Lu Miao told the month truthfully, stroking her belly with both hands, and it was a bit difficult to stand.

"Could they be twins?"

It was her first pregnancy and she didn't quite understand this.

Hu Zhiyuan said they looked like twins, which she thought was quite strange.

Because I always feel that the probability of Chinese people being pregnant with twins is not very high, how could she catch up?

Hu Zhiyuan actually didn’t know, but he took a sip of water, nodded and said:
  "It's hard to say. It looks like that, so there's no guarantee it's not..."

Lu Miao smiled and didn't take it too seriously.

While drinking water and chatting, Lu Miao packed some nuts and took them out for them to eat.

Fu Jingyou turned his head and said that Hu Zhiyuan was having lunch at home, and Lu Miao went to the kitchen again, greeted Tang Mei, and told her to cook more lunch.

There is also a turtle and several good-sized eels in the water tank in the backyard of my home.

It was too late to kill the turtle now, so Lu Miao thought about fishing out those eels so that he could cook a real dish at noon.

She took the dip net to fish, but her belly was too big to bend down, so she leaned her waist against the edge of the tank.

Tang Mei was listening to the sound of water rushing in the kitchen. When she came out to take a look, she quickly stepped forward and pulled her away:

"Xiao Fu, Xiao Fu, come here!"

"Auntie, don't shout..."

"Why don't you shout? You can't do this, why are you doing this?"

Tang Mei snatched the net from Lu Miao's hand.

Just then Fu Jingyou and Hu Zhiyuan were walking in tandem.

Tang Mei handed the copy net over and said:

"She is very stubborn. I can't cure her. You should talk to her!"

Tang Mei continued to work.

Fu Jingyou stood under the eaves, pursed his lips and looked at Lu Miao.

Lu Miao couldn't open her eyes due to the glare of the sun. She scratched her forehead and said before he lost his temper and asked:

"Then, go ahead and catch the eel and clean it."

She struggled to cross the steps and walked into the house. Fu Jingyou reached out to help her.

Hu Zhiyuan said: "What do you think you are doing with these? Isn't it scary enough?"

Lu Miao said: "There is nothing dangerous about this... You can't do anything else when you're pregnant, and these little things won't affect you."

Hu Zhiyuan shook his head:
  "If he doesn't want you to do it, just don't do it..."

Lu Miao curved her red lips and smiled. She said nothing on her face, but said in her heart:

Isn't this a special situation?

She usually does nothing all day long.

There were people coming to the house today, and things were piled up together. If she didn't come out to move, the guests would be waiting for her.

How embarrassing?

Fu Jingyou rolled up his sleeves, picked up the eels with a dip net, and then killed and cleaned them at the edge of the well under the sun.

Hu Zhiyuan was embarrassed to just stand there. When he saw an ax and a stack of unfinished firewood on one side, he took off his coat and put it on the small kitchen table.

After I came out, I was chopping firewood and working.

Lu Miao sat on a small bench in the shade under the eaves, chatting with them.

Hu Zhiyuan smiled and told Lu Miao basically what he had said at the He family before.

Considering the overall environment, these policies are very considerate of the people at the grassroots level.

But if he only considered the individual, Lu Miao would feel a little annoyed.

Raising pigs is troublesome and dirty, as is raising too many chickens.

I had three chickens before.

Because they are free-range, they are not afraid of people.

Running around the house all day long, getting on chairs and tables is a common thing.

Lu Miao couldn't stand it and it was all over the place.

Lu Miao didn't intend to participate, but Fu Jingyou looked at her and said: "Let's raise them too. Let's build a small house next to the house tomorrow and get two piglets to raise first."

There are still several months until the end of the year, and I will be able to kill and eat meat when I have about a hundred pounds by the end of the year.

Lu Miao puffed her lips, "I won't object to whatever you want to do, but don't expect me to take care of it!"

Fu Jingyou smiled dumbly, only smiling without speaking.

Hu Zhiyuan also laughed at the side.

Fu Jingyou was rushing towards Lu Miao, and she followed whatever she said.

Hu Zhiyuan found the relationship between the two people in front of him very interesting.

One is very squeamish and coquettish to the extreme, while the other is silent and talks little, but is doting and obedient to the extreme.

What does it mean that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer?
  This is.

Hu Zhiyuan can be considered a guest after all.

At the lunch table, with Fu Jingyou as company, Tang Mei fried a small bowl of peanuts and put it on the table for them to chat first.

Lu Miao accompanied him in the kitchen, giving instructions on how to cook Tangmei braised eel.

Tang Mei looked at her and said:

"You didn't know this before."

Lu Miao's rose-colored lips curled up and she smiled slightly:
  "There are so many things that I didn't know before. As I grow up, I have to learn about them all."

Tang Mei laughed out loud with emotion:

I always treated her as a child.

Now it seems that after listening to these words again, the little treasure girl back then...

He has really grown up.

After arriving here from the capital city, Tang Mei felt as if a thorn had been stuck in her throat.

No matter how good the Fu family and the He family were, she still felt like there was something stuck in her throat.

But now that I think about it carefully, in every scene since arriving here, the Fu family and the He family have been very good to her children.

Her children are growing too...

No matter how reluctant or reluctant she was to let go, she could no longer hold her hands as tightly as before.


It's time to let go.

Tang Mei turned her head slightly and looked at Lu Miao beside her.

Ignoring her bulging belly, the girl is slender, with long, thick black hair combed into a low ponytail, draped smoothly and loosely over her shoulders.

Her face is fair and her lips are pink.

Although my figure is slimmer than before.

However, the baby fat gradually fading away from her face, as well as her clear and beautiful eyebrows clearly opening up, are all highlighting the changes in her body.

Her little baby...

From such a small group, they have grown so big.

She will soon be a mother too.

It's really awesome...

Tang Mei swallowed the water rising in her throat, blinked and looked back into the pot:
  "It smells really good and the color looks nice. I don't think I've seen anyone in Beijing eat this."

"Yes, you may not be able to find these in cities now. In the countryside, there are ponds here, paddy fields and rivers there. These things are very easy to get."

Lu Miao's eyebrows were curved, her body was shrouded in soft light, and she secretly laughed.

"There are also mud frogs, that one is also delicious, but it hasn't rained recently. It will be easier to catch them when it rains... I'll ask Brother You to catch some later so you can try them too."

The two people at the table in the main room were eating and chatting over a small bowl of peanuts.

Even though he hadn't been drinking, after the conversation started, the atmosphere was even more lively than if he had been drinking.

Hu Zhiyuan couldn't finish chatting with Fu Jingyou, and he still stared at Lu Miao while eating.

"Isn't it usually me who delivers the news in this area? The county leaders have decided that when Brother Fu officially starts work in the future, if he doesn't live in the county, this area will be under his control."

As Hu Zhiyuan talked, he was enjoying himself. He was even happier than the real owner Fu Jingyou:
  "This is such a grand job! People should call you Commissioner Fu Te later."

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