
Lu Miao frowned slightly, and there was another moment of silence.

After a while, she spoke again:

"Take out the household registration page tonight, and ask Brother You to go to the post office for you tomorrow to see if there is any letter."

"Whether or not there is a letter from the capital, I hope you can return to the capital."

"Little Treasure..."

Tang Mei opened her mouth with a confused look on her face, but stopped talking.

Lu Miao weighed it carefully, his dark eyes slightly raised, and he looked at Tang Mei calmly:

"I probably have something I need you to do."


Tang Mei was speechless.

Tang Mei did not ask Lu Miao what he wanted to do, but after a long silence, he suddenly asked:
  "If auntie gets things done, can Xiaobao forgive auntie?"

Lu Miao pursed her lips slightly and did not answer in a hurry.

Maybe I used the wrong method, or maybe it was really a misunderstanding.

Tang Mei probably really loved her original body.

Even if Lu Miao vents her dissatisfaction, Tang Mei's dedicated care during this period is enough to calm her anger.

She can take advantage of the relationship, but she is not the real original person and cannot "enjoy" Tang Mei's meticulous care so confidently.

As for the so-called unforgiveness, Lu Miao didn't want to think too deeply about it.

During this period, just think of it as a write-off.

Thinking this way, Lu Miao said:

"You don't need to ask for my forgiveness."

"Even if I am a married woman, I am still the only child in the Lu family."

"You and he will return to this world after a hundred years. I will not shirk what is mine to do."

She could choose to cut off contact with the Lu family.

But if she chooses to borrow the Lu family's connections, then she needs to do something.

If a family relationship cannot be maintained with normal emotions, then treat it as a transaction and only look at the benefits.

Everyone stands in their respective positions, as long as they can live up to their expectations.

Lu Miao spoke very openly, but without any emotion.

Tang Mei just thought she was still angry and didn't dare to provoke her anymore, so she nodded in agreement.

Let’s talk about Fu Jingyou.

After running all over the mountains and plains for several days, Fu Jingyou took advantage of the darkness at night and entered the house carrying a bamboo basket.

I don’t know where he came from after hunting a colorful pheasant, and he also got a string of honey shaped like a gourd.

The whole body is golden, and it is hung on a branch.

That's the honey of the little grass bee.

This kind of honey is also called Xiaogua honey, which is native honey from the mountains.

There is no artificial interference at this time, and it is also one of the rare and rare good things.

Fu Jingyou handed the pheasant with its neck twisted to Tang Mei.

Seeing Lu Miao protecting her stomach with both hands, she kept looking at the honey.

Fu Jingyou freed his hand, pinched off a small piece and handed it to her mouth:
  "Keep this for yourself."

He hadn't washed his hands before he came back, and he had just caught the chicken.

"It's dirty."

Lu Miao tilted her head to avoid.

Fu Jingyou laughed hoarsely.

Afraid of wasting anything, I put the small piece of honey directly into my mouth.

Seeing the pout, Lu Miao raised her fist and followed him, tapping on his back:
  "You don't wash your hands and you just put everything in your mouth!"

"This time is an exception. I will wash my hands first next time."


Fu Jingyou raised his eyebrows and smiled all the way, took an empty can from under the old cupboard in the kitchen and went to the well to wash it.

He worked by himself, washed the small jar, carefully removed the honey from the branches and put it into the jar with a razor blade.

In the end, he did not forget to take a small bowl and a spoon, and scooped out half a bowl for Lu Miao alone, letting her eat and play with it. Xiaoguami is a kind of honey from hundreds of flowers. It is sweet but not greasy.

Lu Miao held the small bowl and took small bites to eat, and she could taste the faint floral aroma during the process.

The floral aroma that lingers on the tip of the tongue feels quite wonderful.

Lu Miao thought it was delicious.

Fu Jingyou squatted aside and looked at her with one hand on his chin. When he saw that she was eating like it, he smiled and said:

"If you have time, go check out the mountains again. Maybe you can still find it."

During this season, all the flowers and plants are blooming outside, and there are many wild flowers.

According to past impressions, honey is relatively easy to find.

It's just that sometimes the place where it appears may be a little bumpy and it's not that easy to pick it off.

But for Fu Jingyou, just having some things is enough.

There is nothing difficult or not difficult to pick.

"Put the bowl aside after you finish it. I'll collect it later, eh?"


Lu Miao nodded obediently and focused on eating the nectar.

Her temperament is very spoiled, but Fu Jingyou is willing to pamper her like a little girl.

Tang Mei witnessed everything, and while Fu Jingyou was boiling water and killing chickens in the backyard, she couldn't help but say:

"Is he a speculator?"

"Xiaobao, no matter how nice he is to you, can he still make a living in this speculative business? It's dangerous and shameless. If your dad knows about it, your dad's face will..."

"Speculation is dangerous, but what's so dishonorable about it?"

Lu Miao was a little unhappy.

"It's just not respectable, and that's also not respectable for me. What does it have to do with him being so high in the mountains and so far away? Besides, it's only temporary now. Do you want to see it in another two years?"

"Also, since you know this is dangerous, you shouldn't say such things..."

Fu Jingyou was willing to take these dangerous paths for her.

Give her the best in everything and hold her close to everything.

What could she say bad about him?
  She couldn't tell.

Tang Mei had no reason to say.

Lu Miao took a shallow breath, not wanting to say anything irritable, so she said frankly:
  "You came here just to take care of me. I can understand your good intentions for me, but I know very well what kind of life I want to live."

"The words you are saying now and the things you are doing will not have any effect except to cause trouble for me."

Tang Mei opened her mouth, then fell silent again.

"He is a strong worker and such a big man..."

Lu Miao pursed her lips and said bluntly:
  "Even if you don't like him, if you consider me, some things are almost enough."

It's not like Lu Miao has never thought about it from Tang Mei's perspective.

But as she said, some things are just enough.

Her meals had always been solitary.

When Tian Guihua and Xiao Minjie were still there, Lu Miao would always take a small portion of a small bowl and give it to Minjie to eat.

Xiao Minjie shouted in a circle, but Lu Miao lost weight.

Although Tang Mei didn't say anything, sometimes her eyes showed all her thoughts.

The same goes for Fu Jingyou's return.

For such a big man, Tang Mei gave him two sweet potatoes for every meal every day.

The stupid man just thinks that the good things are reserved for her, whether she is full or not, and does not say anything.

Lu Miao thought that Tang Mei was "her" natal family after all, and she had always stayed in Beijing.

It's understandable that I can't stand Fu Jingyou when I come here, or I might be too high-minded and look down on Fu Jingyou's background.

But she was already done with Fu Jingyou, and after thinking that Tang Mei had vented her anger, it was time to restrain herself.

But obviously, her acquiescence fueled Tang Mei's arrogance...

This is a small home for the two of them. After all, their surname is Fu.

Fu Jingyou is not stupid, how can he not see Tang Mei's little tricks?

I just took care of her emotions and never had an attack. (End of chapter)

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