He Hongjin was getting older, and he started to feel drowsy after drinking half a bottle of liquor.

When it was getting dark outside, Chen Guifen said she would lead him back first, so as not to get too drunk and make it difficult to walk in the dark.

Lu Miao did not keep them.

The meat dishes prepared in advance for the banquet are almost ready, and there are still two untouched plates of reserved dishes at the back of the kitchen.

Lu Miao packed it up and asked Chen Guifen to take it back and cook it.

He Hongjin left, and Brother He and Fu Jingyou were still eating and chatting at the table.

Lu Miao held the second treasure in her arms, the big treasure lying on her knees, and Minjie sitting in front of her.

With three children, it was really hard to get around.

Lu Miao asked Tian Guihua to help fry another plate of peanuts and serve it to the table.

Let the two brothers at the table who don't usually see each other have a good time and have a good chat.

Tian Guihua helped clean up the kitchen.

Afraid that Fu Jingyou would become very drunk and no one would help Lu Miao at night, he boiled two pots of hot water and helped Lu Miao wash out the two younger children of the Fu family.

After that, I switched shifts with Lu Miao, helping to take care of the children and letting Lu Miao take a shower.

It was already eight or nine o'clock at night when the Fu family was completely tidied up.

Dabao fell asleep first.

Erbao was held in Lu Miao's arms and played with Minjie for a while, then yawned and fell asleep.

Lu Miao carried Erbao around for a while, and the little guy puffed out his mouth and fell asleep holding a piece of her braid in his hand.

Lu Miao put Erbao into the crib.

Tian Guihua hugged Minjie, and Brother He, whose face was red from drinking, also stood up and resigned.

Lu Miao walked them to the downhill area in front of the door and watched their blurry figures walk away before entering the house.

There was no sign of the man at home at the table, as if he had gone to rest in the house.

Lu Miao did not disturb Fu Jingyou, but was busy clearing away the dishes that were placed on the table.

Suddenly, a gentle "thumping" sound came from my ears.

Lu Miao looked up and saw that the person who had just disappeared appeared again.

His steps looked a bit wandering, but his hands quickly bolted the door.

"Why is the door bolted before these things are thrown out on the table?"

"You go and rest, I'll take care of it."

Fu Jingyou took the thing in her hand and pushed her aside.

Lu Miao stood at the table and looked at him:

"Can you do it?"

Fu Jingyou now works in the equipment team, and his usual work is not as exciting as before.

His skin color is not as dark as before, but a healthy wheat color.

I started drinking in the evening, and the two bottles of liquor at home were divided up.

Although his wine cup was small, he drank one cup after another.

At this moment, his face was also very red, and he looked very drunk.

"There's still hot water in the pot. You can add it, and then take a shower and rest! There's not much left here."

Can you say "Can you do it?" to a man?

Fu Jingyou's eyes were very dark and deep, and he wanted to tell Lu Miao that he would let her see if he was "ok" in a moment.

Before he could say anything, he suddenly thought of something and let go of the dishes in his hand:

"Then you clean up first and I'll take a shower."


Lu Miao nodded slightly.

Fu Jingyou fetched water to take a bath while she collected her things and tidied them up in the kitchen.

Thinking that Fu Jingyou drank too much, she was always worried that he would be uncomfortable at night.

I was also thinking about whether there was anything at home that could be used to sober up the drunkenness and let Fu Jingyou drink it before going to sleep.

Lu Miao was not slow in wiping the stove.

While he was frowning and thinking, his back suddenly pressed against a strong and hard chest like a wall.

Hot air sprayed out, and Lu Miao's ears turned red:

"What are you doing……"

He had washed up, but his breath still smelled faintly of alcohol.

I think he was a little drunk, so he seemed impatient and direct.

Lu Miao's cheeks turned crimson, her eyes shone with water, and she was a little drunk from his breath.

Fu Jingyou pinched her slender waist and pressed down slightly with his thumb, forcing her to support herself on the stove.

His Adam's apple rolled, he pressed against her, and kissed her hard on the side of her face:

"I was just clearing the table, you asked me if it was okay."

"...I'm worried that you're running around drunk, or that you might injure yourself accidentally!"

"I do not believe."

Fu Jingyou held her chin, and after she turned her face, he took her red rose lips and kissed her passionately.

"You don't believe this ghost..." Lu Miao couldn't bear the impact of his breath, and her voice was soft and tender:

"You're just using the topic to your advantage!"

"Just use the topic as an excuse!"

"You are shameless!"

Fu Jingyou's chest was numb, he pressed down on his narrow waist and hugged her tightly, humming and saying:

"They all say that anyone who wants face doesn't have a wife."

"Brother You~"

Lu Miao sobbed softly.

"Does it hurt?"

Lu Miao shook her head, sweat moistening the soft hair on her forehead. "want to."

Fu Jingyou kissed her earlobe, "What do you want?"

"Brother You!"

"Brother You is here."

Fu Jingyou's eyes suddenly darkened, his shoulders and back muscles were tense, and his aura was terrifying, but he hugged her gently and protected her.

He couldn't bear to hurt her at all.

Lu Miao felt a little uncomfortable. She subconsciously raised her chin and lowered her waist, shouting helplessly:

"Brother You~"

"I'm here……"

Fu Jingyou hugged her tightly.

"Second sister-in-law told you?"

Lu Miao pretended not to understand: "What did you say?"

He buried her deeply and kissed her lips:

"Don't hide it from me, I know."

Lu Miao trembled slightly, almost unable to stand.

Fu Jingyou turned her around, hugged her and sat on the chair beside the table.

Lu Miao softly wrapped her arms around his neck, her eyes filled with delicate moisture:

"Obviously you hid it from me first!"

"Don't want you to worry."

"Aren't you worried if you don't know?"

Fu Jingyou tightened her waist, which was tense for a moment, "I'm sorry."

Lu Miao let out a soft cry, tightened his grip, and inserted her slender fingers into his hair to touch the hideous scar:

"Does it hurt?"

Fu Jingyou shook his head.

Compared with the pain from the wound, he felt more pain in his heart at that time.

But none of that matters now.

He kissed the side of her face with attachment, his deep peach blossom eyes filled with tenderness, and his tone was charming and gentle:

"It'll be fine if you wake up."

This is the best defense for him.

Lu Miao's vision was blurred, she sniffed, straightened her waist and kissed him actively.

"From now on, I will stay with you...always."


The bamboo forest swayed one after another, and it started to rain in the lingering night.

The wind is sometimes strong and sometimes light, and the rain is sometimes slow and sometimes fast.

Big raindrops fell on the eaves of the green tiles, sometimes "ta-da-da", and sometimes "dong-dong-dong" eagerly.


As said that day, front, back, behind, sitting...

In places like the kitchen, Fu Jingyou worked hard.

Lu Miao lazily leaned in his arms and was carried back to the room by him.

She rested her head on his arm, which was limp and didn't want to move, but her fingers playfully pulled the slightly prickly hair on the side of his ear.

Fu Jingyou turned sideways, held her fingertips and kissed her.

After eating the marrow, he stood up, his broad back blocking the moonlight on Lu Miao's body.

The rain outside the window is still falling.

The people in the room embraced each other warmly.


Ayao: Who can understand this chapter? ? It makes my hair fall off writing!

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