Chapter 85 Explain


Regarding the choice of heroine, some readers strongly want to choose Queen Medusa.

Most readers don't want Queen Medusa.

It makes me very confused.

Who has the biggest readers?

After all, I didn’t want Medusa in the first place, so it wasn’t a consideration.

The protagonist is a "gou" type, and the established heroines include Little Medical Fairy, Han Yue, and Zi Yan.

The rest are supporting roles.

I really can't find a reasonable plot to accept Queen Medusa, and the role of Queen Medusa is... everyone knows it.

He is still a cold-blooded animal, the kind who will kill Xiao Yan at every turn in the early stage.

Xiao Yan relied on the temptation of pills and the protection of medicine dust to escape every time.

The protagonist created by the author likes beautiful women, but he is not brainless or a pig, but he still needs to have some sense.

Sneaking into the Snake Country for the Queen?
And the author has already saved a little bit of the manuscript.

We have already written about Zhongzhou, taking over the Han family, the Han family sisters, and banning Fenglei Pavilion. This would be troublesome to change.

I hope everyone will forgive me.

Queen Medusa is just like a human being in her incarnation. There is no difference, but it is still a problem.

This book should be on the shelves next month, and it will be a big hit by then.

In order to write this book well, the author went back and read the original work several times at every point, hoping that there would be less poisonous points and everyone would like it.

The original editor was also optimistic about it.

However, I have lost a lot of this follow-up reading. It is the first time I write a Dou Po fan, and there are some shortcomings.

If the results are still average, I will open a new book when the time comes.

Haha, I’ve already thought of the title of the book.

It’s called: “Dou Po: The Reborn Me Steals Xiao Yanzi’s Confidante”

(End of this chapter)

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