"Put your heart in my belly!"

Chen Guifen pursed her lips but said nothing.

At this moment, the family members were very worried, and in fact they all lost their sense of proportion.

He Hongjin came back at the right time. At least there was someone in the family who could take charge of things.

Chen Guifen took the child and asked:

"Has everything been taken care of?"

"Take care of what!"

He Hongjin felt annoyed when talking about that matter. He Hongjin exhaled from his nose:

"After doing ideological education for the past few days, the commune leader said that after Chen Zhiqing finishes writing his self-criticism, he will let me bring him back and watch..."

"I'll just go and get the pen when I go back to the small education classroom, and this person will be gone!"

Chen Miaomiao ran away from the commune. Her household registration is still here and she cannot go anywhere else.

The director of the commune was afraid that Chen Miaomiao had limited mental endurance and would run off to jump into the pond or something, so he asked He Hongjin to come back and take a look.

If someone cannot be found in the production team, someone else must be arranged to find him.

If you make a mistake, you will have your own organization to restrain and reform you.

If the wrongdoer is allowed to commit suicide or cause other troubles, the nature will be different.

As He Hongjin was talking, he suddenly paused and asked urgently:

"Did Chen Zhiqing come to the house?"

Lu Miao's fall was very strange.

That Chen Zhiqing is always a narrow-minded person, but this matter...

Don't have anything to do with her!

Chen Guifen shook her head. She was not at home at that time, so she really didn't know.

However, He Hongjin felt that the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it. He glanced at the pink doll in Chen Guifen's arms and walked out of the main room in a hurry.

As soon as they stepped into the yard, the door latch of the side room was pulled open, and the female comrade who had attacked Zaohuaniang came out holding a bloody mass:

"Hurry, hurry up and find something to wrap it up!"

He Hongjin was just about to go out. When he saw the situation, he quickly went inside to get something.

Erbao is a girl, much smaller than the boy in front of her.

Lu Miao came out of her mother's womb one foot first, so it took a lot of effort for Lu Miao to be born.

Although the second baby was born at this moment, the situation was very bad.

Not to mention the bruise on her face, Zaohuaniang dug out the contents of her mouth, lifted her buttocks and slapped her hard several times, and her cries were as soft as a cat's meowing...

It doesn't look like it can be maintained.

Zaohuaniang looked at it and shook her head and sighed.

I originally thought about handing it to the child's mother to look at, but I saw the child's mother lying straight on the bed, staring blankly at the beams, and her heaving chest gradually flattened.

Zaohua Niang's scalp jumped and she quickly looked under Lu Miao.

This sight made Zaohua Niang break into a cold sweat.

Her skills in delivering babies, the leader of villages in ten miles and eight villages, may be ruined today.

Handing the small one to the woman next to her to send it out, Zaohua Niang hurriedly took action.

If the bleeding can be stopped, there is a way to survive. If it cannot be stopped, then...

"Good boy, you have given birth to a pair of children this time. As time goes by, blessings are yet to come! You must hold on!"

Lu Miao moved her fingers and her mood suddenly calmed down.

She felt as if she had no body, her whole body was light and airy, and she seemed to be getting colder and colder.

Listening to the words of encouragement in your ears can help you realize something.

Translucent tears rolled down the corners of her eyes. Lu Miao blinked her eyes without closing them, still staring blankly at the beams.

It was as if he no longer had the strength to move his eyes.

I'm so unhappy...

Her eldest and second child...

Her family, her happy life...

Lu Miao's lips moved, but Zaohua Niang didn't notice.

Enduring the pain, Lu Miao kicked her legs with all her strength. Only then did Zaohua Niang raise her head, and put her bloody hands close to her mouth:

"What's the matter child?"

"Call Fu...you to come in."

Her voice was sporadic and breathless, and some words were even inaudible.

As soon as Zaohua Niang heard her words, she knew what she meant and said quickly:

"Believe me, auntie, you can do it, you can definitely do it! Auntie will keep you safe, don't give up, kid, think about the two dolls, they are still waiting for you!" Lu Miao shook her head inaudibly, her hair sticky with sweat On the face, tears are still falling.

With the loss of blood, the temperature in the body is also dissipating, and mottled black spots seem to begin to appear in the vision.

Lu Miao could feel that she was dying...

She is really going to die...

"I can hold on, I can't hold on anymore, tell him...come, tell him to come..."


Pregnant women giving birth are always one step closer to death.

Medical conditions are poor in the countryside, and women give birth more often at home.

There are people lying in bed every year and in every village.

But this was the first time for Zaohuaniang to encounter such a thing.

Looking at the living life in front of me that is about to disappear,

Zaohua Niang took a deep breath and her eyes turned red.

Go call someone quickly.

The second treasure's condition is not good, and everyone in the courtyard is surrounding the second treasure.

Fu Jingyou was attracted by the elders' exclamations.

Thinking that it was Lu Miao and his child, and that Lu Miao had suffered a serious crime and gave birth to the child, I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

I followed him over to take a look at the situation.

Zaohuaniang came out and saw the situation in the courtyard. She didn't know how to open her mouth for a moment.

But thinking that the people in the room might not be able to hold on for much longer, Zaohuaniang stamped her feet and shouted:

"Xiao Liu, please take a look at your wife quickly! Your wife, I'm afraid your wife may not be able to survive!"



Fu Jingyou's heart trembled, and others in the courtyard exclaimed.

The two children, who had been on the ground for less than half a quarter of an hour, seemed to have expected something. They started to cry "humming" and "wow-la-la".

When the onlookers outside the He Family Courtyard heard Zaohuaniang's words, their discussions fell silent for a moment, and soon became noisy again.

"This is fate! What a pity, such a young girl..."

"Lu Zhiqing is such a good person...she is kind-hearted and the people in the village chew her tongue, but she is still willing to find ways to help everyone get rich together!"

The members had different opinions.

Feeling emotional,

There is regret.

But more people think that Lu Miao is like the predecessor of Guanyin in the old story, Princess Miaozhuang Miaoshan.

It is a Bodhisattva who has come down to earth for many kalpas. After doing good deeds and solving difficulties, he will return to heaven.

There is no place on earth where people can stay for such an immortal person.

As for Fu Jingyou, after Zaohuaniang's voice fell, he rushed into the house like the wind.

The smell of blood was strong in the house, and the basins and buckets were stained with the color of blood.

The bed under Lu Miao was even brighter red.

She was like a flower that had bloomed and dried up, like a flower that had dried up.

The bulging belly that used to be flattened, and the already thin body seemed to become even thinner.

The face and exposed arms were whiter than snow, with no blood at all.

The only obvious thing is the veins under the skin, which have a texture like a spider web.

She is usually so delicate and afraid of pain, but now, there is so much blood, so much blood!

How painful it must be!

Fu Jingyou's Adam's apple bulged, and his heart trembled with pain.

Unable to restrain himself anymore, he stepped forward and grabbed Lu Miao's wrist, trying to pick her up.

Fu Jingyou shed tears before he could speak:

"No, this won't work, Miaomiao, Miaomiao, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Today I will continue to ask for votes. Your votes are the motivation for Ah Yao! ! !

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