Scorekeeper Ma quickly settled the account. Seeing that the smell of rice could be heard in He Hong's house, he was too embarrassed to stay for a long time, so he said hello and went home first.

There are no sideline projects in Dahe Village. Some families have no strong labor force and are old and weak. They have to pay rations on credit to the team throughout the year.

Not to mention having a little extra money every year, it would be good if the team's public account is not in deficit.

This year is a bit better, with a surplus of two cents.

Before eating, He Hongjin called Lu Miao over and told the truth about the situation.

Lu Miao was surprised and said:
"Two cents, what can two cents do?"


He Hongjin stared at her.

Doesn’t he know that two cents can’t do anything?

But isn't this the actual situation?
"When considering raising millet fish, it doesn't mean that you can just raise it. You have to have a charter, right? And how much it will cost, you have to have a figure. It depends on whether everyone can accept it!"

If the team can't contribute the money, the members will have to share it equally.

Every household is having a hard time. If they want a lot of money, they can't get it, and they can't talk about it.

Lu Miao was originally standing on the side of the table. Listening to these words, knowing that she would not be able to finish them for a while, she simply paced and sat on the opposite corner of the table, calculating with He Hongjin one by one:
"Normally four hundred fry can be thrown into one acre of land. If we calculate it based on two acres of land, it will be [-] fry."

"The surrounding area is surrounded by mountains. When the fry are small, there will definitely be a loss when the birds fly over. On this basis, we will add a hundred fish to the budget, and invest an additional fifty fish per mu of land. The small fry will be charged at three cents per fish, nine dollars per mu. How much is a hundred tails?”

Lu Miao quickly calculated silently and said:
"That's 27 yuan. There are 51 households in our team, right? It's [-] yuan per household."

He Hongjin frowned and said nothing.

It seemed that he was silent, but in fact he was settling scores behind Lu Miao.

After doing some math and finding that it was good, he added, "What about the two cents in the team?"

Lu Miao waved his hand: "Two cents can't do much, and it won't be easy to share evenly if you count it in. Let the team keep it for themselves."


He Hongjin was silent for a while and then said:
"Then how do you do this fish farming? I should ask you about this in advance. How sure are you?"

"I should be [-]% sure..."

Lu Miao groaned and said:
"The fields must be plowed out first and watered for cultivation...and some quicklime must be thrown in to kill the virus, so as not to put fish back in and get sick."

"After doing the preparatory work, in addition to normal maintenance of crops, just pay attention to driving away egrets and birds that come to look for food."

He Hongjin shook his head and asked uncertainly:
"Don't you need to feed me anything?"

There are many lakes in Yanji Commune. He Hongjin went there before and saw a production team raising fish.

Grass is thrown into that pond regularly.

How can their millet survive without feeding them?
Lu Miao smiled and said: "Uncle, a big part of the reason why rice flower fish are called rice flower fish is because they can eat rice flowers. They also eat small insects on rice. With these, it's almost the same."

"Furthermore, if we release water to cultivate the fields in the early stage, some tiny algae will grow, which the fish can eat."

Not to mention He Hongjin, even Brother He and Brother He don't know what algae is.

However, He Hongjin also captured an important point:
"Then if fish can eat insects, there won't be any need for people to catch them?"

Dahe Village is poor and has no fertilizer indicators, and of course there are no pesticide indicators.

In the past, commune members had to catch bugs on rice and cotton with their hands.

There's really nothing that these tiny bugs can do except stir up plant ash.

Lu Miao nodded, "Theoretically, that's the case."

After hearing this, He Hongjin nodded, feeling a little enlightened.

If this thing can really happen, it will really be a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

"After the New Year, I will visit Yanji Commune and ask them how to sell the fish fry there. Also, how to get this field? When will we start raising fish? And when will we start releasing fish fry?"

Lu Miao thought for a while and said: "Grow the seedlings for half a month before transplanting, and check the condition of the seedlings after transplanting. Let the seedlings grow for half a month or a month before planting fry. Then ensure the water level and fish them out before harvesting the millet."

