Fu Jingyou also remembered that the county doctor had mentioned before that pregnant women could not eat food to promote blood circulation, so he did not mention it again.

Lu Miao licked the custard soup stains at the corner of her mouth and said:
  "If you see it, just catch it and bring it back. I can't eat it, but you can still eat it, right?"

"Auntie, don't refuse. The turtle cooked by Brother You is delicious."

Lu Miao's eyes wandered back and forth, and her little face almost came close to Fu Jingyou:
  "Is it Brother You?"

Fu Jingyou looked at her dotingly and helplessly, and nodded gently.

Tang Mei smiled warmly:

Tang Mei always looked sad when she first came here.

In other words, she had a miserable look in the past.

But now I see Lu Miao and Fu Jingyou getting along harmoniously.

Fu Jingyou loved Lu Miao from the bottom of his heart.

Tang Mei felt at ease and happy, her face was relaxed, and there was always a smile on her lips.

After dinner in harmony.

Tang Mei cleaned up the kitchen, and Fu Jingyou fetched water for Lu Miao to take a bath. During this period, he stroked Lu Miao's round belly, which was obviously bigger than the days when he came back, and asked:
  "I finished it yesterday. Do you feel any discomfort today?"

"It doesn't feel like much, I guess?"

Fu Jingyou felt slightly reassured and used a towel to help her wipe her arms:
  "Just once in a while is enough. Don't do anything wrong next time."

Lu Miao pursed her lips unwillingly and deliberately stirred up water to splash at him:
  "It's like I'm the only one who wants it. I don't know who was excited about what after yesterday."


Fu Jingyou laughed softly. He was scolded by her every day for being shameless and a pervert. His face was almost like a diamond mask and an iron cloth shirt.

"Okay, okay, it's me who's shameless. I'm shameless, okay? Now I'm up, the water is cold."

Lu Miao asked him to turn around.

She whispered to herself without knowing what she was talking about, wiped the water off her body, got dressed and sat on the bed.

With her face filled with water like a beautiful lady, she softly began to act coquettishly again:
  "Uncle brought the lotus root starch over here. Can you make me a cup?"

"Bring the nut bag over again, I'll peel off the pointed kernels, and mix them with raisins later."

Fu Jingyou went out to pour the bath water:

"Don't worry, I'll bring it to you when it's ready."

"It's so kind of you!"

Lu Miao showed her porcelain white teeth and smiled "hehe" while leaning on the bedside.

After Fu Jingyou came back from Jinmen, Lu Miao's physical changes in pregnancy were not relieved, but her mood did improve a lot.

Her appetite is better than usual. Even if she is full, she can always eat a few more bites with Fu Jingyou coaxing her.

After a while, the little white face gained a trace of color again.

His chin is pointed, and his body is as thin as a piece of paper.

There is no sign of gaining weight at all.

Fu Jingyou felt uneasy and always felt worried about gains and losses.

Counting the time, the county should be able to give out some news.

He had finished cooking at home early in the morning and went out on his bicycle.

I originally wanted to go to Hu Zhiyuan, and then go to the hospital to ask the doctor whether Lu Miao's situation was right or normal.

As a result, as soon as the bicycle reached the mountain road opposite the production team, it hit Hu Zhiyuan head-on.

The fronts of the two bicycles swayed.

Both men were quite surprised.

If it weren't for my long legs and my support in time, I would have had to fall sideways on the narrow mountain trail.

"Comrade Fu, what are you doing?!"

"Looking for you."

Fu Jingyou said this, and then asked: "Is there any news from the county?"

Hu Zhiyuan chuckled and patted the small army green bag on his body:

"Okay, okay, this time he came with good news and documents. Let's go back! When we go back, we say, you go in front, I will follow!"

Fu Jingyou glanced at the satchel he was wearing, which looked like a postman's. Feeling inexplicably calm, he nodded and turned the bike around.

"Qi Liu" returned to the production team in front.

This is serious business, and He Hongjin must be present.

He Hongjin was working in the fields, and Fu Jingyou shouted along the road that someone from the county was coming and told him to go home quickly.

After He Hongjin heard the news, he hurried back with a hoe and a straw hat in hand.

Afraid that the members of the team would be anxious, He Hongjin had politely said hello before, saying that the fish in the fields would be sold to the county.

Everyone in the team remembers it!

I heard news from people from the county.

Not only He Hongjin, but other working crop handlers poked their heads out of the fields one after another like weasels watching the wind.

After watching for a while, they all put down what they were doing.

The farmers either ran back with their coats rolled up around their waists to keep cool, or they held their straw hats in their hands and rolled up their brim to act as fans.

While fanning himself, he ran back in a hurry.

They were all eager to hear the first-hand news.

But when we arrived in front of He's house, a group of people stood outside the courtyard under the bright sun.

I only dared to crane my neck to look inside, but didn't dare to really break in.

In the room, He Hongjin had already served brown sugar water.

Hu Zhiyuan sat at the corner of the table and drank water.

He Hongjin's back was slightly stooped, he rubbed his hands and stood on one side smiling, wanting to say something but not knowing what to say.

Just waiting for Hu Zhiyuan to speak first.

Fu Jingyou poured himself a bowl of cold water and took advantage of the situation to sit in the drafty area of ​​the door with a small ponytail.

"Uncle, please sit down. We are all on our own, so don't be so nervous."

Hu Zhiyuan reacted and quickly stood up and said:
  "Yes, uncle, sit down, we are all our own!"

"I don't dare, I don't dare, Commissioner Hut, you are the leader, how could I..."

"What kind of leader does not lead? I am just a small clerk, a common man and an official, we are all the same!"

After some pulling and pulling, He Hongjin was finally forced to sit down at the table.

He Hongjin also relaxed a little at this time and asked proactively:
  "Commander Hut, is the county willing to accept the fish raised by our team?"

"Take it, I'll definitely take it, but before I talk about this fish, I have to say something else."

Hu Zhiyuan put down the water glass with a smile, opened the bag, and took out a hard-covered book with several pages of sheets.

"The country has issued new instructions to benefit our farmers and workers!"

"The province and county will make arrangements based on policy discussions, and they will be implemented starting from our grassroots level."

Hu Zhiyuan followed what was recorded in the notebook and recalled what his leader had told him when he arrived:
  "The first is to open up the quota for raising pigs. It turns out that each production team can raise three to six pigs depending on economic conditions."

"The pig pen breeding model is now being disbanded and every household member can raise pigs by himself."

When He Hongjin heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up:
  "This is good, this is good!"

Hu Zhiyuan smiled again:
  "Uncle, don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."


He Hongjin responded quickly.

Hu Zhiyuan continued:

"This pig raising also has requirements. It is the same as the previous pig raising in the production team's pig pen. At the end of the year, a task pig must be handed over to the commune food station." (End of Chapter)

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