So the current can be large or small, the damage can be high or low, and the range can be large or small.

However, no matter what kind of unstable current this electrical element leader releases, none of it can hit Wang Chen.

All were perfectly avoided by Wang Chen's escape skills.

Looking at Luo Xia and Chu Rou, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This perfect dodge is so awesome... Even the assassin profession doesn't have such perverted skills!"

Chu Rou said excitedly.

Even though she was at level 35, she had never seen such an exaggerated life-saving skill.

The cooldown time is so short and the escape distance is so long, it is simply a perfect life-saving skill.

Luo Xia thought for a while and said: "The assassin profession does not have such abnormal skills. If I can have this skill, my strength will be greatly improved!"

Luo Xia was almost sure of this.

You can see the effect and speed of escape through your field of vision.

As an assassin, Luo Xia was almost jealous to death.

"With such terrifying output and such perverted life-saving skills, my God! I really don't know which profession at the same level can compare with Wang Chen!"

Chu Rou took a deep breath.

I have absolutely no idea why there is such a terrible profession.

"Let alone the same level, even if he is ten levels higher than Wang Chen, no one can beat him!"

Luo Xia concluded.

"Hey! He is really exaggerating!"

When Chu Rou thought about it, she could only sigh deeply.

But Wang Chen's output is still continuing. As long as he avoids the unstable current, Wang Chen can let go of his arms and output to his heart's content.

Bullets and grenades are used back and forth. Although the electrical element commander has 50% physical damage reduction, without a shield, for Wang Chen, it is just half the time to output.

In this way, the output lasted for three minutes.

Avoided eighteen injuries from unstable currents.

The leader of the electric element was also approaching Wang Chen step by step.

Wang Chen tried his best to organize the electric element leader to advance, but the effect was not obvious.

The electric elemental leader moves too fast, and although the knockback effect of the secondary armor-piercing bullet is obvious, it cannot resist his lightning speed.

Freezing bullets are very useful, but after ten rounds of freezing bullets are fired, they will fall into the cooling time.

Until the leader of the electric element was more than 500 meters away from Wang Chen.

The leader of the electric element waved his arms, and a huge purple current flew from bottom to top, soaring into the sky.

Then it disappeared into the air, as if it had never appeared before.

Wang Chen immediately became alert.

For such a large current to suddenly disappear, I'm afraid there must be something fishy in it.

You never know where it will come from.

Therefore, Wang Chen stared straight ahead, and his senses were also feeling the subtle changes in the surrounding space.

To avoid being attacked by surprise.

Just when Wang Chen's nerves were tense, an eye of the storm suddenly appeared above his head, the same shape as an eye, with lightning and thunder erupting in it, and strong winds running wildly.

Wang Chen could clearly feel that his body was being pulled by the unknown force in the eye of the storm. Although Wang Chen tried very hard to resist, he was still pulled closer to the eye of the storm by this force.

If Wang Chen doesn't find a way to solve it, he may end up in the eye of the storm.

In addition to the violent wind, there are countless lightnings in the eye of the storm.

Once he is dragged in, he will definitely die.

Wang Chen could conclude that... the opportunity for resurrection would probably be used up like this.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen didn't dare to be careless at all.

He simply used his life-saving skills again to escape. But when Wang Chen used his escape skills, he would indeed fall back a long way away.

But he was pulled back half the distance by a stronger pulling force.

In other words, it is too difficult to break away from this powerful pulling force.

The harder you struggle, the greater the pulling force you receive.

"Then let you taste the power of missiles!"

Wang Chen's body was constantly being pulled by the traction force, and no matter how hard Wang Chen tried, he could not get rid of this force.

Simply, Wang Chen stopped struggling and prepared to escape.

Instead, the design and electrical elements dominate the frontal hard steel.

Wang Chen directly took out the Dongfeng Sniper, and then loaded the Red Arrow-8 missile.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xia's eyes almost dropped.

"He actually used his ultimate move!"

Luo Xia exclaimed, and this was the first time she had seen this miniature missile.

A new micro-missile, which means it will definitely be more powerful than the previous micro-missiles.

Therefore, Luo Xia was full of expectations for this mini missile.

Not only Luo Xia, but also Chu Rou were also very curious about how much damage this micro-missile could do.

The two women's eyes were all fixed on the Dongfeng Sniper in Wang Chen's hand.


Under their attention, the Hongjian-8 missile flew out of the Dongfeng Sniper, drawing a perfect arc in the air.

He slammed towards the leader of the electric elements.

Due to the extremely fast speed of the Red Arrow-8 missile, the Electric Elemental Commander was unable to evade it. Just as it released the Eye of the Storm, it landed hard on its body.



Immediately afterwards, there was a huge explosion in the air, and along with the explosion, a huge mushroom cloud flew into the sky.

Just one Red Arrow-8 missile directly knocked out one-third of the HP of the Electric Elemental Commander.

Although the leader of the electric elements has fifty percent physical damage reduction, he still cannot withstand such horrific damage.

It can be said that the damage level of the Hongjian-8 missile is not something that a BOSS of its level can withstand.

This was just one Hongjian-8 missile, and it was so miserable.

Combined with Wang Chen's previous output, the electric element commander's health was reduced to residual blood, which was already a very dangerous blood line.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen still allowed his body to be attracted by the eye of the storm, but the Gatling Purgatory in his hand did not stop.

After only outputting for more than ten seconds, Wang Chen's body was already pulled to an area less than fifty meters away from the eye of the storm.

Finally, he knocked the leader of the electric elements to the ground.

【Ding! Congratulations on leapfrogging and killing the leader of the electric element, experience +4000000]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the electric element crystal core*4]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the lightning armor (gold level)]

With the death of the leader of the electric element, all the lightning suddenly dissipated in the air, as if nothing had happened.

The space also became peaceful.

Putting away all the gains, Wang Chen couldn't help but shake his head.

Return the elemental commander? Just explode this thing? No better than a little commander.

"It scared me to death...I finally beat it to death!"

Luo Xia exclaimed. (End of chapter)

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