Anyone can say nice things, but Tang Mei didn't believe it very much. She just stood up and said:

"That's enough. I still don't know where Xiaobao lives."

He Hongjin and Chen Guifen immediately stepped forward to help carry things and guide the way.

Big cities have high-rise buildings and mansions, but also dilapidated and poor places.

But no matter how poor and dilapidated it is, it is still a dozen streets behind the real rural areas.

On the way to Fu's house, Tang Mei looked around carefully and frowned at the series of short adobe houses.

It wasn't until she arrived at Fu's house and saw that the accommodation conditions in Fu's house were obviously better than those of the rest of the team that Tang Mei looked better.

"Miao Yatou, Miao Yatou."

Chen Guifen shouted, and a "Hey" was quickly heard in the room.

Chen Guifen laughed and said:
"Come out and see who is here?"

Needless to say, Chen Guifen knew that Lu Miao lived here. Tang Mei had already walked quickly towards the house and bumped into Lu Miao coming out of the house at the gate.

"Little treasure!"

Lu Miao was slightly startled.

Tang Mei suddenly had tears in her eyes. She held her arms and looked around, pinched her arms and touched her wrists up and down, just to see if she had lost weight.

At the end, Tang Mei's eyes fell on Lu Miao's belly:

"Why is your belly so big? Are you about to give birth?"

Lu Miao was stunned and didn't move.

Chen Guifen and He Hongjin carried their things into the house and said with a smile:
"Stop talking standing around, come inside and sit down! Osmanthus, hurry up and make a cup of brown sugar water for your in-laws!"

Tang Mei sniffed, not knowing whether it was because she hadn't seen Lu Miao for a long time or something, she wiped her tears in a panic.

Lu Miao frowned and asked:
"How did you come."

Her voice was soft, but Tang Mei could hear the coldness in it.

For a moment, Tang Mei remembered something and compromised weakly and asked:
"Xiaobao, are you still angry about that? Auntie already knows that she was wrong... I will listen to you in everything from now on, okay?"

"You didn't discuss such a big thing as getting married with your family..."

Seeing Lu Miao's worried expression, Tang Mei quickly changed her words:
"Okay, okay, don't talk anymore, stop talking. Come on, are you tired of standing? Auntie will help you go over and sit for a while."

In front of the He family, Tang Mei's attitude was domineering.

But in front of Lu Miao, Tang Mei was just like before in Beijing, as if she had no personality of her own and wanted to focus on Lu Miao in everything.

Lu Miao had her own considerations in mind, and since the He family was here, she couldn't say anything to Tang Mei, so she softly introduced Tang Mei's identity.

After listening to her introduction, she said that Tang Mei was married to her father, but she only called her "little aunt".

He Hongjin was confused for a moment and opened his mouth to ask something.

Chen Guifen kicked him under the table and didn't let him ask.

After chatting for a while, Chen Guifen winked at He Hongjin and left with the excuse that there was still work to do in the production team.

On the way, He Hongjin asked:

"Why didn't you let me ask just now? I thought she was my mother, but it wasn't..."

Chen Guifen glanced at him and asked:
"What are you asking? Is there any difference? You still have to poke people's hearts and let them tell you that because your mother died, your aunt married her father as a sequel?"


He Hongjin opened his mouth wide, stunned and unable to react.

Chen Guifen sighed softly:
"Aunt and aunt, both aunt and mother... Miao Yatou has a hard life, and her aunt probably really cares about her." "Don't ask about those who have it or don't have it in the future, just treat Comrade Tang Mei as Miao Yatou's biological mother. That’s it.”

After Chen Guifen finished speaking, she quickly walked ahead and went home.

He Hongjin scratched his head and walked slowly behind. It took him a long time to figure out the general situation.

In the past, I only thought that Lu Miao was a spoiled child, but I didn't expect that her life experience would take such a turn.

The adults negotiated with each other and said that they should treat her as her own mother, so she treated her as her own mother.

But for a child, if she is not her biological mother, no matter how good she is, it still means a lot less...

I've been with her since I was a child, and it's nothing to say "Mother, mother, mother," and treat her sincerely.

But doesn’t this “little aunt” mean that she is nakedly different from her own mother?
He Hongjin thought about this matter on Lu Miao for a while, shook his head and sighed inexplicably, feeling heavy in his heart.

The He family couple went home. Over at the Fu family, Tian Guihua took her son to the backyard to free up space for Lu Miao and Tang Mei to reunite for a long time.

Lu Miao protected her stomach and sat beside the bed in the room.

Tang Mei moved her luggage into the room, opened the boxes and packages, and took out everything inside.

"This is a milk bottle. It's made of glass. You have to be careful when handling it. Don't drop it. It's not easy to buy..."

"Also, this is milk powder. These are the clothes you wore when you were a child. The clothes are still in good condition. They have been worn once, and the material is soft... Children can wear them, both male and female."

"These are the clothes you are wearing. I brought some for you, and these, shoes...these sandals are a little high. You can't wear them now that you are pregnant with the child. I'll put them away for you and put them in the cabinet?" "

While Tang Mei was chattering away, Lu Miao looked at her quietly with his hands on his belly, and suddenly shook his head and said:
"Leave it there for now. Come sit down and talk."

Lu Miao patted his side.

Tang Mei put down the things in her hands and sat down gently.

Tang Mei felt that Lu Miao's belly was big just now, but now that she sat down, it looked even bigger.

Thinking that Lu Miao's usually slender waist was now carrying such a big load, Tang Mei touched her swollen belly and said sadly, wiping her tears:
"You've worked hard."

Yanba asked again: "Where is the child's father? I have been in the door for a while, and I haven't seen anyone yet."

"He went to Jinmen."

Lu Miao said truthfully.

Tang Mei's eyebrows immediately wrinkled, "Why are you going to Jinmen at this time? You two are at home, so he can rest assured?"

"I made him go."

Lu Miao grabbed Tang Mei's wrist that was touching her belly and emphasized with a cold face:
"I appreciate you coming to see me. If you want to stay here for a while, just stay for a while."

"But the people here are very good to me, and I have accepted them. I hope you won't apply your standards here and make it difficult for me."

The rice fish in the production team will be landed soon, and Lu Miao planned to send a letter to Beijing to tell them about the pregnancy.

If Tang Mei heard that she was pregnant, she would definitely come over.

But the letter hasn't been written yet. Lu Miao was really surprised when Tang Mei came over at this time.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later.

With Tang Mei's love for her, Lu Miao had carefully considered what Tang Mei would do early in the morning. Otherwise, she would not dare to let Tang Mei come over with confidence.

But what Lu Miao didn't know was that Tang Mei didn't come without any warning.

She spent a lot of time buying those things, and she actually wrote a letter to Lu Miao before coming.

It was the time when I got the letter from Brother He last time.

It's a pity that Lu Miao looked at the address in Beijing City and just put it at the bottom of the box without even looking at it.

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