Chapter 158 Success is heating up

“Does that mean that all green materials contain nitrogen?”

Geng Xiaoyun asked, scratching his head.

Lu Miao groaned, nodded and said, "You can probably understand it that way."

At least they are the ones that are commonly available on hand, it’s just a question of how much.

Geng Xiaoyun was thoughtful.

Lu Miao clapped her hands happily: "Then let's start now?"

Ren Bingxin and Geng Xiaoyun said in unison: "Okay!"

They were at the stage where they didn't understand anything for the first time. They mainly watched what Lu Miao did and then listened to what Lu Miao told them to do.

Lu Miao had already cleared a clean area in the open space in front of the door.

In addition to the carbon-nitrogen ratio of the material, aerobic composting mainly depends on air circulation and sufficient oxygen.

Lu Miao went back to the kitchen and pulled out three wrist-thick firewood sticks, placed them on top of each other in the open space, and set up a short tripod.

The only materials Lu Miao collected were dry and wet leaves, but considering the rotten pumpkins sent by Chen Guifen and the tomato stems that Fu Jingyou picked up a while ago.

Although it has been drying for a while, the moisture has not receded much.

Next to my home is a threshing floor with several large haystacks.

Lu Miao asked Geng Xiaoyun to pull out half a bundle of straw, while she went back to the spare room on the right side of the house to drag out the knife.

After pressing the straw and tomato stems into small sections about ten centimeters long, start laying the first layer of material.

The overall carbon-nitrogen ratio is about 25:1, but the carbon-nitrogen content of various materials is currently unknown.

After Lu Miao thought about it, he decided to try it first with a general ratio of carbon materials and nitrogen materials of 2:1 in volume.

As for the others, observe the condition of the compost body in two days and then make a detailed judgment.

The bottom layer is covered with brown dry straw carbon material. However, using the sandwich stacking method, green nitrogen material and brown carbon material are stacked layer by layer.

The pile of compost about one meter in diameter was piled up to the waist and abdomen. Lu Miao, together with Ren Bingxin and Geng Xiaoyun, spread the filler again, then cut and stacked the rotten pumpkin that Chen Guifen brought over.

Given their heights, it might be difficult to control the pile if it were piled higher, so Lu Miao temporarily called for a stop.

Find a bamboo pole and insert it diagonally into the compost body. The compost body will then be oxygenated and the temperature will be tested through this bamboo pole.

It’s not too late to pile up the compost pile, but you also need to do some simple work of insulation.

Lu Miao called Geng Xiaoyun and Ren Bingxin to go through the backyard of Fu's house and dig some leaf soil from the bamboo forest. They covered the compost with a thickness of about two centimeters before giving up.

Not long after, looking at the strange pile of leaves in front of him, Geng Xiaoyun clicked his tongue:
"This, this is the end? I said Lu Xiaomao'er, is this okay?"

Geng Xiaoyun knew that dry fallen leaves could be turned into fertilizer after a few years.

But if you build a big pile of hay, it will turn into fertile soil in just ten days?

Geng Xiaoyun couldn't believe it.

"This is just the first step. It will take a few days to see if it can be done! Don't stop yet. There is still some material left. Let's add more and build another haystack!"

Lu Miao is very motivated.

Geng Xiaoyun thought that nothing would happen today. It was the first time they had come here since Lu Miao got married. If Lu Miao wanted to get married, they could just accompany her.

It saves her thin arms and legs a long time of effort.

There were two large haystacks piled up in front of Fu's house. Lu Miao looked at them when she got up in the morning and at night when she went to bed.

Originally, she was quite worried because Fu Jingyou went into the mountains and didn't come back for several days. However, when the two haystacks piled up, most of her attention was taken away.

Of course, she was not the only one looking intently at those haystacks.

Ren Bingxin and Geng Xiaoyun were curious and occasionally came over to take a look.

Chen Guifen was worried about the fertilizer. Every time she came over to deliver food, or called Lu Miao over to eat, she would walk around a few times to take a look before she could leave with peace of mind.

Time passed quickly, and a few more days passed.When Lu Miao woke up in the morning, there was a layer of white frost on the ground at the door. The pond next to the production team and the river in the distance had layers of white mist on the water.

Lu Miao rubbed her hands, and the temperature seemed to have dropped a little.

And I don’t know if it was an illusion, but the two compost bodies at the door seemed to be faintly emitting wisps of white smoke.

Lu Miao paused, thinking of some possibility, she suddenly jumped three feet high on the spot.

"Is it done? Is it done?"

Lu Miao excitedly threw it towards the compost body and put her hand directly on it.

It seems that I can vaguely feel a little warmth, but it is very unreal.

She directly pulled out the bamboo pole stuck on it. In the past, she was always afraid of this or that being dirty, but this time she didn't care about anything. She pushed her little hand along the hole pierced by the bamboo pole and stretched it deep inside.

The further inside, the more obvious the temperature became, until it was even a little hot to the touch. Lu Miao retracted her hand with a silly smile.

It really did!

She retracted her hand, brought the hand stained with grass to the tip of her nose and smelled it. Apart from the unique smell of rotten grass, there was no other odor.

After inserting the bamboo pole back in, Lu Miao followed the same procedure and inspected another compost body.

The second compost body also has a temperature, but it is obviously not as high as the first.

When I put my hand into the hole of the bamboo pole, I feel that the humidity is not as good as the first one.

Lu Miao inserted the bamboo pole back and thought for a while.

The second compost body was stacked later. Except for the absence of pumpkin, the proportions of other materials were the same.

Pumpkin has a higher water content, probably because of this.

The water degradation of the second compost body cannot keep up with the first one, and it cannot reach the growth environment of microorganisms. The chain reaction of this is that the growth of the bacterial flora is limited, and the degradation and decomposition reactions cannot keep up.

After Lu Miao went back to the backyard and washed his hands, he scooped out some water and sprinkled it on the second compost body.

After hastily washing up, Lu Miao locked the door and went straight to Chen Guifen.

Giving good news is one, having breakfast is another.

Also, I'll drop by later so I can call for help.

When the temperature comes up, it means that this method has been completed.

You have to seize the time to take the next step.

Lu Miao rushed to He's house in a hurry, and Chen Guifen was about to go find her.

This time it was not to deliver food or call her over for dinner.

Hu Zhiyuan from the county came to visit, and Chen Guifen was entertaining him.

When Lu Miao passed by, he didn't have time to say anything.

Chen Guifen borrowed two eggs from her neighbor's house and gave them to her directly:
"Miao girl, your uncle is not at home. I have to greet you. Take these eggs and go to the kitchen to give the Hut agents a bowl of sugar-watered eggs to eat!"

With that said, he pushed Lu Miao towards the kitchen.

Lu Miao held the egg in her hand. When she passed by the main room, she saw Hu Zhiyuan who was hesitant to speak. Without thinking much, she took the egg and went to the kitchen.

That's it...

Afterwards, Lu Miao stood by the stove with the eggs in her hands, her face worried, and her head looking straight towards the main room.

How to make these sugar-watered eggs?

She can now steam rice, scoop rice, and stir-fry vegetables.

No one taught her about sugar-watered eggs!

(End of this chapter)

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