As for taking a bath.

I'll definitely wash more often when it's hot.

It's cold and I don't sweat much, so I just need to wash once a month. Lu Miao's rule of washing once every three days is too exaggerated for Tian Guifen.

The two concepts collided. Lu Miao had the "handle" in her stomach, and Tian Guihua could not say anything, only the amount of compromise.

But a compromise is a compromise, and Tian Guihua is actually a little confused.

Lu Miao understands her, and when he has nothing to do, he will tell her a few popular science topics about women, such as changing underwear frequently, paying attention to personal hygiene, and reducing the probability of gynecological diseases.

If you really get gynecological diseases, what problems will occur?

Tian Guihua didn't believe this at first, but Lu Miao talked more and she took it to heart.

And in retrospect, the physical condition of a sister-in-law in her natal family seems to be similar to what Lu Miao said.

Gradually, Tian Guihua also served snacks.

Not to mention, I still felt awkward. I persisted for a while, and every time after washing and brushing, my body felt a lot lighter, which was very comfortable.

Tian Guihua gradually developed a habit. Occasionally when the sun is bright in the morning, she would take some free time to boil some hot water and give Minjie a wash.

Lu Miao brought her new toothpaste and toothbrush, and of course he wasn't stingy with the soap either.

Xiao Minjie used to live in a coal factory, and his skin and clothes always looked dark.

After several times, Xiao Minjie was cleared up.

This spring, Lu Miao and Tian Guihua are getting along.

The production team is much busier than in previous years.

In addition to traditional farm work, this year there are more compost and rice fish.

Many people were mobilized for composting work, and the fermented fertilizer gradually caught up with the needs of the production team.

Every time before sowing seeds or planting seedlings, I grab a handful of organic fertilizer and put it on the bottom of the pit. Ten days and a half have passed, and when the seedlings have taken root firmly, I can see the difference from before at a glance.

If you look at the seedlings that were sown in the past at intervals, you will always see some are big and some are small.

Not only is the growth steady now, but the leaves also look much greener than before, and they look full of nutrients.

He Hongjin is a hard-working person.

In the past, when farming was busy, he always thought that by working in the fields for a while, he could make up for the losses caused by the barren land.

This year he still likes to stay in the ground, but instead of working hard, he is more interested in touching and observing the condition of each nursery.

The more pleasant the crops grew, the deeper the wrinkles on his face became from the smile.

This is in terms of crops, as well as rice flower fish.

He Hongjin and Mark Scorer Ma went to Yanji to discuss the purchase of fish fry.

Originally it was three cents for a seedling, but He Hongjin used the words taught by Lu Miao: cry for poverty, sell miserably, and come back next time.

Successfully lowered the price to two cents and eight cents.

Including the two cents added by Yanji Fishing Ground, it was equivalent to a successful bargaining of three yuan, which made He Hongjin feel happy.

When I came back afterwards, I rarely felt kind to Lu Miao and praised him by name.

One of them was boasting heartily, and the other was proud of it. Chen Guifen and Tian Guihua looked at it with a mixture of amusement and helplessness.

The team introduced small carp and small crucian carp into the "test field".

Although Lu Miao had described the breeding process and future prospects early on, his idea was too "fashionable" after all.

When the breeding was actually implemented, the members were very curious about it.

Therefore, when commuting to and from work every day, many people deliberately take a long way to pass by the two acres of paddy fields, just to see what is going on?
Is it really possible to raise fish in rice fields?
Initially, the seedlings grow slowly and have large gaps between leaves.

When someone passes by or approaches, the fish inside are frightened and can "slip" out for several meters at once.The activity is extremely high, and there are no dead fish floating on the surface.

Standing on the ridge of the field, you can see the looming blue fish back.

Some people didn't quite believe it at first, but when they saw this scene, they seemed to see a large amount of work points and money that was about to be put into their pockets, and they all beamed with joy.

For a long time after that, members of the commune were keen to pass by the two acres of paddy fields on their way to and from work.

When the rice was not rising, people passed by, laughing and pointing at the backs of the fish, saying that this one was big and that that one was also big.

Some people laughed and retorted, saying that the fish has not been put down for a month, so how big is it?
As the weather gets hotter in the later period, the seedlings grow rapidly and gradually begin to head and bloom.

When the members passed by, it was difficult to see fish, but occasionally they could hear the sound of splashing water in the fields, and they felt comfortable in their hearts.

No one can help but want to praise:
Cultural people are different.

Lu Zhiqing is a kind-hearted person with many ideas. When he has an idea to make a fortune, he leads everyone to get rich together!

Lu Zhiqing is a good person.

He is a good man!

many kinds...

There were so many people praising Lu Miao, and the aunts and sisters-in-law who had previously targeted Lu Miao overtly or covertly almost became living targets.

The men in the team were embarrassed to do anything to her, but the women who were about to participate in the dividends all became rude one by one.

Whenever you encounter those prickly heads, you will either spit in your mouth or roll your eyes to the sky.

Among them are Chen Shulan, Wu Baoyin and Chen Miaomiao.

After all, Chen Shulan and Wu Baoyin are members of the production team.

I usually talk a little bit, but with the obvious benefits right in front of me, who would feel sorry for them?

They were scolded, and whenever they encountered Lu Miao out for a walk, Chen Shulan and Wu Baoyin would politely go up and show their kindness.

It doesn't matter if Lu Miao has a cold attitude.

When outsiders saw the changes in Chen Shulan and Wu Baoyin, their rolling eyes and contempt for them gradually faded away.

This is Chen Shulan and Wu Baoyin.

But Chen Miaomiao is different.

Chen Miaomiao was originally dissatisfied with Lu Miao.

The louder the praise for Lu Miao in the production team, the more unhappy she felt.

Not to mention that she and Lu Miao were in completely opposite situations.

Wherever Lu Miao went, there were people who looked kindly on her.

Wherever she went, people would give her a blank look.

The people on the production team are just as if they have lost their minds. It’s true that they raise fish in the team, but isn’t it time to harvest yet?

Whether it can really make money, the final result is still unknown.

One by one, is it necessary to flatter and fawn over so much?
Chen Miaomiao was holding fire in her heart and was always looking for opportunities.

Everyone in the production team was praising Lu Miao because of the rice flower fish. Chen Miaomiao wanted to start with the rice flower fish, but the two acres of land were taken seriously by the team.

Not to mention being stared at at ordinary times, even at night, He Hongjin, the scorekeeper, and the female director would often go there for a stroll.

It seems that they are worried about being stolen or encountering other problems.

Chen Miaomiao stayed for a long time without finding an opportunity, so she had to give up temporarily and look for other opportunities and methods. (End of chapter)

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