Chapter 99
It's finally on the shelves.

You can earn some hard money.



I still want to thank all the readers who have followed up until now.

Thank you for your encouragement.

There may be some flaws in the early writing, and I think it was not considered well. Regarding asking Xiao Xun'er for the exercises, I also feel that it was not well thought out.

But when everyone thinks about it, they all know that she can give herself the best, and she must try her best to get the best. The so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.

In the later period, Xiao Xun'er didn't look down on people like Ice Valley and Soul Palace.

Gallio, a little guy.

Especially in Zhongzhou, there are places everywhere.

Old readers who have seen the later period will also understand.

In the later stage, the higher-level people barely made it to the stage.

Okay, I won’t vomit so much bitterness with readers. I would always reply to comments when I saw them before, but some trolls got me into trouble.

The author is pretty easy to talk about.

I also want to write a more relaxed and refreshing article, I hope you will enjoy reading it.

As some readers said, if the author is not good, you can write about it, and then you can share some experiences.

I also humbly accept the shortcomings because I am still a young author.

Many great people have been criticized, haha.

Just correct your attitude and you'll be fine.

Finally, I would like to thank my editor for his great luck, his guidance and encouragement.

At that point, there was a lot of persuasion.

The overall results are also unclear.

But it won't be worse than the author's second book, because the author is very serious about writing it, and there will basically not be too many poisonous points.

If I forget something, I will go back and read the original work again.

Make sure to finish writing a story for everyone.

As for Queen Medusa, she finally accepted her.

But it won’t take too much ink.

Upgrade and acquire beauties, you can do both.

The VIP chapter will be updated starting at [-]:[-].

The young author asks everyone to give me an initial order.

It only costs a dime to help the little author. It would be great for you guys.

Next play a game:
Five updated chapters with a deduction of 1 ([-] words)

Ten updated chapters of Deduction 2 ([-] words)
Updated Chapter 3 of Deduction [-] ([-] words)

Twenty chapters of the update of Deduction 4 ([-] words)

5 updated chapters (25 words) with a deduction of [-]
If the number of people deducting more than [-] chapters is exceeded, then the number of chapters will be updated that day.

The current number of students pursuing the program is several times one hundred.

I believe that the readers will not let me idle, so start digging into it.

(End of this chapter)

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