Lu Miao said she wanted to eat crabs, so Fu Jingyou thought about going back and setting up a few cages as soon as possible.

If you harvest it two hours later, you should be able to gain more or less.

Come and take Lu Miao back when it's done.

In case she has to cook at home alone and take care of her first child and second child, she won't be able to do it.

Lu Miao nodded.

When Fu Jingyou walked out, he thought of something and looked at He Hongjin:

"Uncle, which house in the village has an unused cage chair? You can borrow it when you have time. Dabao and Erbao are very skinny. They usually go around and pull them around. Tie them up a little so they can keep them safe."

Forget about just one baby.

These are two babies. One of them usually crawls here and there, and the other one crawls here and there. It’s hard to see them alone.

They are not happy to always put them in the guardrail of the baby area. They are always crying in a hurry and throw away whatever they have on hand.

Sometimes I look annoyed but feel sorry for myself.

If there are cage chairs, you can put them next to the adults when they are busy.

It's much better to have two little things with someone by your side.

He Hongjin nodded: "I was only thinking about the rocking bed before, but I really didn't think about the cage chair. I'll ask about it later."

Fu Jingyou nodded, touched Erbao's soft haired head, and then pulled away.

"Mommy mommy……"

I haven't seen the adults for a day, and Erbao is extremely clingy right now.

After staring up at Lu Miao for a long time, Erbao amused himself, grabbing Lu Miao's clothes and laughing.

Chen Guifen held Dabao and sat next to Lu Miao.

Looking at Erbao's nearly three-inch long dark hair, he chattered:

"Sister, you haven't shaved your lanugo, have you? Old people say it's better to shave your lanugo, and the new ones that will grow back in the future will be better."

Lu Miao shook his head, but before he could speak, He Hongjin said:

"Those are all superstitions. What are you doing with them? My brother and sister's skin is so tender. What if they get injured? Why don't we suffer more?"

Lu Miao thought so too.

There is little basis for the claim that shaving lanugo makes children's hair grow better.

And shaving is equivalent to shaving. Children's skin is delicate and it is easy to get skin irritation.

Chen Guifen nodded, thinking so.

Lu Miao hugged Erbao and coaxed her. Thinking of something, she stood up and handed Erbao to He Hongjin and said:

"Uncle, aunt, please help me look after the children while I go to the educated youth center."


Chen Guifen nodded in response.

He Hongjin also said that he would pick up the second baby, but the second baby seemed to have expected something and grabbed his mother's collar and refused to let go.

He Hongjin held her buttocks, and she blushed, crying and disagreeing.

"Uh-huh...Mom, mom--"

Erbao struggled with his belly raised.

Lu Miao had no choice but to hug her again.

The little guy was like a human spirit. He put his arms around Lu Miao's neck and was healed immediately.

Lu Miao was helpless: "Forget it, I'll just hold her!"

Lu Miao glanced at Dabao worriedly, fearing that Dabao would also make a fuss.

Dabao looked like a tiger, and was held in Chen Guifen's arms, and was slapped and teased by He Hongjin, "geigeigei" with joy.

Lu Miao sighed and shook her head.

Holding Erbao, he approached the table and tidied it up.

The brown sugar he bought was for the He family. Lu Miao picked up another paper bag, left Dabao at the He family, and went to the educated youth point with Er Bao in her arms.

At this time of year, leaving after six o'clock is the right time to get off work.

This place near the entrance of Educated Youth Point is busy.

In front of the door, in the private plot near the corner of the pond, a few flat stones were piled up to create a new area for washing clothes.

When Lu Miao walked along the path beside the members' houses, Geng Xiaoyun was washing clothes.

Lu Miao held the baby in one hand and held the bag in the other and shook it:


Geng Xiaoyun raised his head, and the next second he quickly put down the clothes in his hands, stood up and walked over:

"Why are you here at this hour? I look at this little girl, she's so strange."

Erbao stared at Geng Xiaoyun with his black eyes. Geng Xiaoyun smiled and stepped forward to hug the second treasure.

"Mommy mommy."

Erbao quickly turned around and hugged Lu Miao tightly.

Geng Xiaoyun was happy, "Look at this little girl, do you think you don't want to be hugged anymore?"

"It's not about accepting life. Sometimes it gets a little stickier. It's coming from time to time."

Lu Miao laughed, handed her the paper bag, hugged Erbao and patted her:

"Buy some nuts, let's grab some for everyone to eat."

"You don't see me when you look up every day, so why did you buy this?"

"It's not something valuable."

Geng Xiaoyun was more respectful than obedient.

Looking at each other and smiling, the two walked back side by side.

Geng Xiaoyun looked at Erbao, who was holding Lu Miao's neck and lying on his shoulder, and said:

"This little girl is very popular. She looks more like you."

"is it?"

"Yes, look at her eyes, they are shaped like yours."

Lu Miao leaned back slightly and took a serious look at Erbao's eyes. They were dark and shiny, and the eyelashes on the upper eyelids were thick and dark, as if they had been lightly lined with eyeliner. They were big and round.

I didn't think that before, but after Geng Xiaoyun said he looked like her, she seemed to look a bit like him.

"Xia Xia~"

Lu Miao kissed Erbao's little face, hugged her and turned to Geng Xiaoyun:

"Auntie, call me auntie."

Geng Xiaoyun waved his hand: "What do you call aunt? I call you aunt, you call me aunt, do you know? Little Ya Dan'er."

In Geng Xiaoyun's hometown, my sister's children always call her sister aunt.

She treated Lu Miao sincerely and truly treated her like her own sister.

Lu Miao smiled, held Erbao's little hand and raised it:

"Auntie, Xia Xia, remember? This is aunt~"

Erbao's moist and red mouth pursed, and he murmured in a milky voice:

"Auntie, auntie!"

Lu Miao smiled.

Geng Xiaoyun was also happy and pinched Erbao's little face:

"You're so smart, little girl."

Erbao giggled, turned around and buried his little face into Lu Miao's neck.

Lu Miao patted her and walked to the door of the Educated Youth Point with Geng Xiaoyun.

"Is Xie Fei back?"

Lu Miao scanned the room where the male educated youth was and explained the purpose of his visit:

"I have something to ask him about."

It was soon time for everyone to prepare dinner. When she came over at this time, Geng Xiaoyun knew that something must be wrong with her.

He immediately said: "I'm back, I just saw it! I'll get you a stool to sit on, and I'll call someone for you!"

Lu Miao quickly took hold of Geng Xiaoyun:

"I won't sit down anymore. Please call Xie Fei for me. It's just a matter of a few words."

Geng Xiaoyun nodded, "Okay!"

Geng Xiaoyun called for help.

Xie Fei was quite surprised when he heard that Lu Miao was looking for him.

When he came out of the house, Lu Miao was chatting with someone in front of the female educated youth's door, holding her child in her arms.

Seeing him out of the corner of her eye, Lu Miao turned around and smiled, then approached him with her child in her arms.

Xie Fei was at a loss for a moment, then quickly realized what he was doing and walked towards Lu Miao:

"Lu Miao..."

Erbao turned his head when he heard the sound, his dark eyes as bright as freshly washed grapes.

Erbao looked straight at Xie Fei with a bulging face, and suddenly opened his arms towards Xie Fei.

Xie Fei was at a loss and actually stretched out his hand to hug the second treasure.

Lu Miao was also stunned and handed it to him. (End of chapter)

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