.

"what's the situation?"

Luo Xia exclaimed.

Wang Chen also became alert and looked into the distance.

"There are many professionals, and this area is not peaceful!"

After seeing the situation in the distance clearly, Wang Chen spoke.

Before he finished speaking, the crowd running in the distance became more and more clear. Hundreds of people were running in their direction.

Dust and smoke were everywhere on the ground, and some people were running and roaring.

"Run! The elements are rioting!"

"You three, don't be stunned, run quickly, the elemental monsters will come and kill you in a moment!"

Someone even gave me a kind reminder when running over.

Wang Chen was stunned, "Elemental riot? What's going on?"

Chu Rou quickly explained: "I remembered why those dungeons have no names. It's because they appear randomly and may not necessarily appear in any place. Specifically, they are not called dungeons at all, but secret realms!"

"Now, the secret realm appears, causing elemental chaos!"

After hearing this, Wang Chen nodded, that's it.

The emergence of the secret realm will cause elemental chaos, and elemental creatures will become violent after receiving elemental bonuses.

The secret realm appears randomly, and every time the secret realm appears, it will cause this situation to occur in the surrounding elemental creatures.

These violent elemental creatures will attack other living creatures wantonly.

The pursuit of these elemental creatures caused hundreds of professionals to desperately escape for their lives. (End of chapter)

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