It already had 50% immunity to physical damage, but now it had a fire shield.

This made Wang Chen's injuries even more pitiful.

Wang Chen frowned, this guy was really difficult to deal with.

It was even more difficult than the previous mutant goblin lair.

"What should I do? Grind hard for a while!"

In desperation, I continued to use secondary armor-piercing bullets for output, and sometimes used G-14 grenades for output.

It's just that during Wang Chen's output, the big guy strode forward, as if nothing could resist him.

"By the way, freeze bombs!"

"Try the effect first!"

Wang Chen suddenly remembered his control method, the freezing bomb.

I just don’t know how long the freezing bomb can freeze it in such hot conditions.

Immediately afterwards, the freezing bullets were mixed with the secondary armor-piercing bullets and shot out.

Fortunately, the moment the freezing bomb hit the small leader of the fire element, a huge ice block was formed, although the ice block did not last long, only three or four seconds.

But it also succeeded in delaying Wang Chen for a certain amount of time.

Ten rounds of freezing bombs took at least half a minute. During this time, Wang Chen successfully broke the flame shield of the little commander of the fire element.

Then, continue to rely on the damage of the bullet to start grinding.

Now Wang Chen has a belief that as long as he works hard enough, an iron pestle can be ground into a needle.

Grind hard.

While Wang Chen was grinding, he occasionally took out the Dongfeng Sniper and fired a Red Arrow micro-missile to make up for the lack of damage.

Although the Fire Elemental Commander is very fleshy and very frank, he cannot withstand Wang Chen's long-term output and occasional explosion damage.

After three CDs of freezing bullets and three more red arrow micro missiles, the fire elemental leader was finally killed.

Under the hail of bullets, the little leader of the fire element finally turned into a pile of fragments, and countless flames burst out. It was extremely gorgeous, but it also meant that it had lost its last vitality.

【Ding! Congratulations on leapfrogging and killing the Fire Elemental Commander, experience +15000000]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the fire element chip*8]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the Fire Scepter (Gold Level)]

With the death of the small leader of the fire element, no body was seen, only a pile of debris was left.

Only the brilliant fireworks just now proved its existence.

Wang Chen was quite satisfied with what was revealed. There was even gold-level equipment.

Wang Chen didn't even look at it before he put it in the storage space.

They don't have any use for this staff anyway.

Luo Xia's assassins don't use staffs at all, and the flame staff, as the name suggests, is a weapon that is particularly suitable for fire mages, and cannot be used by healing professions.

Just take it away yourself.

With the death of the small fire element commander, the surrounding fire element aura began to weaken, and the air became less burning.

But the world ahead was covered with dark clouds, seemingly completely wrapped in dark clouds, and purple lightning could often be seen in the dark clouds.

In other words...the next area is the area of ​​electrical elements.

However, this gave Wang Chen an even bigger headache. The core of the five elements did not include electricity. Originally, the fire element commander and the ice element commander had not exploded the core of the five elements, which already made Wang Chen very uncomfortable.

But the next challenge is even less likely to reveal the core of the Five Elements. At the same time, a group of people appeared at the entrance to the secret realm.

The five people each have a tank profession, two output professions, a treatment profession, and an auxiliary profession.

Just happens to be a pretty perfect team combination.

It's just that their clothes are very strange.

If Wang Chen saw it with his own eyes, he would definitely recognize their identities as ninjas from the Sakura Kingdom.

"I didn't expect that as soon as we arrived at Castle No. 4, we encountered the elemental secret realm. We are very lucky!"

"I heard that many professionals from the Dragon Kingdom have been looking for this secret realm. As the saying goes, it's better to come early than to come by chance. I finally found it!"

"What about the elemental monsters here? Why haven't we encountered any of them? They can't all be killed!"

The five people couldn't help but observe it carefully.

According to their records, the elemental monsters and elemental bosses in this secret realm are very difficult to deal with.

"It's very possible! Let's go quickly! If it's too late, all the little commanders of the elements will be killed!"

The leader of the fire ninja spoke.

But the conversation changed, "However, there is no need to be too anxious. We need someone to clear the way for us. The monsters here are difficult to deal with. It is best to let the elemental monsters here help us kill more Dragon Kingdom professionals."

"We just need to wait for the harvest at the back. The most important thing is not to lose the last BOSS!"

Their ultimate goal is the final BOSS of the secret realm. The other small elemental commanders are also their goals, but they are not that important.

They were not sure about the specific information about this secret place, but they still hoped that someone could clear the way for them.

The records in the data may not be 100% correct, and the secret realms are subject to change. Unlike the dungeons, in most cases the scenes in the dungeons are the same.

"We don't lack that little experience. Even if the little commander of the elements is killed, it doesn't matter. We just need to kill the dragon country professionals who killed the little commander of the elements, and then give the materials and equipment that the little commander of the elements exploded to Just take it away."

The medical ninja smiled lewdly.

"I think it's okay. The little commander of the elements will help us kill some Dragon Kingdom professionals, and then let them get lucky enough to reach the final BOSS, and then help us fight the final secret realm BOSS to injure both of us!"

"Then let's go out again and annihilate them all!"

Someone else said in fantasy.

Imagination is always so beautiful and makes people feel happy.

"There are traces of the aura from the battle just now. Come with me!"

With an order from the fire ninja, the other talents stopped fantasizing and returned to fighting mode.

Follow the leader of the fire ninja.

This time, they are bound to win the final BOSS of the secret realm.


At the same time, Wang Chen had just entered the world of lightning with Luo Xia and Chu Rou.

There are lightning and thunder in the dark clouds, as if you are above the high clouds, giving people a sense of sight as a cultivator.

Lightning often struck the three of them indiscriminately. Fortunately, after experiencing the previous encounter, both Chu Rou and Luo Xia became very alert.

With their super-fast reactions, they easily dodged all the lightning attacks.

It's just that this area is different. Wang Chen can clearly see that some lightning elements are converging in one place.

After gathering, these lightning elements evolved into a purple elemental villain, which is the spirit of the electric element.

In just over ten seconds, more than twenty electrical elemental spirits have been gathered. (End of chapter)

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