Fu Jingyou understood, but this time he didn't apply the cream himself.

He held up Lu Miao's waist with both hands, lifted her directly to sit on his abdomen, and leaned against the bed together.

He brought his face close to Lu Miao and asked Lu Miao to wipe it for him. He patted Lu Miao's back and asked:

"You have taken good care of me. Look how tender my skin is."

"Damn it!"

Lu Miao glared at him.

Fu Jingyou laughed "hum hum" and let her soft hands smear it on his face:

"Why do you look unhappy again? Is the brat making trouble for you?"


Lu Miao told what she had heard during the day, and then asked again:

"What's going on over there with Xu Yao?"

"My head was broken and there was some blood. There seems to be something wrong with the kneecap of my left leg. The hospital said I need to be hospitalized for treatment."

"He has money?"

"If you were rich, would you be able to climb into a girl's bed and kill off your children and grandchildren?"


Lu Miao was speechless.

Fu Jingyou pinched her waist and asked her:

"Tell me, is he both worthless and shameless?"


Lu Miao was speechless by his question.

Yes for sure.

But he had never spoken like this in the past.

"Why don't you speak?"

Lu Miao said: "You have never spoken like this before."

"What kind?"


Lu Miao shook her head, hooked her arm around his neck and asked:

"Brother You, will you feel any psychological burden if you are with me?"

For example, would he feel that her family background is stronger than his, making him unable to hold his head up, making him feel like he was barging in the door upside down?

When Fu Jingyou heard this, he knew that she was overthinking.

"Don't think so wildly. Didn't you say that we are equal and fair?"

"Miaomiao, I love you and want to give you the best..."

He kissed her ear carefully, his deep eyes flickered with the light of the kerosene lamp, and he said piously:

"Love is tolerance, love is acceptance, love is because of who you are...True love does not care about who is taller and who is lower."

"If I can't give you a better life, then I will go find your father."


Lu Miao kissed him, her eyes widened slightly and asked:

"What are you doing with my dad?"

"Tell him that I will cut in the door and let him pour all his resources into you and the children."

Lu Miao slapped him with a proud face: "Is there something wrong with you?"

Fu Jingyou grabbed her hand and chuckled:

"You think it's dishonorable? Disgraceful?"

"What's so glorious and honorable about this!?"

"You are my wife, and Mingyi Mingxia is my son and daughter. What is good to you is what is good to me. What does it matter if outsiders think it is not respectable? Maybe they are just jealous of me."

"Jealous that I have such a capable wife, such a smart son and daughter, and a father-in-law who cares so much about my son-in-law."

Fu Jingyou hugged Lu Miao and continued to pat her back as if coaxing a child.

"Tell me, just pick one of these out, which one wouldn't be enviable? Let alone so many of them superimposed on top of each other."

"Glib tongue!"

Fu Jingyou laughed softly, "How can this be glib? This is love, Miaomiao, and it is not the same thing as Xu Yao's planning and calculation. This is not a shame, do you understand Miaomiao?"


Lu Miao nodded in a muffled voice, then moved forward and hugged his neck tightly, her eyes moist with emotion.

Fu Jingyou turned back to the topic and chatted:

"Xu Yao's medical expenses were all paid for by the team. He will have to repay the money later because his leg will never recover."

"What do you mean? Didn't you pay for his medical expenses?"

"He was only given five days of padding, and he was injured for a hundred days. The doctor said he would have to be hospitalized for at least a month and a half, and he would also need to wear a plaster. The whole package cost ten or twenty yuan... The team only spent a few dollars. It’s Tian’an’s birthday? How can I have so much money to pay for him?”

Lu Miao nodded and talked about Zaohua again:

"Listening to Tian Zao, Zao Hua is probably going to have a relationship with him... We are young and it's hard to say anything. Can you go out and talk to your uncle and aunt tomorrow?" "Huh?"

"If you can't persuade me not to marry, I won't get married. If you really can't persuade me to get married, you have to get married, so you have to prove it."

Lu Miao took Fu Jingyou's hand and clasped it in his palm, but then said seriously:

"Don't think that the marriage certificate is just one page, but it is a guarantee."

Saying this, Lu Miao became worried again.

It's true that the marriage certificate is a guarantee, but it's hard to say whether Zaohua, with her easy-to-deceive temperament, can keep this guarantee.

Fu Jingyou thought for a while and said:

"It's easy to talk about the marriage certificate. If you don't get married... Miaomiao, you don't understand. The village takes this aspect seriously, and rumors will drive people to death."

Lu Miao frowned slightly, pursed her lips and thought for a moment, then said:

"Then when you go there, emphasize the importance of this marriage certificate to your uncle and aunt. If the educated youth returns to the city in the future and Xu Yao refuses to admit that he wants to run away, this piece of paper will be the only thing that can restrain him."

Do you want to deny the debt or get a divorce?

Okay, then bring the money.

Do you just think about the benefits and want to leave at the end of the day?

How could such a good thing happen! ?

"I know, don't worry about these things... go to bed first?"


Lu Miao nodded slightly.

It wasn't that she was bothered.

It just doesn't feel good.

In addition, because Zaohuaniang had given birth to her, she always felt that she owed her a favor.

It's not good to come forward openly about this matter, so just help run the operation in private.

Zaohua's good life from now on is her own responsibility.

If her life is not good, she has done her best, so she will naturally not feel bad again.

Lu Miao straightened her back and groped her way off Fu Jingyou.

As soon as she made a move, Fu Jingyou pulled her back again.

The moon in the gap between the leaves outside the window is so big.

In the window, Fu Jingyou pushed up her little gown, and put his rough palm against her lower back, forcing her to move forward and straighten her chest.

His Adam's apple rolled, he kissed her, and then changed the kiss to his mouth in a terrible way.

"Um...don't you mean sleeping?"

Lu Miao shuddered and tightened her knuckles on his strong arm.

Fu Jingyou held the peach in both hands and looked at it, "It's time to go to bed. Feed my sister first and then go to sleep."

Under the kerosene lamp, the black Lingling eyes were surprisingly bright:

"Where is the box of condoms that I opened yesterday? Why didn't I find them in the drawer?"

"Didn't you mean... I was afraid that my uncle and aunt would come looking for something and see something bad, so I put it away."

Yes, but you will get pregnant if you don't wear it.

Fu Jingyou kissed her and asked in a deep voice:

"Where did you put it?"

"Then, there..."

Lu Miao pointed to the small cupboard at the end of the bed.

What's the saying?

If you have broad shoulders, it’s better to cross your legs, and if you have a narrow waist, it’s better to cross your legs.

Lu Miao didn't know where he got the strength and ideas to play so well, so he crossed her legs around his waist and walked to the end of the bed.

She was like the essence of a begonia flower, her whole body was pink, she buried her face shyly in his arms, and whispered:

"Turn off the lights!"

"It doesn't matter, I like looking at you."


She moaned and acted coquettishly like the second child usually did when she asked her parents to hold her.

"No~! Brother You, Brother You, turn off the lights!"


Fu Jingyou had no choice but to obey her.

The gluttonous sister had already burst into tears.

As soon as he attached it, he ate it bit by bit.

Fu Jingyou had a smile in his eyes, and in the dim moonlight, he encouraged her to eat more...

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