"They look just like the people in the ancient paintings we collected before...Who is this? Have you never seen him before?"

"I don't know. This is my first time meeting this person."

"Don't you know? I know. I saw Chief Lu at the door of the ward when I sent him to the hospital... This is Chief Lu's daughter."

"What? Real or fake? Chief Lu's daughter... isn't that the wife of the craftsman in the county's equipment team? I said before that she was dying, so what's the point?"

"What's the saying? Good people have their own destiny! Besides, you don't even think about how big a fight there was in our county last year?"

Talking about what happened last year, several comrades turned the corner together and went upstairs muttering:

"Yes... there are so many people and cars. I grew up in the county, and this is the first time I have seen it. There is also the execution ground. I heard that Chief Lu fired seven or eight shots at that time. I don't know if it is true. .”

"Don't they say that there is only one bullet in the execution gun? How can it be shot so many times?"

"Where's your brain? There's only one of others' brains. Who is Chief Lu?"

The speaker suddenly lowered his voice and gestured a thumbs up:

"This is what I am..."

Lu Miao was unaware of other people's comments.

She went to the phone window outside the reception room and first dialed the number of Lu Yuanzheng School Office.

I called several times but no one answered.

All the public officials in the communication room turned to look at Lu Miao.

Lu Miao frowned, feeling a little bad.

After hanging up the phone and thinking about it for a while, Lu Miao picked up the phone again and dialed the number in the alley in Beijing.

This time someone got through quickly.

"Hey, is this Master Hu?"

Lu Miao immediately stood up straight and corrected his tone:

"I am Comrade Lu Xiaobao from the alley next door. I used to go to your place to see Jinghuaer for a while, and you even taught me how to prick peach blossoms..."

Lu Miao explained the purpose of his visit, and the old master Huaerzuo in the alley asked his young apprentice to hire someone. Ask her to hang up and wait.

Lu Miao hung up the phone and waited patiently.

Fu Jingyou came over quickly and asked her what was going on.

Lu Miao shook her head and explained truthfully:

"No one answered the call at the office. I called the alley and they went over there to call someone. I'll call back later."

Fu Jingyou nodded and sat with her on the bench outside the communication room.

The summer breeze blew in from the passage under the stairs, making it extremely cool.

Lu Miao whispered to him:

"Even if you're not busy, it wouldn't be bad if you weren't there, right?"


Fu Jingyou shook his head:

"The county has made new moves a while ago. All the empty classrooms over there have been cleared. Occasionally, workers from large factories will go there to take literacy classes..."

His voice was already low and hoarse, but it became even more magnetic after being deliberately lowered.

Lu Miao felt her ears itching.

"Normally, the equipment team is fine. They either have free activities or join in the fun and participate in literacy... People who are assigned work also come through this way. I am here, everything is fine."

Lu Miao nodded and temporarily put aside his worries:

"I always told you to read books and newspapers before. I've been sleeping for so long, have you fallen behind?"

Fu Jingyouling opened her lips and suddenly fell silent.

Lu Miao gave him an "I knew it" look.

Her red lips opened and closed slightly, she sighed and said:

"Since you have this convenience now, when you are not busy, you should also participate in literacy classes... We also have a lot of old newspapers and books at home, so you should read more when you have time."

She slept for too long and passed directly from August 1975 to June 1976. Counting the time, the college entrance examination will be restarted next winter...

It seems like there is still a year and a half left, but in reality time flies by very quickly.

She has confidence in herself and does not insist on any key universities, but she will definitely have no problem getting into university.

She is only worried about Fu Jingyou...

As time goes on, in this special era, there are actually many opportunities, but that will be two years later.

Lu Miao thought that if they could enter college together, she and Fu Jingyou could take their baby to live in the city.

There is nothing wrong with being comfortable in the countryside and managing your life carefully.

It’s just that the medical conditions are poor.

Like any minor illness or pain, adults have strong antibodies and will pass after just one resistance.

Children are fragile and may suffer serious consequences at some point.

You can't dwell on these things. Whenever you think of the things and scenes that may happen, Lu Miao feels bored and panicked.

Now that we are outside, it is difficult to talk about the college entrance examination. Lu Miao frowned and asked seriously:

"Brother You, do you listen to me? Do you take my words to heart?"

Fu Jingyou had already sworn that as long as she woke up, he would listen to her in everything, and of course he would not go against her at this time.

"I'll listen to you, I'll listen to you. I'll start reading when I get back today, okay?"

Lu Miao's two fragrant red lips bulged, and then she nodded with satisfaction.

There is a clock on the wall inside the reception room.

Lu Miao stood up and took a look, calculating that the time was almost up, and dialed Jingshi Huaer again.

This time it was Tang Mei who answered the phone directly.

"Hey, Xiaobao, did something happen? Why did you call me so suddenly and in such a hurry?"

Listening to the familiar voice, Lu Miao's earlier worried mood relaxed slightly.

"There's nothing wrong with me here, but over there in Beijing...the phone number in Dad's office has been unreachable."

Lu Miao muttered as she spoke, a bit like a little girl throwing a tantrum:

"Didn't we agree before that you would come to Dabao and Erbao's first birthday? Why didn't you come suddenly?"

"Did something happen at home?"

Tang Mei hesitated and couldn't say a single word for a long time.

Lu Miao noticed something was wrong, glanced sideways at Fu Jingyou, and suddenly turned serious:

"Don't hide it from me. If you insist on hiding it from me, I will buy a ticket and go back tomorrow."

There were indeed some changes in the Lu family in Beijing, but Lu Yuanzheng had let it go earlier, so Tang Mei did not dare to go to Province H.

But Lu Miao has a bad temper, Tang Mei has seen this before.

As soon as Lu Miao got serious, Tang Mei said everything like pouring beans through a bamboo tube:

"Your dad violated discipline, and everyone here in Beijing is investigating... The superiors have suspended him from his job, and your dad hasn't been to school for a while."

Lu Miao felt a twitch in her heart, maybe it was political:

"what happened?"

On the other side of the microphone, Tang Mei's voice weakened again and gradually became silent again.

Lu Miao's chest rose and fell, and he felt dizzy. He moved a little, feeling a little unable to stand.

Fu Jingyou quickly stood up and helped her, "Don't worry about your emotions, take care of your body!"

Tang Mei also became nervous when she heard Fu Jingyou's voice:

"Don't be angry, everything is fine at home, everything is fine!"

"Reporting good news but not bad news, what's the point? Why don't you tell me if it's good?"

Lu Miao's face turned pale, and although her body was getting stronger day by day, she was still not sharp at all. (End of chapter)

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