After dinner, Lu Miao and Fu Jingyou went out under the moonlight with kerosene lamps.

Ma Tianzao reported to seven or eight households, and Lu Miao took down the general situation and went door-to-door with a notebook to communicate opinions and ideas.

Fu Jingyou usually sits with him in the main room and waits. When some families don't have men at home, he waits outside the door.

After this trip, most families were willing to learn from others, except for one. After Lu Miao explained the pros and cons, he refused afterwards.

When asked why, he refused to say anything. Anyway, from the beginning to the end, he just said "I won't go."

Lu Miao came from the perspective of providing priority convenience to disadvantaged groups, but after all said and done, this kind of thing is still a matter of mutual consent.

Whether you can seize the opportunity or not is a personal matter.

If people don't want to, she can't force them.

I walked home under the moonlight, brushed my teeth, washed and went to bed.

Fu Jingyou started to be dishonest again.

Lu Miao caught his sliding hand in time, "Not today, my aunt hasn't finished yet!"

Lu Miao had explained the meaning of "aunt" to Fu Jingyou before.

Fu Jingyou was a little unhappy. He couldn't do it down below, so he changed hands and continued his attack upwards.

It wasn't until he held it softly that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sex ruffian!"

"Be practical."

Fu Jingyou shook hands again, hugged Lu Miao tightly and asked:
"Auntie, do you want to drink brown sugar water? Do you have any more at home? I will buy you some pork liver tomorrow to replenish your blood."

"No need to buy it, I still have brown sugar at home... I usually eat well, so when these things happen, I don't actually feel that bad."

"Is the menstrual belt enough?"

"They are recycled, two or three are enough!"

"Then get some cotton back when you have time. Don't use plant ash."


In the darkness, Lu Miao's cheeks were a little red.

This man is real.

Why do we always talk about this?She was a little embarrassed.

"Go to sleep!"

Lu Miao hummed softly, turned around and got into Fu Jingyou's arms.


Fu Jingyou responded lightly, lowered his head and pressed his lips against her forehead.

For a period of time, Fu Jingyou went to the mountains with the production team and the brigade to mine gravel every day. Occasionally, he went to the town to pull a truck back to crush the cinders.

Lu Miao leads the production team to develop the fermented fertilizer business.

People in the village have little education and cannot understand the professional vocabulary they speak.

But when Lu Miao put things aside and crushed them, and took some common events as examples, they actually understood it very quickly.

The first batch of fermented fertilizer was used by the production team when planting rapeseed.

However, because the amount is not too much, it can only be used for one acre of land.

For the second batch of fertilizer, Lu Miao led the people to work and taught them at the same time. It took a little longer and it took 24 days for the fertilizer to come out.

At that time, the season had officially entered winter, and light snow began to fall in the sky.

Every morning when I wake up, the water in the tank in the backyard will be lightly frozen.

The composting in the team has temporarily stopped, and the stones in the mountains are also gradually becoming less easy to mine.

The county's road construction project is important, but farmers' crop land is also important.The members of each commune brigade involved in road construction gradually followed the leaders of their brigade back to their villages and communes.

Taking advantage of the cold weather, we plowed all the free land that should be plowed deeply, in order to take advantage of the favorable weather to freeze the insect eggs in the soil.

Fu Jingyou is He Hongjin's right-hand assistant. In addition to stocking up on winter firewood and occasionally sneaking into the black market to buy some fine grains, pork, chickens and ducks, etc.

He was busy beside He Hongjin.

During this period, Lu Miao had already put on a small coat at home.

She spent most of her time in the house guarding the stove and teaching Ma Tianzao something.

Occasionally I go out because I am greedy, so I go to Chen Guifen’s vegetable patch to pick some seasonal vegetables that are not available at home.

The Fu family's stove was burning, and there was always a kettle on it. The room was warm, and lesbians from the educated youth would occasionally come over to sit, and sometimes they would bring some gossip and news.

For example, Chen Miaomiao took straw and stomped on the eggs laid by someone's chicken, and was discovered.

For example, Chen Miaomiao bought a brand new mattress, Balabala, and maybe went to the black market or something.

The educated youth are also afraid of being implicated. They didn't like Chen Miaomiao much in the past, and now they stay away from Chen Miaomiao.

Lu Miao occasionally listened to it but didn't take it seriously.

But she always kept one thing in mind.

The plot in the book has changed in my memory, but many main events are still happening.

Lu Miao did not forget her ending in the book, so she was always on guard against Chen Miaomiao.

There were also times, such as when it was dark or the paths were remote, but she rarely went there when she was alone.

Previously busy with composting, the east threshing floor was very busy, and many people came to see it, including the old bachelors who had settled down in the village.

Lu Miao bumped into him twice.

Perhaps she was wearing colored glasses from the original plot. She looked at the old bachelor and didn't seem like a good person, so she became even more cautious.

Occasionally when she goes out to join the team or walks on the open road, she will always have a hammer in the basket she carries.

She will not be merciful when it comes to defending herself when necessary.

The time is quickly approaching the end of the year and the New Year, and the production team is busy dividing grain and money.

When Lu Miao was an educated youth, she took a lot of leave, did little work, and even paid several rations in advance. After she married Fu Jingyou, she stopped working in the fields at all.

She earned more than 1000 work points before and after composting. After deducting the share she had to return to the team, she was left with between 300 and less than [-] work points.

Counting Fu Jingyou's work points later, each other family received four to five hundred kilograms of dry food, and he and I shared about two hundred kilograms.

Most of the sweet potatoes were replaced by brown rice at a ratio of 3:1 by Fu Jingyou, so there was not much left in his hands.

"Tell me, how did you spend your last two days?"

After dividing the rations, He Hongjin sighed when he saw the two of them.

"This is thanks to the composting job. If there was no composting, would you and I have to give money to the team to share the food at the end of the year?"

Lu Miao did not work and knew that she had no right to speak, so she did not intervene to refute.

Chen Guifen brought her roasted sweet potatoes from the stove, and she sat on the edge and carefully peeled them off, then scooped them out with a small spoon.

He Hongjin turned his head to glance at her from time to time, and finally frowned and looked away without speaking.

Lu Miao is really not afraid of boiling water. He Hongjin doesn't even bother to talk about her.

"Uncle, my status has just been changed, and I haven't even received full work points for a few days. Speaking of the food distribution at home, Miaomiao still takes up the majority. What do you always see her doing?"

Seeing that he kept scanning Lu Miao, Fu Jingyou was a little unhappy and said:
"I am young and strong, and I am designated to receive as much as others next year."

"Yes, I didn't know your wings were hard?"

He Hongjin hummed and laughed strangely.

"Next year I will receive the same amount as others, so what should I do this year? What should I do during the period in between? Will the east, west, and northwest winds be enough to feed you two?"

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