He Hongjin nodded thoughtfully.

It’s already mid-February after the Chinese New Year. After more than ten days of rest and entering March, it’s just a short time before we need to clear the land and cultivate early-season rice seedlings.

It was about that time that farming began.

After the general regulations were cleared up, He Hongjin patted the table:

"Let's eat first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

Lu Miao nodded.

Chen Guifen and Tian Guihua brought fried radish and cabbage to the table one after another.

The weather was too cold, and the old-fashioned copper pot set up in the center of the table was very similar to the old-fashioned copper pot in northern Beijing.

The copper pot was filled with water, but there was nothing in it except a little salt.

Chen Guifen brought out two plates of freshly fried dumplings and small fish pieces.

Fu Jingyou said that Lu Miao liked to eat hot vegetables, so Chen Guifen washed some juicy spinach.

Lu Miao ate a lot of rice dumplings, but she wasn't really hungry, but Fu Jingyou boiled a small bowl of spinach and a few rice dumplings for her, and she ate some more.

The spinach grown by the farmers was really delicious, and the sweetness was something she had never tasted before she traveled through time.

And Mariko.

It tastes best when it's freshly fried, but it doesn't taste as good as it softens later.

But the smell of fried fish and other dishes blended into the copper pot, and the dumplings swelled and softened as they were soaked in the hot water. The taste sublimated again, and it felt delicious in another way.

Lu Miao is quite picky, and there aren't many things that she can firmly believe are delicious.

Chen Guifen felt happy when she saw her eating happily.

He Hongjin glanced at it calmly. In the evening, when Chen Guifen was filling the oil pot and filling Fu Jingyou with dumplings, He Hongjin walked over and said:
"I don't like eating this either, so give her more decorations."

Chen Guifen shook her head and sighed, not bothering to expose his little thoughts:
"I know, I'm just pretending."

If adults are not greedy, it will be okay if they miss a few bites. They will definitely take precedence over the little ones.

It was dark outside, and Lu Miao was pregnant. She was afraid that the road would be difficult and she would stumble after a while, so Chen Guifen did not leave them alone.

He handed the things over, waved his hands and let them go home.

On the way home, Lu Miao was holding one hand by Fu Jingyou, touching her bloated belly with the other, and turned her head to look at Fu Jingyou's hand holding the basket.

"Isn't it too bad to even take it with you? There is only one pot of fried dumplings in total. I ate quite a few in the afternoon. Is this at least a small part of it?"

Fu Jingyou nodded slightly, "Uncle and aunt are good to us."

Lu Miao pouted slightly.

Good is definitely good, there is no doubt about that.

However, in this simple age, it is a bit too good.

Obviously, life at home is not necessarily easy.
The following is a casual talk by the author. I hope book lovers who read this will take a serious look at it.

I was told by a friend that this book was said to be plagiarized on the browser, and "plagiarism" was commented under every supporting comment. To be honest, I was quite angry.The website is very cool, rounding = no money, who would plagiarize it for love?Isn't it necessary?
If you think it's plagiarism, please feel free to provide evidence. I'm not afraid of confrontation, but please don't talk nonsense!Palettes are always welcome.

Mingzhi: [Specifically in my chapter, Chapter 90 Head Barber said that he plagiarized the plot of selling hair in a certain chapter of the book Seventy Squeamish Beauty] Readers who have time can compare it.

Writing a book takes a lot of energy, and I don’t have any money to begin with. I can keep writing it because I like the setting and the idea.What can support me to continue is the recognition and love of very few book lovers.

The Internet has no emotions, and some words really touch the author's heart.

The author has a glassy heart. His mood is really complicated and explosive right now. I have stopped updating this book for the time being. The author needs to sort out his mood. I'm sorry for my babies.

Editor [-]: Regarding the matter of "plagiarism", I have tried to contact the other author through Weibo.

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