Tian Guihua comforted Lu Miao, saying that Fu Jingyou was coming back soon and they would see each other soon.

But then, Tian Guihua was the first to live a life of counting her days on her fingers.

Those who leave at the end of February will have to stay in Jinmen for four months. Counting the time, they should come back after mid-June.

Time has entered June, and there are really only a few days until Fu Jingyou comes back.


Perhaps it was because turtle entrails were buried under the tree last year that the jujube tree grew particularly well this year.

The jujube flowers are densely packed, attracting many bees.

The weight in Lu Miao's belly became heavier and heavier, and she was looking forward to Fu Jingyou's return. She often moved the small horse and sat under the jujube tree in front of the door and looked into the distance.

The top of the hill that looked like a small hill before seems to be very high, very big and far away now.

If Fu Jingyou comes back, he will have to walk a long, long way through that mountain road, and it will take a long, long time to get home...

Lu Miao gently stroked her bulging belly with her thumbs, staring at the distant mountains and thinking about it.

So what is the worried Fu Jingyou doing?

I boarded the train on the evening of February 24th and arrived in Tianjin at one or two o'clock in the morning the next day.

It was still cold at that time, and among the four people who passed by Province H, only Fu Jingyou wore thick clothes and had boiled eggs in his hand that his wife had stuffed in advance.

Along the way, Fu Jingyou was neither cold nor hungry.

The other three people traveling with him could not.

Either I didn’t bring any dry food or I didn’t wear enough clothes. The spring and winter in the north are different from those in the south. It’s cold.

Coupled with the bumpy drive of more than ten hours before, the three people were as wilted as chickens with chicken plague, huddled together with their small luggage.

Fu Jingyou was tall and tall, with a straight back and waist. The three of them huddled behind him, using his big body to block the wind.

Simply, Jinmen Dachang sent someone to help, and the bullish big iron bull was parked outside the train station.

Several people looked at the red silk welcome message on the side of the big iron bull and climbed into the carriage, but the carriage did not start for a long time.

Someone asked what was going on, and the driver holding the big iron cow steering wheel in front said:

"We can't leave now. We have to wait a little longer. There is another train tonight."

Fu Jingyou and his group couldn't say anything, so they huddled in the carriage and squatted in a corner sheltered from the wind.

"It's not that cold at night over there, right?"

"It's not that cold. My, my teeth are chattering... Hiss, it's so cold!"

"Which of you brought extra clothes? Can you lend me one first?"

"I don't have any. I've already put mine on. Just ask Brother Fu. Brother Fu is wearing thick clothes, so there's no chance that they're in the box."

Several people around him were chattering.

Fu Jingyou glanced at the tall street lamps near the train station, turned his head and refused without waiting for them to ask:

"No, my wife made it for me."


The other three laughed awkwardly and didn't say anything more about borrowing it.

After enduring the cold wind for almost two hours, we finally received the students coming from the Z River.

The tractor roared, emitting a burst of black mist in the morning and night, pulling the group of people towards their residence.

The trainees from Province H and Z were the last ones to arrive. The factory couldn't accommodate the staff dormitories, so two family rooms were temporarily vacated for them in the family courtyard.

A building has four floors, and the lower two floors are occupied by either factory workers or their family members.

This building is a place for people like young leaders to live, and the place is spacious.Each household not only has a separate bathroom, balcony and kitchen, but the living room is also very large, larger than the two sleeping rooms.

Fu Jingyou and his party are lucky. Most people cannot live in this kind of political residence building left over from the Republic of China.

The total space of a household must be [-] to [-] square meters, and there is a lot of space for activities. However, after placing a double bed in each resting room, there is not much space.

There are a total of eight people in H Province and Z Jiang. The person who sent them here had said early that four people would live in one household and two people would live in one room.

Fu Jingyou walked back and forth and took a look.

Although the place here is spacious, except for the bed, there are quilts brought from Dachang.

In addition to a small box of carbon piled on the side of the kitchen air box, and a regular table and chairs, the entire house is basically empty.

Fu Jingyou looked around, then carried his luggage and went to the room with good lighting.

He is tall and tall, has a cold face and rarely speaks sarcastically. He looks very powerful and is not easy to mess with.

The few people traveling with him didn't dare to provoke him, so he stayed wherever he wanted.

It became a problem for the other three people to live with him.

Three people in gray ragged coats stood in the living room muttering.

After several rounds of regretful maneuvers, Wang Xiaohu, the shortest among them, was finally pushed out to live with Fu Jingyou.

Wang Xiaohu was a little scared of Fu Jingyou, and he didn't dare to speak after entering the room. After putting down his things, he didn't dare to close the door, so he hugged his legs and sat in the corner farthest from Fu Jingyou.

Fu Jingyou opened the rattan box and made the bed.

Wang Xiaohu didn't notice Wang Xiaohu at first. It wasn't until he heard the ear-splitting stomach noise of "Gululu" that he realized there was such a person in the room.

Fu Jingyou looked up at Wang Xiaohu, who was looking at him nervously.

The two looked at each other, feeling a little awkward.


Wang Xiaohu smiled dryly and touched his head.

Fu Jingyou thought for a while, then threw the small cloth bag on the bedside table on the other side of the bed:
"I have two eggs left here. You can take one and eat it."

It's not easy for everyone when we are away from home, so help those who can.

Except for some relatively private things, Fu Jingyou didn't want to borrow or take them out. He really didn't care much about food.

Wang Xiaohu asked tentatively, "Is it okay?" Fu Jingyou continued to work on his own and said nothing.

Wang Xiaohu struggled for a while, but finally couldn't resist his hunger, so he picked up the eggs and wolfed them down.

"Fu, hiccup..."

Wang Xiaohu choked on the egg so much that the veins on his neck bulged. After trying hard to swallow, he looked at Fu Jingyou gratefully but embarrassedly.

"Brother Fu, I brought food stamps when I came out this time... The county leaders said that the big factories here can eat cheaply, and I will definitely pay you back the food rations when the time comes."

Fu Jingyou Ruoyouruo said "hmm", took out the toothpaste, toothbrush and enamel jar and walked out.

I saw it when I was walking around just now. There is indeed the kind of faucet Lu Miao mentioned in the bathroom.

If there is a faucet, there should be water. Fu Jingyou plans to go there and wash up.

Wang Xiaohu followed him, thinking that he was so particular that he bought such expensive toothpaste to brush his teeth.

But he said: "Brother Fu, I just took a look and there is nothing in the water tank in the kitchen..."

Before Wang Xiaohu could say the word "water", he heard the sound of rushing water.

He quickly got into the bathroom door to take a look.

"Ah, this, how did you do this? Isn't there a well below?" (End of Chapter)

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