"Great, I knew you could do it."

"Yeah, that last blow just now was so cool."

At this moment, he also received the reward immediately.

[Ding, congratulations on leapfrogging and killing the Queen of Elements, experience +999999]

[Ding, congratulations on getting the water element essence*999]

[Ding, congratulations on getting the fire element essence*999]

[Ding, congratulations on getting the wind element essence*999]


After hearing so many rewards, Wang Chen felt really incredible.

He never thought there would be so many. Now it seems that the Queen of Elements is indeed the Queen of Elements.

And this time he did make the right choice.

Facing the compliments from the two people on the side, he just smiled.

"It's okay. Fortunately, everything has been resolved."

Originally, he was a little worried from the beginning, fearing that other situations might arise.

But now it seems that these worries are completely unnecessary.

At this moment, he was naturally very happy.

And soon Luo Xia on the side also spoke immediately.

"I was really worried just now, because those professionals from Sakura Country have been secretly plotting something. Sure enough, they still want to grab the last blow. They are really too bold."

"Yeah, originally we wanted to stop them, but then we thought about it. We might not be able to defeat them as two of us, and we were afraid that you might be distracted and come to help us, so we didn't do anything."

Chu Rou also nodded and continued to add.

"Fortunately, we didn't do anything at the time, and they suffered the consequences in the end."

After hearing this, Wang Chen naturally nodded immediately, and he indeed agreed very much with it.

These people are really doing their own thing.

It's a bit too arrogant to still want to grab the reward even though you haven't found any strength at all.

"Yes, they are indeed too funny. They are so weak that they actually want to get rewards from the Queen of Elements. Isn't this a dream?"

Soon Wang Chen headed towards the professionals from Sakura Country, wanting to see what kind of state they were in now.

At this moment, the professionals in Sakura Country were completely seriously injured.

They were lying on the ground, unable to move at all.

The fire ninja on the side also immediately urged the medical ninja.

"Hurry up and restore our health now. If you don't restore our health, we may not even be able to escape by then."

When he said this, the wood ninja on the side also nodded immediately.

"Yeah, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and add blood to us, we can't even move now."

But when the medical ninja heard this, his expression was very complicated.

"I have no way to increase my health. My skills have cooled down at this time."

After hearing this, they all felt very incredible. Their eyes widened slightly, and they simply couldn't believe what they heard.

"How is that possible? Wasn't it fine just now? Why can't I even increase blood now? I can even slow down my recovery."

"Yeah, what the hell is going on." Now everyone was talking one after another.

Faced with such a situation, I have no idea what to do.

The medical ninja also shook his head helplessly.

"If I can, I will naturally add blood to you without hesitation, but it really can't be done now, and there's nothing I can do."

After hearing this, they really felt very desperate. Now it seemed that this problem really made them feel a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, their facial features gradually became a little distorted, and everyone looked in a desperate state.

"Then what should we do? Wang Chen will definitely not let us go. He will definitely come to settle accounts with us."

"Yeah, what should we do now."

"Oh my God, are we really going to die here?"

At this moment, the medical ninja also discovered that Wang Chen had walked towards their direction, and naturally felt more scared in his heart.

"What should we do? He has already come over. How should we solve it?"

"I don't know. Now we don't have any ability to fight back. We can't even escape."

At this moment, their mood is indeed very depressed.

It was not until Wang Chen came to them that they begged for mercy.

Because besides begging for mercy, they had no other option.

"Please let us go, please? We really know we were wrong. Please, don't kill us."

When one of them said this, the people next to him also nodded and said.

"Yes, please, can you let us go? We really know we were wrong, and we shouldn't have made such a stupid decision at the time."

"Yes, yes, please let us live. We will never appear in front of you again, nor will we do anything else to feel sorry for you."

Seeing these people begging for mercy, Wang Chen couldn't help but smile.

He also knew that if it came to the final step, these people would never beg for mercy like they are now.

They are very cunning.

Whenever there is any chance to counterattack, they will definitely use all their strength to fight back.

Now it is naturally impossible for me to believe what they say.

But I might as well play with them.

"Really? Do you really want to survive?"

After seeing that Wang Chen did not directly deal with them, but asked this question, several people's hearts were naturally filled with some expectations.

I hope Wang Chen can really help them find a way out.

Several people in front of him also nodded and said.

"Yes, yes, we really want to survive. Please, no matter what we are asked to do, can you give us a way to survive?"

"Please, we really know we were wrong."

Seeing them begging for mercy so hard, to be honest, Wang Chen really thought it was quite ridiculous, but Luo Xia and Chu Rou on the side really couldn't bear it.

"We must not let them go. They were still plotting just now on how to snatch the final blow. If it hadn't been for their failure, they would never have behaved like this now."

"Yes, they are very cunning. No matter what, we cannot let them go. Otherwise, they will definitely take revenge when they find the opportunity in the future." (End of Chapter)

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